
No One Will Be God.

Humanity is on the verge of its collapse. Seeing this, the Gods decide that the best solution is the extermination of the human race. They send out giant monsters that raze half the land, thus forcing humans to hide... Seeing such brutality one of the Gods decides to rebel and help humanity. He gifts the most capable humans with extraordinary powers. Now it's time for humanity to turn against its creator!

Kihitakamy · 奇幻
15 Chs

In the end of the day

--- You did it! - Riki shouts excitedly. --- Great, now keep concentrating, and don't lose focus - Says Isao.

Around Sei's body, there was a thin, glowing blue aura, it was almost noticeable it was so faint.

Sei continues to concentrate, but after a few seconds he loses focus, and the aura fades...

--- You did well for a first time. - Says Isao, leaning against the wall. --- I agree! Very good. - Smiles Riki.

--- But what is my power? Miss Hime didn't tell me anything about it.

--- Generally, before the JEO test begins. Everyone is required to take the test one more time, maybe you'll know there.

--- Yeah, maybe...

Isao walking towards the exit says. --- I'll go, see you later - Riki looks at Isao and says. --- All right, don't do anything.

--- Do not do anything? - Ask Sei, curious. --- It's no big deal, let's go.

Curious as ever, Sei looks at Riki's face, and notices an expression of concern. Afraid, but still curious. I know question --- Who was the guy from yesterday? - Riki looks at Sei, and takes a deep breath.

--- You want to know everything, huh... - Sei smiles awkwardly. --- But it's alright. That guy is Shigeki Yoshida, "I've known" him for a long time, long before the fall happened...

--- He thinks he's pretty good. Just because he's a Delta he thinks he can do whatever he wants. He annoys me.

--- Delta? But he is of the same Rank as you.

--- Yes, but there are levels, depending on what level you are, even a Delta can humiliate another Delta. - Riki starts to walk. --- Let's get going?

As the sun sets, the two make their way to the dorms...

--- Seems like Taniguchi likes you a lot, he doesn't seem like the kind of guy who would defend someone. - Riki smiles discreetly...

--- It's true, but it's because we've been friends for a long time... - The two are silent for a few seconds, when they finally arrive at the dorm.

--- The test is the day after tomorrow, you should practice a little. - Says Riki. --- Really, thanks for letting me know... - Riki and Sei go to their room, but before Riki can open the door, Sei asks. --- Saito-kun, do you think it will pass? - Riki is still and in total silence. --- Maybe? Maybe this time I can... - Riki opens the door and the two enter.

Hours pass and it's time to sleep, I know I was completely tired from the great effort I had made that day, I'd been sleeping for hours...

But Riki was still awake, and then the bedroom door opens.

--- Having trouble sleeping? Or were you waiting for me?

--- I was thinking, that I need to succeed this time, because if I fail again, next time I won't try anymore...

--- You will pass this time. I am sure. - Says Isao, heading towards his bed. --- Try to sleep, tomorrow will be a busy day.

--- Right. - Riki gets up from the chair, and lies on his bed. --- Goodnight.

--- Goodnight.

The day dawns, the sky is cloudy, and the weather is rainy. The three wake up, Sei and Riki were apprehensive after all, the big day they longed for would be the next morning...

Isao leaves the room, Sei and Riki soon after, The two go to a place away from the dorm, and start training...

They train for hours without stopping, on the way back to the dorm, Sei and Riki find a girl with extremely black hair, and her eyes even more so. She was standing in front of the bedroom door.

I know question. --- Can we help with anything? - The girl looks at Sei. --- I'm looking for Taniguchi.

--- We don't know where he is... - Riki curiously asks. --- May I know why you want to talk to him? Taniguchi doesn't have many friends.

--- No.

'No..?' Think Riki. --- Who are you? His friend? - Ask Sei.

--- Friend? I? Not really... I just have a few things to deal with him. But since he's not here, I'm leaving. - When the girl starts to walk, Riki says. --- Hey, wait! - But she ignores him.

--- What has he gotten himself into now? - Riki sighs.

The girl enters a room and there is Shigeki. She approaches him and says...

--- He was not there. - Shigeki looks at the girl. --- Shit, where is he? How can that guy just disappear out of nowhere? - Shigeki Sighs. --- Anyway, you did well. Thank you, Gogatsu-kun. - Gogatsu bows. --- And now? What are you going to do?

--- I do not know. Did you see anyone else there? - Gogatsu nods his head. --- Yeah, I ended up meeting his roommates. They seemed very suspicious, wanted to know about my relationship with him.

--- And did you say something? - Asks Shigeki. --- No, I didn't say anything, I kept silent. - Shigeki gets up. --- Did they know where he was?

--- No. Gogatsu answers. --- Got it, from now on Gogatsu-kun. I will need you more than ever, will you help me? - Shigeki looks into Gogatsu's eye. --- Of course, I will help you anytime. - Shigeki smiles. --- That is good...

So the day ends, again Sei goes to sleep, but this time Isao is with them.

It takes a while for Sei to fall asleep, but after thinking for hours about tomorrow's test, Sei just falls asleep.

But something didn't get out of her mind, "How was she...?"

In this chapter the first act of the first arc of "No One Will Be God" came to an end.

Those first few chapters were pretty slow, I'll admit.

But I really needed to introduce all of this to you... but I promise that in the next chapters things will heat up.

I want to thank you all for your support, and if you have any criticism, please feel free to leave a comment.

Kihitakamycreators' thoughts