
The Village IX: Ashton Mckee

"Here is a map of the forest. But just because we have the map doesn't mean we can lower our guards. We have to find the core," said General Evon, who asked the head villager to guide us. "As everyone in this room knows. The core is the hardest part to find."

"Asides from that, we'll be encountering more possessed men and animals. That's why this time we can't enter as a big group," Gin points his finger at the map. "The dark spirits are only using the core as a bait for us to be trapped."

"That is right," General Evon agreed with Gin. "So we have to intentionally take the bait and turn the tables around."

"Only those who are strong enough will enter the third area. While the others will be prohibited for a reason," said Gin. "We can't risk our men turning into possessed men."