

Raymond tears started dropping to his eyes at that moment. Every moment of the scene came flooding in at once, and Raymond couldn't hold his emotion anymore.

He should've stopped him that day. He was still in tears when his phone started ringing.

Raymond calmed his breathing before he brought his phone out. He was surprised the call was coming from Jasper. The next man in command after Asher young.

He wondered why Jasper was calling him, it shouldn't be that they have already broken a few equipment already, he told Wyatt to slow down on his moves, but that couldn't be the case.

He was supposed to be out of the state already, but he chose to visit lady  Russell before, thereby causing him to book another train ticket.

Immediately Raymond picked the call, he heard Jasper's shivering voice.

"Mr Raymond..... Wyatt and the new guy are in trouble!"

Raymond's emotional state varnished in an instant.