

Fernando fist was about to make contact with Wyatt face, but Wyatt narrowly evaded the attack by stepping backwards a little.

Wyatt immediately took three steps backwards but Fernando followed suit and continued to send his fist to Wyatt face, and Wyatt continued to evade the attack by going backwards.

Fernando's expression darkened seeing he hadn't been able to land a single blow on Wyatt.

"This is what you are all about, always relying to your analysis. You are no real fighter. A real fighter would face his opponent head on, not try to fight with tactics!"

Fernando wanted to continue again when Wyatt kicked him on his right legs.

"Meteoric Kick!"

The kick brought Fernando halfway to his knees, his expression darkened more, before he could recover from the attack, Wyatt sent another one to his face.

"Brawny Kick!; Level 3!"

Wyatt's right foot slapped Fernando on his face and it caused Fernando to fall fully on his knees.