
Nomenclature of Night

This is a MTL translation This is a Copy-Paste from https://www.mtlnovel.com/nomenclature-of-night/ This is more of an original novel than a fanfic, but because it has elements of SCP I thought it was better to put in here This is one of the best, if not the best online novel that I read. The MC is smart, calculist, corageous, calm. This novel is different from the others Chinese novels, give it a try. Updates will be 2 chapters a day. Mtlnovel sinopses: In the blue and purple neon, under the dense steel sky, the front end of the data torrent is the world after the technological revolution, and it is also the boundary between reality and illusion. Steel and body, past and future. Here, the outer world and the outer world coexist, and everything in front of you is like a wall of time. Darkness gradually shrouded. But you have to understand, my friend, we can’t deal with darkness with gentleness, we have to use fire.

Kliemann · 其他
110 Chs

Chapter 91: Inner demon

Outside the inn is a chaotic world, and inside the inn is an empty corridor.

Qing Chen carried Glock 34 and walked outside.

In fact, Ye Wan was right. Although Qing Chen was cautious, he was never ischemic.

It's like he arrived at prison 18 after crossing, never ask anyone to get around, even in a black box, or facing waterboarding.

With a **** nature, he has achieved himself with a life-to-death attitude.

This is the fundamental reason Li Shutong valued him.

Compared with the talent of super memory state, Li Shutong has always cared more about xinxing.

Either because no one has ever waited for him behind him, or he never missed the past, Qing Chen has always been on the way forward, never looking back or regretting it.

At this time, Wang Yun ran out of a certain room.

When she saw Qing Chen in the corridor, her eyes were full of surprises, but she was not so familiar with Qing Chen, so she didn't recognize it at all.

Qing Chen looked at the other party coldly, and saw that the other party's clothes were neat and tidy, there was no sign of being overwhelmed, and the makeup was still exquisite.

"You..." Wang Yun was stunned when she saw the masked Qing Chen.

The next moment, Qing Chen raised his hand and fired four shots, two shots empty, and the last two shots accurately hit the girl's left and right legs.

Then he continued to move forward without any pause.

Qing Chen suddenly discovered that he had a talent for using firearms.

When everyone uses firearms, they must use a lot of ammunition to "feed" the sense of the gun.

The gun feel is the familiar recoil, the familiar ejection speed, the familiar ballistic modification process, and the familiar reaction of the arm muscle group at the moment of firing.

But for all of this, Qing Chen only needs to fire a few shots to firmly constrict all perceptions in his mind.

So the first two shots he fired at Wang Yun missed, but the second two shots have accurately corrected the trajectory.

Wang Yun wailed behind him.

Qing Chen's heart did not fluctuate.

Many things are connected in series at this moment.

On September 30th, among the four people who usually go to school together, only Wang Yun came to the school alone, early, and made an appointment with Nan Gengchen.

During the whole day, Liu Dezhu, Hu Xiaoniu, Zhang Tianzhen, and Bai Wan'er gathered in the corridor when they were in between classes, but Wang Yun did not leave the classroom, but stayed depressed in their seats for a day.

Therefore, when Qing Chen noticed that an inner ghost had informed the gangsters of the schedule, the other party might even temporarily modify the schedule in order to cooperate with tonight's actions.

So, he asked Liu Dezhu: Who proposed the revised itinerary.

At that time Liu Dezhu replied: Bai Wan'er.

But Qing Chen thought subconsciously, this was unreasonable.

Because in his memory, Wang Yun was the most suspected one.

Bai Wan'er was not the answer he wanted.

It now seems that something must have happened the night when the gangster arrived at Jiang Xue's house that caused the other person's temperament to change the next day, and the relationship between the four people was also alienated.

In the end, when the gangster took away Wang Yun against logic and suddenly took away Nan Gengchen, Qing Chen had already determined his conjecture.

Gangsters can't be so stupid, in this kind of crisis.

The other party must take the opportunity to take Wang Yun away and find a suitable place to exchange information.

However, after the other party took Wang Yun away, he immediately took away Nan Gengchen.

Qing Chen believes this is not a coincidence.

Therefore, when he hit Wang Yun in the corridor, he chose to shoot.

This may be the coldest side of Qing Chen, but the hottest.

For some reason, when he thought of a corpse in that yard, he felt that he could not let the girl leave safely.

Qing Chen didn't want to avenge anyone, after all, he had no friendship with the two Kunlun members, nor did he have any friendship with the innkeeper.

It's just that he is thinking that someone will always pay for this matter.

Laojun Mountain is a scenic spot hidden in the mountains, even if there are more tourists, there will be no pedestrians on the street after 1 o'clock in the evening.

The restaurants on the street will also be closed, only the street lights are still on.

However, the movement of the Yunshang Inn was so loud that all the inns and guesthouses on this road were all disturbed.

The students ran away frantically, the gangsters changed their outfits and walked unhurriedly behind them.

The remaining four of them pulled Liu Dezhu, Zhang Tianzhen, Hu Xiaoniu, and Bai Wan'er, and covered their tied hands with clothes.

On the way, Hu Xiaoniu said calmly: "You can't run away with the four of us, because things have gone beyond your plan. There is only one way up and down here. Kunlun might have set up a card on the road long ago."

The leading gangster did not interrupt him, but listened with interest.

Hu Xiaoniu continued: "With the four of us, you can still go directly into the mountain. Funiu Mountain spans eight hundred miles, and it is impossible for the gods to catch you. But if you take the four of us, you can only become a drag on your road. I leave an account, you are just asking for money, and I promise to give you money after I go back."

The leader smiled: "Thank you very much for considering it for us, but you are too worried."

After speaking, he waved to his companion to open a plastic bag, which contained more than a dozen Molotov cocktails.

The next moment, the leader took out a lighter and lit a cigarette for himself, and then lit the cotton cloth on the Molotov cocktail.

"Sixth, throw it away," he calmly said to the other gangsters.

A gangster next to him waved his hand and threw it hard, and the Molotov cocktail was directly smashed into the other guesthouse beside the road.

Suddenly, the raging fire ignited instantly.

The gangster led them along while they were throwing them away, watching the entire row of homestays burst into flames.

Countless tourists awakened from their sleep and ran into the street disheveled.

But this is not enough.

The leading gangster looked back at Liu Dezhu and smiled: "To be honest, I really want to take you away, but I am afraid that you will return to the other world. In case you tell Li Shutong everything, the other party is really willing to spend it for you. It's too scary to find us with great effort. So, let's say goodbye here. When you die, these tourists will start running in fright."

The leader said to behind: "Old Qi, remove the silencer, and after playing a magazine, let these lovely tourists run happily!"

However, no one responded to him.

The leader suddenly turned his head, but saw that in the mist not far away, the old Qi who was supposed to be holding Bai Wan'er was already lying in a pool of blood.

The opponent's back was bloody, and all blood gushed from the wound of the ruptured spleen.

No one knows when Lao Qi died, and no one knows who killed him!

It seems that there is a hunter hidden in the mist, and they have changed from the role of hunter to prey.

With a cold face, the gangster took off his silencer and pulled the trigger at Liu Dezhu.

But at this moment, Liu Dezhu suddenly exploded with great courage when facing the choice of life and death.

I saw that he bent over and arched the gangster beside him, while he quickly ran into the dark night, doing dodge movements while running.

Very fast and extremely explosive!

The physique brought by the gene potion saved his life, and the gangster leader didn't seem to expect that this person who had been shrinking all the time suddenly had the courage to resist.

At the same time, someone fired a shot from nowhere, which happened to hit the thigh of the criminal who was holding Liu Dezhu.

Before the injured gangster fell to the ground, the hunter in the dark made another shot and shot through his head.

The gangster leader's face turned gloomy, he no longer cared about others, and shot a few casually at the tourists in the crowd.

The crisp gunfire awakened all the tourists. The aimless crowd looked at the victims who fell to the ground and began to escape in disorder!

The leader and another gangster mixed with Hu Xiaoniu and Zhang Tianzhen in the crowd, and quickly walked towards the parking lot.

There are too many accidents tonight.

It should have been a very careful plan, but it fell apart due to sudden changes.

Of the eight gangsters, only two remained.

They must leave quickly.