
Northern Hour

Elio is struggling to get over his past, he’s scarred and will never be the same. Without warning, a deadly virus breaks out on his home planet, and his world comes crashing down. Elio finds himself thrust into a world of chaos, void of any order. Murder, Theft, and Various Heinous crimes take center stage on a Silver Train. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, I'm still new to writing, so there may be grammatical errors at first. The horror/thriller aspect comes out later on in the story. Also the really juicy parts of the novel take a while to get to but i promise it'll be worth the wait!

FiaVillin · 灵异恐怖
17 Chs

Stormy Night

As the Beauwe A890 touched down at Laqoni international airport, Noreen, the relieved passengers let out a collective sigh. But for Eleanor, the sense of relief was mixed with fear and anxiety. Even though they were now far away from Hurricane Elias, the memory of the storm was still fresh in her mind.

During the flight, Eleanor had switched seats with Alice, just so she could be closer to her younger brother Elio. As the plane shook and bumped through the turbulence, Eleanor had clung onto Elio for dear life. The fear of the storm had made her feel vulnerable and scared, and the only comfort she could find was in her brother's presence.

But Elio was still recovering from the headache he had developed earlier in the flight, and he felt slightly annoyed with Eleanor's clinginess. He wanted to be left alone, to rest and recover. But he could see how scared she was, and he didn't want to push her away.

As the plane taxied to its gate, Cairo, the captain of the plane, came on the intercom and announced that they had landed safely. The passengers let out another sigh of relief, and Eleanor finally let go of her brother's arm.

"Are you okay?" Elio asked, still feeling the effects of the headache.

Eleanor nodded, but she still looked shaken up. "I don't want to go through that again," she said, her voice trembling.

"I know," Elio said, putting a comforting arm around her. "We're safe now."

As Elio and Eleanor grabbed their carry-on luggage from the overhead compartment and made their way off the Beauwe A890, they were relieved to be on solid ground once again. As they exited the plane and made their way through the airport, Eleanor still clung onto Elio's arm.

They looked around for their parents, hoping to see them waiting for them. And there they were, just a few feet away.

But as they approached their parents, they noticed something was wrong. Their mother, Opal, was visibly shaken, with tear stains on her face and her makeup ruined. Her eyes were swollen from crying too much, and her whole body was shaking.

Elio and Eleanor exchanged a worried look before walking over to their parents. Their father, Ian, was wrapping a blanket around Opal's shoulders, trying to comfort her as best he could.

"Mom, what's wrong?" Elio asked, putting a hand on her shoulder.

Opal looked up at her son, her eyes red and puffy. "It's just been a very scary day," she said, her voice trembling.

Eleanor could see how much her mother was struggling, and she felt a pang of guilt for not realizing it sooner; the storm terrified not only her. She walked over and wrapped her arms around Opal, holding her tight.

"It's okay, Mom," she said softly. "We're all here now, and we're safe."

Ian looked up at his children and gave them a small smile. "Thank you for being here for your mother," he said. "It means a lot to the both of us."

As they stood there, huddled together in the airport, Elio and Eleanor could feel the tension slowly begin to dissipate. The storm may have caused damage and destruction, but it also brought them all closer together. And in that moment, that was all that mattered.

As she pulled away from the hug, Eleanor noticed that her brother Elio's face was still pale.

"Elio, are you okay?" she asked, putting a hand on his shoulder.

Elio looked up at his sister, his face still drawn and tired. "I'm fine," he said, but his voice sounded weak and unconvincing.

Eleanor wasn't convinced. She remembered how Elio had turned pale on the plane earlier, just before the hurricane hit. She worried that whatever had caused him to feel sick then was still affecting him now.

"Are you sure?" she asked, her voice tinged with concern.

Elio nodded, but he looked like he was about to faint. Ian noticed his son's condition and came over to him.

"What's wrong, Elio?" he asked, putting a hand on his son's forehead.

Elio tried to push his father's hand away, but he was too weak. "I don't know," he said. "I just don't feel very well."

Opal stepped forward and took Elio's other arm, looking just as worried as her daughter. "Let's get you home," she said. "You need to rest. Everyone needs to rest."

Eleanor could see the worry etched on her parents' faces, and she knew that they needed to get Elio home as soon as possible. She picked up Elio's carry-on luggage and tossed it over her shoulder.

"Come on, let's go," she said, taking his arm and helping him walk.

As they made their way through the airport, Eleanor couldn't help but worry about her brother. She hoped that he would be okay, that whatever was wrong with him would go away soon. All she could do was be there for him, to support him and help him through this difficult time.

Ian led his family through the busy airport to the baggage claim area, where they retrieved their suitcases. Opal quickly pulled out her phone from her purse and dialed a taxi as their car was stored away in a Vehicle Storage Facility before they went on vacation.

Eleanor noticed that her brother, Elio, seemed to be getting worse. She put a hand to his forehead and felt the heat radiating from his skin. Elio was unresponsive and Eleanor's worry grew as his temperature continued to rise.

"Elio, are you okay?" Eleanor asked, shaking her brother's arm gently.

But there was no response from Elio, and her parents quickly rushed over to see what was going on.

"What's wrong with him?" Opal asked, her voice filled with concern.

"He's running a fever," Eleanor said, worry etched on her face. "We need to get him out of here. He has some medication in his bag, but we should set him down somewhere comfy first."

The family quickly gathered their belongings and made their way out of the airport. A few minutes later, the taxi that Opal had called arrived. Eleanor helped Elio into the backseat, trying to make him as comfortable as possible.

Ian helped Opal into the taxi before turning to help the driver load their suitcases into the trunk. As they climbed into the vehicle, Eleanor couldn't help but feel anxious. She knew that something was seriously wrong with her brother.

Eleanor removes a tiny, tall plastic bottle from Elio's backpack. Inside are about 50 tiny capsules with an unusual silver tint. She pulls one out, opens the capsule, and finds a small white pill inside. "Here, chew slowly."

The hovercar taxi lifted off the ground, hovering just above the pavement before smoothly accelerating down the road. The wind whipped past the windows, and Eleanor could see the worried looks on her parents' faces as they made their way through the bustling city.

Ian instructs the taxi driver to take them directly to the vehicle storage facility so they can retrieve their car. Originally, they planned to save money by riding the bus, but he is willing to pay the extra cost.

As the taxi pulls up to the vehicle storage facility, Ian jumps out and hurries inside to retrieve their car. Eleanor watches from the back seat as her father goes through the necessary procedures to verify his identity and retrieve the hover car. After a few minutes, Ian emerges from the facility with the car and a sense of relief washes over the family.

Opal pays the taxi driver and begins unloading their suitcases and luggage while Ian helps Eleanor get Elio into the back seat. She adjusts the air conditioning to make sure he's comfortable and then sits next to him. Elio tosses and turns, muttering something incoherent in his sleep.

Eleanor strokes his forehead and whispers soothingly to him, hoping to calm his troubled mind. The family's belongings are quickly loaded into the trunk of the car and before long, they're ready to hit the road towards Hacrago.

Meanwhile, Ian expertly navigates the car through the busy streets of Laqoni. Opal sits quietly in the front passenger seat, staring out the window with a worried expression. The car zips past towering skyscrapers and bustling marketplaces, but the family seems to be in a world of their own.

The family is quiet for a few moments, the only sound being Elio's labored breathing in the back seat. Eleanor watches her brother closely, worrying about his condition.

Opal breaks the silence, "Thank goodness we have the car, it would have been a nightmare trying to get around with Elio in this condition on a bus."

Ian nods in agreement, "Our family's safety and well-being always come first."

Eleanor looks out the window, taking in the passing scenery, but her mind is still focused on her brother's condition. She hopes they can get home quickly so that Elio can rest and recover.

As they leave the city limits and enter the countryside, the car speeds down quiet roads and past picturesque landscapes. The sun begins to set, casting a golden glow over the fields and hills. But the beauty of the scenery is lost on the family, who are preoccupied with Elio's condition.

Eleanor continues to comfort her brother, gently wiping the sweat off his forehead. Ian occasionally glances back at them in the rearview mirror, his brow furrowed with concern. Opal sits with her hands tightly clasped in her lap, deep in thought.

As they approach their hometown of Baycoast, the car slows down and turns onto their street. The familiar sights and sounds of their community welcome them home, but the family is too worried about Elio to feel any sense of relief. They pull onto the side of the road, and Ian quickly jumps out to help his son into the house.

Most houses in Baycoast didn't have driveways, residents born in the area preferred their lush green lawns to dark gray concrete paths.

As they settle Elio into his bed, the family tries to figure out what could be causing his fever and nightmares. They all agree that they need to find answers and get Elio the help he needs. But for now, they can only wait and hope for a better tomorrow.

Laqoni's weather has always been unpredictable. The weather would be beautiful one day and soaking the next, so the sudden downpour didn't bother the Giles family, but it did make the atmosphere gloomy while they waited for dawn.


Elio stands in front of the mirror, staring at his reflection. His eyes look tired, his hair is messy and his face is still pale. He can feel his heart beating faster as he thinks about the events of yesterday. His hands start to shake slightly as he reaches for the handle of the shower, trying to steady himself.

As the water starts to pour down, Elio tries to focus on the sensation of the warm water against his skin. But his mind keeps wandering back to the hurricane and the pills that he took on the way back home. He can't help but feel uneasy about what's inside those pills.

The only thing he knows about the pills is that he has to take one if he has a severe headache. Since his accident when he was five, his grandfather had been sending him those capsules. His grandfather presumably obtains them from a trusted acquaintance, and while his grandfather constantly claims that there's nothing wrong with the pills, Elio has an unsettling feeling in the back of his mind.

Elio's thoughts are interrupted by a sudden jolt of anxiety, causing him to step back from the showerhead. He takes a deep breath and tries to calm himself down, telling himself that he's safe and that nothing bad is going to happen.

But the fear won't go away. Elio's haphephobia and mysophobia are kicking in, making him feel uneasy and uncomfortable in his own skin. He tries to ignore the feeling, but it's too strong. He starts to wash himself quickly, trying to get out of the shower as soon as possible.

Finally, he turns off the water and steps out of the shower, droplets of water still clinging to his skin. He takes a deep breath and tries to calm himself down, knowing that he has a long day ahead of him. He wraps a towel around his waist and walks over to his walk-in closet. As he opens the door, the scent of freshly laundered clothes fills the air. Elio surveys the neatly arranged clothes hanging on the racks before selecting a simple yet stylish outfit.

He turns to the full-length mirror and gazes at his reflection. Elio's body is slender, with a gently curved waistline that gives him a triangular shape. His skin is pale, almost porcelain, and the soft curls of his ginger hair frame his face. His eyebrows are thin and softly angled, perfectly complementing his expressive eyes, which are a striking shade of sage-green and sit close together.

Freckles scatter across his chest, adding a touch of whimsy to his otherwise serene appearance. Elio's lips are thin, but they are well-formed, lending his face a delicate and refined look. He takes a moment to admire his reflection, then shakes his head and chuckles softly at his vanity. With a smile, he turns away from the mirror and heads out of his bathroom, hoping that he can face the day ahead of him.

Elio's attention is then drawn to a faint meowing coming from outside, and he turns towards the balcony door. He opens it, and a fresh gust of wind blows into the room, causing the curtains to flutter. Elio steps outside and sees his pet cat, Annora, lying on the hammock. She stretches out her paws and yawns, then loses her balance and falls to the ground. Elio chuckles and picks her up, holding her close to his chest. Annora meows in gratitude and jumps out of his arms, running off to play with her toys.

Elio returns to his room and shuts the balcony door behind him. He then notices a letter on his desk that was likely left by his mother the night before; his father rarely touches his mail, and he's forbidden Eleanor from looking at his mail because she always opened the letters before he did.

Elio walks over to his desk and sits down, eyeing the letter with curiosity. The initials "L.U" catch his attention and he chuckles to himself. He carefully opens the letter and pulls out a piece of paper. The paper is thick and of high quality, indicating that this letter is of importance. The words on the paper are written in elegant cursive, the writer's handwriting neat and tidy.

Elio starts reading the letter on his desk and raises an eyebrow at what he finds in it. The sender complained about his work problems, how horrible his cafeteria food tasted, and his nosy coworkers in the letter. In a later line, the letter's sender asks about Elio's well-being and, assuming he has returned home safely from his trip, bids him farewell. "From your gorgeous savior, L.U," the letter concludes.

Elio's laughter echoes in the quiet of his room. He couldn't believe the sender, L.U, had the audacity to call themselves his "gorgeous savior". Elio had always found the sender's flattery to be amusing, but he appreciated the concern for his well-being.

He puts down the letter and smiles, feeling grateful for the small gestures of kindness in his life. The sender's letter may have been lighthearted and silly, but it reminded Elio of the importance of genuine connections and human interaction in a world that can often feel lonely and disconnected.

Elio folded the letter and put it into the envelope before opening a drawer in his desk and removing a bundle of letters. They were all from the same person, and Elio had saved all of their interactions in the year since they first met. Even though Elio hadn't seen his face, he was grateful to his newfound pen pal for taking the time out of their busy schedule to send him letters.

Elio untied the knot on the bundle of letters, placed the most recent letter in the pile, retyped the knot, and placed the bundle of letters back into the drawer.

Elio steps out of his room and makes his way towards the staircase, his footsteps echoing through the hallway. As he passes his father's study, he hears voices coming from within, the sound of his father's voice and some unfamiliar ones. He continues down the stairs and finds his sister, Eleanor, already eating breakfast. The smell of bacon and eggs wafts through the air, making his stomach growl. Their mother is busy cleaning the kitchen, wiping down the counters and putting away dishes.

It's clear that they've woken up late and the rest of the family has already eaten.

"Good morning, Elio," his mother greets him as she turns to face him. "Feeling any better?"

"I'm feeling better, thanks," Elio replies with a small smile.

"Good. If you're going out later, make sure you eat some breakfast," she advises him kindly.

Elio nods and heads towards the kitchen counter, where his mother has set out a plate of bacon and eggs for him. He takes a seat next to Eleanor and starts to eat.

Eleanor suggests that she and Elio go to Clovers Bakery after breakfast and eat Elio's favorite cake roll. Elio agrees, and they tell their mother they'll be back in time for lunch.

Elio and Eleanor step out of the front door, and immediately, they spot the gardening robot Avi, tending to the flower beds in front of their house. Avi, with its sleek metallic exterior, is almost indistinguishable from a real human. It stands at a towering height, with long arms and a set of articulated fingers that it uses to water and prune the flowers with delicate precision.

"Good morning, Avi!" Eleanor greets the robot cheerfully, giving it a friendly wave.

"Good morning, Miss Eleanor and Mr Elio," Avi replies in a serene tone. "It is a beautiful day today, is it not?"

Elio chuckles at the robot's formal tone. "Yes, it is. Have a good day, Avi," he says before he and his sister continue on their way.

As they walk away, they can hear Avi continue with its tasks, the sound of water splashing onto the soil as it diligently carries out its programmed duties. Turning his head after making sure the pair of siblings walked past him, Avi's eyes scanned them as if to ensure they are in good health.

The warm sunlight bathes the street as they make their way to the bus stop. It's a peaceful morning with a few people out and about, and they enjoy the quietness of the neighborhood. The sound of chirping birds and rustling leaves fill the air, making the morning feel like it's been lifted straight out of a painting.

Elio and Eleanor sit on the bench at the bus stop, surrounded by the sounds of their quaint little town. Elio's eyes are glued to his phone screen, reading something interesting while Eleanor has her earbuds in, lost in her own world of music. The breeze picks up slightly, causing a pair of birds perched on a nearby tree branch to take flight, soaring gracefully into the clear blue sky. As the bus pulls up to the curb, its brakes hiss and the doors swing open.

Eleanor notices the birds taking flight and looks up at them as the sun shines down on her. Elio calls out to her, and she follows him onto the bus. They scan their terminals on a machine in front of the bus driver's seat before proceeding inside.

As the doors of the bus close with a hiss, the driver starts the engine and the vehicle rumbles to life. The sound of the engine fills the air, drowning out the chatter of the other passengers. Elio and Eleanor walk towards the middle of the bus, looking for empty seats. The floor of the bus vibrates slightly as it drives through the streets, and the bus turns a corner with a gentle sway.

Elio grabs onto a pole to steady himself, his eyes fixed on the passing scenery outside. Buildings, people, and cars fly by in a blur, the noise of the town filling his ears. Eleanor sits down in a nearby seat and takes out her phone, scrolling through social media. The bus jolts slightly as it hits a bump on the road, and some of the passengers grunt in annoyance.

The device in front of the bus driver retracts into the floor with a soft whirring sound, indicating that everyone has successfully scanned their terminals. The driver expertly maneuvers through the busy streets, avoiding pedestrians and other vehicles with ease. The air conditioning hums softly, providing relief from the heat outside. The journey to Clovers Bakery has begun.


"Ugh! It's so freaking hot outside today!" Eleanor grumbles as they walk through Hacrago's bustling streets. Clovers Bakery was a well-known establishment in Hacrago; it was so popular that people had to wait in line for hours just to get inside and order refreshments.

Eleanor and Elio make their way down the street, their pace quickening as they approach their destination. The colorful storefront of Clovers Bakery comes into view, its sign adorned with a cheerful clover logo. They see that the line is relatively short, and they pick up the pace, hoping to get on line before it grows any longer.

As they reach the bakery, the aroma of freshly baked goods fills their nostrils, making their mouths water in anticipation. They join the queue, glancing at the display case of delectable treats. They chat and joke, passing the time while they wait for their turn to enter the store.

The line in front of Elio and Eleanor decreases over time, and soon they're standing right in front of the bakery's entrance, staring at the double doors. They enter the bakery and are overcome with nostalgia.

The hustle and bustle of the busy bakery surrounds them, with the sound of the register ringing up orders and the chatter of other customers filling the air.

As a young woman greets them at the entrance of the bakery, Elio and Eleanor's mouths start to water in anticipation. The sweet aroma of freshly baked goods fills their nostrils, making it hard to resist the temptation of devouring everything in sight. As they get in line to order, they notice the cozy decor of the bakery with shelves stacked with freshly baked bread, pastries, and cakes. The soft melody of jazz music plays in the background, creating a relaxed atmosphere.

Finally, it's their turn to order, and they can barely contain their excitement. Eleanor steps forward and confidently orders two chocolate cream rolls while Elio nods in agreement. The baker behind the counter, a middle-aged man with a warm smile, takes out two perfectly baked rolls from behind the glass display and hands them to the siblings. The rolls are still warm to the touch and the aroma of rich chocolate and creamy filling wafts up to their noses, causing their stomachs to grumble in anticipation.

As Elio pays for the rolls, the young woman at the entrance unlocks the door, allowing a few more customers to enter. The seats inside the bakery are all occupied, so Elio and Eleanor exit the bakery and find a nearby bench to enjoy their treats. The first bite of the chocolate cream roll is pure bliss, the rich, silky smooth chocolate and creamy filling bursting with flavor in their mouths. They both savor every bite, enjoying the moment and the taste of the bakery's heavenly treats.

"Mmm! It tastes exactly as I remember~" Eleanor sighs as she finishes the last piece of her cake roll, the warm sun shining down upon them. Elio takes the empty box that used to contain the cake rolls and places it in a nearby trash can. The trash can beeps, flashes green, and then stops.

Elio, checking his phone and noting the time, insists that they need to head back home soon, as it's almost time for lunch.

"Eh~ Can't we stay a little longer?"

Elio ignores her and starts walking briskly towards the nearest bus station. Eleanor follows behind him, her voice rising in protest as she complains about how they never get to have any fun. But Elio remains resolute, his eyes fixed on the road ahead. They reach the bus station, and Elio scans his terminal before entering the bus. Eleanor reluctantly follows behind, still grumbling under her breath as they find a seat and settle in for the ride home.


Elio and Eleanor push open the front door and step inside their home. The smell of dinner wafts through the air as they kick off their shoes and walk towards the living room. There, they see Annora sprawled out on the couch, a lazy meow escapes her as she welcomes them back home. Opal stands in the kitchen, stirring a pot on the stove. She looks up and smiles warmly as she sees her children return.

"Welcome back, my loves! Did you have a good time?" she asks.

Eleanor eagerly tells her mother about their successful trip to the bakery, while Elio simply rolls his eyes and heads towards the couch. Annora barely glances up as he sits down next to her, engrossed in whatever she's looking at on the tv.

Opal chuckles at Elio's attitude, used to his behavior. "Dinner will be ready soon, so go wash up, kids," she says before returning to her cooking.

Elio gets up and heads to his bathroom while Eleanor chats with her mom about her day.

Elio makes his way upstairs and enters his room. He moves toward the bathroom, pressing a button to turn on the shower and the sound of running water from his personal bathroom begins to fill the air. He quickly undresses and steps into the shower, letting the warm water cascade over his body, washing away the sweat and grime of the day. After a few minutes, he turns off the water and grabs a towel, drying himself off before stepping out.

He walks over to his closet, and opens the doors. Inside, he finds a variety of clothing options, but he decides on a soft, gray t-shirt and a pair of loose-fitting shorts. He quickly dresses and heads back downstairs, feeling refreshed and comfortable in his new clothes.

Elio walks into the dining room and sees his family sitting around the large wooden table, the plates are filled with steaming hot food that smells delicious. His mother is busy pouring glasses of water while his father is already digging into his meal. Elio takes a seat next to Eleanor and his father asks how their day was.

As they eat, the sounds of forks and knives clinking against plates fill the room, mixed with the occasional sound of someone sipping water. The conversation is light and casual, chatting and laughing as they enjoy the meal together. With the occasional jokes.