
No Time[BL]

Even before the apocalypse, Shui Yu's family and life were falling apart. So when he went back to the time when he was born, he tried hard to prepare and teach his siblings so that they would not be separated in this lifetime. But even though he was very OP(too OP in fact), troubles came his way. He just wanted to get rid of boredom and travel the world... but who's that mad scientist chasing him? Shui Yu: Why're you chasing me? Mad Scientist: You're my past life's lover! Shui Yu: Bullsh*t! I don't remember you! Get away from me! Mad Scientist: I'll make you remember me, starting with your body... In fact, this is a very dark but sappy story of two very OP individuals falling in love~ Reminder: This is a slow romance novel, so expect to get to the ML by chapter 70! And the apocalypse starts at chapter 45, so please don't comment or review about the novel being so slow or for me to hurry up with the story. If you read the <Not an Update>, you'll know how I deal with rude reviewers. Warning: This is BL, Danmei, fujoshi/fudanshi crap, etc. And the cover isn't mine. I edited it perfectly, but it's still not mine. The beautiful work belongs to its rightful artist~ #2 for Writing prompt #27: Reunion of a Separated couple

thisworldofmine1 · LGBT+
106 Chs

Chapter 12: My bro is all-powerful!

<Shui Lai's Pov>

Today, we got ourselves a new family member.

His name's Calix Nikos Cora. What a cool name! Yu Ge gave him another name: Shui Fa. Fa means a new beginning. It makes sense I guess. But it doesn't sound as cool as Calix's Greek name. And I suppose I'll have to conjure up a new identity for my new brother.

Although Calix seemed to be the same age as me -because of his height you see-, he was as old as Jing Ge! Now I'll have to call him Calix Ge or Fa Ge. Fa Ge... the pronunciation sounds too stupid and weird to say out loud.

Well, besides getting ourselves a new brother, we also learned that Yu Ge is a really speedy driver. He drives well but too fast. He should aspire to get on the race tracks one day... Also, today, I lost all my money I had saved up secretly in order to by myself some stuff. Yu Ge buys us everything we want but I don't always want to rely on him. It'll become a burden on him and it's not good to rely on someone so heavily. Yu Ge told me that I could hack in and steal the amount back as long as I stole back Xio Bing's as well. I guess I'll reluctantly steal it back for her and get some extra.

So right now, we arrived at the biggest mall in the city. Oh, by the way, I live in the capital, Beijing. Our apartment is located on the outskirts though. Mom still hasn't decided to move to a better place with the money Dad gives us. We already call the other woman our step-mom but Dad hasn't come home for years so Mom can't divorce him. If he divorced Mom, he'll have to give us more money. I guess he's not ready to do that yet.

Anyways, us arriving at the mall like superstars must've surprised plenty of people. I'm astonishingly handsome, Calix Ge and Jing Ge are slightly less handsome, Xiao Bing is cute, and Yu Ge is amazingly beautiful. Poor Yu Ge. He's definitely the most beautiful person alive but he's a man. Who would want to look pretty when they're a boy?

As if he noticed me thinking that in my head, he stared in my direction. I sometimes wonder if Yu Ge can read my thoughts. That'd be scary...

Right now, we're in the men's section of clothes. We're pretty tall so we can't go through the kid section anymore... But I'm still young and handsome, so it doesn't matter.

Yu Ge has a great sense of fashion and usually picks out our outfits for us. He's doing it for Calix Ge currently.

Calix Ge is pretty handsome- not as handsome as me but still handsome. He looks great in any of the outfits that Yu Ge is making him try out. But I bet if it weren't for Yu Ge's excellent sense of fashion, he'd look like garbage. But for me, even if I wore a trash bag, I'd look fabulous.

After choosing enough clothes for Calix Ge, we went to the register. The surrounding people were all staring at my handsome looks, I felt quite embarrassed.

We bought the clothes and rode the truck again to our warehouse. And, thankfully, Yu Ge didn't forget to slow down so we could have our stomachs' contents stay in place.

Yu Ge had told me to research on some stuff, so I'd better get to it.

I found a summerhouse nearby the beach with a huge pool that looked pretty modern. Yu Ge likes modern things and the style itself, so I bought it. I'd hire some trustworthy workers from the underworld to build some hidden passages and an underground lair or something later. I knew that we could have bought anything with our own money and just give the news to Yu Ge later on, but it felt like that would make him upset.

Anyways, I just finished getting all the money I lost back. I also ordered the devices I had been waiting to buy, Xiao Bing's new whip, and a huge chocolate fountain.

I'll have to look into a suitable poison arts teacher for her. Although Yu Ge hadn't specified it, the teacher would undoubtedly have to be female. And about getting a friend for Xiao Bing, does it really have to be a boy? Yu Ge seemed awfully hung about that.

I feel like we should just all run away and live in our summerhouse. Mom doesn't care about us and Dad only feels guilty towards us. And that scheming little bitch bullies our Xiao Bing every chance she gets. This environment is really bad. I really wonder why Yu Ge insists on staying here.

So in the end, I asked him.

His reply was, "The capital has the biggest zoo."

My brother is definitely mysterious and a little weird too.

Calix Ge is going to stay in another place. Yu Ge told me to arrange it as close as possible. So I went and bought the house that was next to ours. It was empty and I heard the old owner passed away. The son of the old owner was eager to sell it off but since its condition wasn't very good, no one had been coming to see it. I hired some architects, interior designers, and engineers so the place would be as good as new soon.

For the meanwhile, Calix Ge is going to stay with us. Mom will at least try to act like a nice lady when he's around. At least that's what I thought.

But it turns out that Mom's going out with a rich man and decided to go on a vacation trip with him for 2 weeks. Yu Ge told me so. Of course, I didn't know how he found out so quickly about it when even I haven't known about it, but I believed him. For what reason would he have to lie to us?

I guess Mom kinda deserved some happiness too even though abusing us wasn't the right way to achieve it.

I told this to Yu Ge but he stared at me strangely and said that they would break up soon since this time, Mom was the mistress that was being kept. And apparently, the rich guy didn't even know that Mom had kids! I didn't know what to say after that.

Mom and Dad still haven't gotten a divorce. Yu Ge said they wouldn't ever divorce. I wonder how he knows so many things?

Jing Ge and Calix Ge were talking about school and what they were learning right now. Calix Ge is smart and would easily get into advanced classes like Jing Ge. We all have great genetics, but our parents aren't too great. Beside Cali Ge's mom of course. Calix Ge told us how he was sold off by his bastard father and that his mom was a great lady. To have done almost anything for him... she seems like the best parent in the world to us.

Xiao Bing promised Calix Ge that we could go on a vacation to Greece and he'd be able to meet his mother when summer break came. That was in 3 months. He'd have to wait a little, but he seemed perfectly content with that. But Yu Ge told him not to worry his mother and handed over a new phone that he bought for Calix Ge and told him to call her. Calix Ge sheepishly smiled and told us that he was planning to steal a phone and notify his mother anyways. Yu Ge merely nodded but our reactions were: =-= what the heck! You told us about stealing our phones so smoothly! We don't know whether to laugh or cry...

Calix Ge's mother was sobbing on the phone and asking about what happened. Calix Ge smiled bitterly and pressed the video call button.

We could see a blonde woman who was very pretty and smart looking. She had black rimmed glasses and was wearing a neat bun as her hairstyle. She seemed to be in an office and we could see people peeking in through the small glass window. They looked worried about the crying lady.

"Oh, oh, my baby, are you alright? That horrible bastard! I'm definitely going to call the police on him!" she said in Greek. I had installed a program that translated it smoothly for us on my laptop, so we could clearly understand what she said.

Her threats were said so viciously even if they weren't much. Having a parent worried about their child like this... I wanted one too. But having Yu Ge is enough. Even though he was young, he did everything for us. He's like a mother to us when he takes care of us. Not much of a father though. He doesn't go out and work or anything like that. Sure he introduced us to our work, but he's more like a doting mother since he cares for us instead of being strict as a manager would.

"Mom, I'm fine. I have new siblings now. They're the ones who bought me. I'll live with them for about 2 months and we'll go over to see you after that. I'll be an exchange student. Isn't that cool?" Calix Ge asked his mother in a soothing tone.

Yu Ge chimed in, "He'll have to live with us in China, but you can visit whenever you want. We still technically have authority over him."

Xiao Bing muttered, "Yu Ge, I don't think that's the right thing to say right now..." I would completely agree, but we had to tell her sooner or later. Jing Ge looked worried and held Yu Ge's arm back.

"Miss, it's true that we bought him and that he's our property now. He'll have to live with us but we won't take his basic human rights away. He'll be a part of our family, that's all," Jing Ge confirmed.

I was showing the laptop's screen to Calix Ge's mother, so she understood what we said.

She looked part angry, part devastated, and scary.

"I understand, but he won't be registered into your family I believe. And there is nothing wrong with me moving to China, is there?"

As our conversation continued and ended, it was decided that Calix Ge's mother, named "Irene Mercouri" would come over and work in the branch company that was in China that she would transfer over to from the main company. She'd live next door to us too.

All's well that ends well.