
Too Late

"I am happy to announce that this ball will be held annually right after the harvest of our crops. To thanks everyone and the nature for giving us a bounty year."

Every one applaud.

"And to officially end the party, let's all have a drink to honor King Desmond the first!"

Everyone mimicked her.

"To king Desmond!"

For those who still want to enjoy, they can stay,9 but Isabel and the rest of the royal family settle back inside the palace.

"The party was fun!"

Aris complimented.

"Of course it is fun. It was well planned."

She was so proud that came across the idea.

"Ahem and who implemented all the plan?"

Tyler actually executed everything. From the theme's design to food and music.

"Thank you, brother. You will have a handsome reward."

Tyler was happy to hear his reward. Maybe a horse or a sword.

"You'll can have my succulent plants on the balcony."