
The cheat kiss

"I don’t like her, I love her." Xavier said confidently.

"That girl gotta be a witch." Mrs. Kings remarked. 

"Enough, let’s talk about the shareholders," Mr. Kings said.

Amber sat in class looking around for Mason when Nate walked into class and glared at her before sitting in front of her. 

"Nate, have you seen Mason?" Amber asked. He ignored her and faced the black board just as the teacher walked into the class.

"Have you seen Mason?" She asked, tapping him on the shoulder. He turned to look at her.

"What is your fucking problem? Can’t you see I am ignoring you." he asked.

"I know you are, but I don’t care. I just want to know where Mason is." Amber said.

"I am not his keeper. okay? I don’t stalk him anymore. I have my own life to live." he snapped. Amber was just looking for a way to talk to him by troubling in.

"Hey, miss Cinderella! Sit down." The teacher said, staring at Amber. She sat down and put her head down. 

Mason and Xavier both walked into class, grabbing the attention of the students who turned their gazes towards them. 

Mason sat next to Amber and put his hand around her shoulder.

"No romance in my class," the teacher barked. Mason stroked his hair backward and smiled at the teacher, who had a grumpy expression, and removed his hand from her shoulder immediately.

hours later.

Amber finished eating in the cafeteria and strolled out with Linda, looking around for Mason.

"Why do you always look for your man?" Linda asked.

"Because he doesn’t tell me where he is going all the time," Amber replied.

"Come on, girl, he is not your son, is he? He have his own life aside from your relationship? Is this your first time in a relationship?" Linda asked, narrowing her eyes at her.

"My second time, my first boyfriend was always around me, never made me feel lonely or looked for him," Amber said. 

"Not everyone is the same girl, and I like Mason’s style. You are not his mother, that he has to ask permission to go out." Linda whined.

"Mason! Mason! Mason!!" they heard students' voices.

"Where is that coming from?" Amber asked.

"I think it’s coming from the basketball court. Let’s go check it out." Linda said, hauling her away. 

Amber walked to the basketball court, with Linda staring at the jumping students who were admiring Mason and Xavier as they played football together. Amber sat on the courtside seat, and Linda joined her.

"Do you think they are fighting over something?" Linda asked, looking at the intensity of the game. Mason was sweating profusely, playing with Xavier, by pretending to throw the ball into the net.

Mason sighted Amber and stared at her, Xavier used the opportunity to grab the ball from him. 

"My baby doll is here. I will be glad to teach you a lesson in front of her." Xavier said with a smirk and tried to put the ball into the net when Mason blocked him.

"Nice try. I am the one the crowd likes and I can play basketball better than you." Mason said and took the ball from Xavier, bouncing it towards the net. Mason flew and slammed the ball into the net, making a loud noise.

"Mason! Mason! Mason!" the students cheered. Amber squealed, staring at the sweating boys who looked hot in their tank tops.

"I wanna learn basketball," Amber said, biting her finger.

"Those sports are for dudes. I wish my boyfriend could join them. Yours is dripping." Linda said, smiling brightly. 

"Take your eyes off my man!" Amber stated.

"Why are you being so possessive? He is the people's man, just like you are the people's girl." Linda remarked.

"Miss, excuse me, this is for you." A guy said, tapping Amber on the shoulder. She took the letter from him and sighted Elsa and her friends at the other end of the courtside. Elsa waved at her and made an "I will kill you." sign. 

Amber shook out her tongue at her and glanced at the letter. "It’s so good to have secret admirers. What is in that money?" Linda asked. 

"Nope, just an I love you card." Amber replied. Linda started tapping her continuously.

"What?" Amber asked. 

"Hide the…" Linda couldn’t complete her speech when Mason snatched the card from her, lifting it in the air as she stared at the crowd.

"Who gave this to my girl?" Mason asked. 

"Man, stop overreacting and come play with me; I want to kick your butt," Xavier said. 

Minutes later. 

Linda had gone to see her boyfriend, leaving Amber alone at the courtside. She pressed her hand against her cheek, staring at Mason and Xavier, who were lying on their backs in the field, catching their breaths as other students began to leave.

Amber was escorted to the library by Mason.

"I would have stayed with you, but I will be a distraction," Mason said, caressing her cheek. 

"I understand. Catch you later. I need to study," Amber said. 

"See you later, babe, and remember to stay away from guys; I'm watching you." Mason said and kissed her on the forehead before walking away. Xavier stared at them from behind and snorted, glaring at them. 

Mason made sure Amber got into the library he attempted to walk away, but was stalked by Elsa.

"Hey Elsa, I haven’t seen you in a long time. Where have you been?" Mason asked.

"Stop acting as if you care. I came to tell you the despicable thing your girlfriend did. She is the reason I haven’t been to school for days." She said, and burst into tears.

"What did she do?" Mason asked, raising an eyebrow.

"S..she.." Elsa whimpered, weeping into his chest. He pushed her away.

"I don’t want me to come close to me," Mason said, keeping her at arm's length. 

"She hired pornstars to rape me. They ruined my life. I have been bleeding for days." Elsa said. Mason stared at her with a poker face.

"Stop bluffing and stay away from me. I know she wouldn’t do stuff like that." Mason waved her off, walking away.

"Hey wait up. I am telling the truth," Elsa said, watching him go.

"I was crying my eyes out and he believed her over me. Mason is really a changed man," Elsa muttered.

"You deserve a better girl. Have you considered dating Xavier?" one of her friends asked, patting her back.

"I haven’t because he is also not interested in me. They both want amber," she said, stressing her name in a disgusted manner.

Amber placed her bag on an empty table and started walking through the bookshelves, taking books one after the other. She settled down on the table and stared at the books. She broke her fingers.

"I need to study hard if I want to be a top student," she muttered to herself and started reading through the textbooks. Xavier leaned against a wall, staring at her.

"I wonder if I can join her," he thought, and moved closer to her. "No, I will be a distraction," he concluded, and stepped aside, sitting at an empty table close to hers.

hours later.

Amber was so engrossed in the book she was reading that she didn’t notice that the day was already dark. She started dozing off in her seat. 

Xavier walked over to her and put his jacket around her, Amber closed her eyes, thinking it was Mason, and drifted to sleep. 

Mason was on his way to the library when he got a call from his mother.

"Get your ass home, I need to speak with you." Mrs. Kings said.

"I don’t have a home and I don’t want to talk to you." Mason said, attempting to hang up.

"Come home; I don’t want to send guards to pick you up." she said and hung up.

"Why does my mom have to interrupt every time I want to spend time with Amber? I hate her." He groaned. He didn’t want to go home to his parents anymore and feel like he would be able to do without them. 

Xavier watched Amber while she slept. She woke up and started coughing continuously. Xavier patted her back. 

Amber got up from the chair and looked out the window. "Shit! It’s night already." she said, and started packing the books into her bag. 

"Thank you, honey, for…" she paused as she realized it was Xavier. 

"Where is Mason?" she asked, holding his jacket.

"I don’t know about him; I am the only one here." Xavier replied. Amber looked around at the empty library and sighed. 

"Why didn’t you wake me up?" she inquired. 

"Because you needed some rest." he replied. She gnashed her teeth and started walking out of the library. He followed her. 

Amber hastened her footsteps and stumbled over a bag of toilet rolls on the floor. She picked it up.

"How did this get here? It’s new. I need to go put it in the janitor’s closet." She thought and sauntered to the janitor’s closet. 

She opened the door that wasn’t locked and walked into the darkroom. She looked around for the light switch but couldn’t find it. She stumbled over a box and the toilet rolls fell from her hand. 

"Ouch!" she groaned, sitting on the floor. 

Xavier walked into the room. "Where are you, baby doll? Are you okay?" he asked, stressing his eyes to look for her in the room. 

"I am sitting on the floor. Don’t come any closer." Amber said as she got up from the floor, holding her waist. 

"What are you doing in here, babydoll?" Xavier asked. just as Elsa and her friends shut the door. 

"Oh no! Don’t shut the door, someone is in here!" Amber said, running in the direction she felt the door was when she landed in Xavier’s arms. He held her close to his chest.

"Let go of me, look for the door," Amber said, removing his hand from her waist.

Elsa high-fives her friends, smiling at them. "We got both of them trapped. The phrase, one of our plans has been completed." Elsa said with an evil grin. 

"Let's go to bed. We will come check up on them tomorrow," one of her friends said, and they all walked away.

"Let go of me, you pervert!" Amber said hitting Xavier on the chest. She managed to get to the door and started banging on it. 

"Open up! somebody! anybody!" She yelled and took out her phone from her bag to call Mason, but her phone turned off at the last moment.

"Shit! Give me your phone." she said, extending her hand to Xavier.

"I didn’t bring my phone." Xavier said, touching his pocket as if he could see her stretched hands.

"How can you go out without a phone? and there is no fucking moon." Amber said. She took a handful of his shirt. "Do something, we can’t be stuck in there through the night." Amber ranted.

"There is nothing we can do. We have been locked in here. We just have to accept our fate." He said, moving his hand up her face to locate her lips.

"Stop touching me, break the door open or something," she said. 

"I have an injury on my feet. I can’t do that," he replied. She slowly let go of his shirt. 

"You are so useless. I wish I was here with Mason," she said, wrapping her hand around herself.

"It’s funny how that sounds. I never thought this day would come when you would prefer Mason more than me or even date him," Xavier said.

"You made me do it. You are the one who lied to me in the first place," Amber said battling her lashes.

"I know I was wrong, but couples fight, you know." he said, moving closer to her. He held her face in his arms.

"They fight a lot, but they look for a way to forgive each other." he said softly.

"It’s too late, I am happy with Mason now." Amber said.

"You are not happy, you are just telling yourself that. You still love me, I can feel it." Xavier said.

"I don’t know what you feel but, I truly don’t love you, Thanks to you I know who I love now." she said.

"And that’s me." Xavier said, putting her hand on his chest.

"No, it’s Mason. You just have to forget about me." Amber said.

"I can’t do that," he protested.

"It’s okay if you forget me." she said. 

"How can you say such a thing? What about the things we had? The chemistry, the love, everything." Xavier said. 

"I don’t like having this conversation, you have to move on like I have." she said. he pulled her closer and forcefully kissed her on the lips. Holding tightly to her hand, she was swaying in his arms as he kissed her. 

She pulled away from him and slapped him hard across the face. "You are being a pervert and don’t want to move on. You are putting me in a tight spot. I hate you!" Amber ranted and sat close to the door, wiping her lips. 

The next day. 

Elsa and her friends were leading Mason to the janitor’s closet. 

"Are you sure she is here?" Mason asked standing in front of the room.

"Yes, and there is a surprise for you on the other side." Elsa beamed and opened the room. Mason’s jaw dropped to the ground as he saw Amber and Xavier cuddled up on the floor sleeping. Xavier was behind her, with his hand wrapped around her. He clenched his fist, staring at them, and quickly separated them, helping Amber off the ground. 

He hit her lightly on the face. "Wake up, babe," he said. Amber slowly opened her eyes and stared at him. She hugged him. He broke the hug immediately and held her hand, leading her out of the room.

"She is so sly. She was having fun with another man and was pretending to be happy to see him." One of Elsa’s friends commented, making Mason’s blood boil.

"What’s wrong?" Amber asked, walking out of the room with Mason, who was holding tightly to her hand.

"You are hurting me slow down." she said. 

Elsa smirked and leaned against the wall, watching them. 

"I like it when Mason gets toxic." Elsa remarked with a grin. 

"I didn’t know our plan would work out. It came out good. Didn’t you see the way they were cuddling?" One of her friend said.

"I am also stunned. I have a feeling Amber had no idea he cuddled her," Elsa said.

"How can you say that?" 

"Didn’t you see that he was the one behind her, holding her? It clearly shows that she could have been sleeping when he went to cuddle her." Elsa commented.

"I don’t care. Let’s go see the result." One of them said, running down the hallway, Elsa ran after them.