
Nine Fates and One EXTRA in cultivation game

A normal guy in his late twenties dies and gets reincarnated in a game as an extra who dies in the backstory , he played the game for years , knows the complete plot , side quests , hidden treasures that can make him over powered , determined to live a happy life again for the second time starts smiling and walk towards the protagonists to change their plot to what he likes daily one chapter none of the 9 protagonists will be " a guy who starts out small , gets a harem , becomes invincible etc " all nine of them will be of different age groups and none will have a harem and mc will also not have one ( there will be romance but no harem ) , it's my first novel so if I make any mistakes please comment, if it's going too slow please tell me thank you

ThePenitentHunter · 玄幻
16 Chs

A Run away

After walking for another two hours we almost reached home , on the way everyone was looking at me because my clothes are not just dirty, it's completely blood stained

" I should carry multiple sets of clothes from now on " , as i entered the family estate , the guard said " young master roy , the clan leader is asking for you "

I knew they're going to question me right now but I don't have a lot of answers

So I told the guard to take Bindhu to the stable and I walked towards the main hall of the estate

The first thing to notice in the clans main hall was not how big it was but the number of people in it , " that's atleast 30 people, are all of them going to scold me ?"

I walked straight towards my father , the clan leader and bowed to him , " bheeshma where did you go without attending school?"

He asked with a serious expression, I looked at him " father I was late to the academy and they didn't let me in "

" So you just left on your own without waiting for the headmaster?..... Wait .....am I hallucinating? Why are you in silver realm all of a sudden? , bheeshma just where did you go?" My father asked with an expression that looked like he's from a cartoon

I took a nice deep breath to calm myself and then narrated everything ,except me eating the dragon heart, after I was done talking everyone in the hall were left speechless

" Son you bought one of the rarest horse for only 500 spirit coins , entered a dungeon and killed a dragon of gold realm and got a chance to elevate your cultivation to silver realm from bronze 3 , all in one day ?" He had a wry smile plasted on his face , well now that he organised the events in order, it sounds like a lot for a day

" Father you forgot the part where I was offered to be the headmaster's disciple , I don't want to be his disciple but I can't reject him myself , please help me reject him " I said with a pleading expression , I even joined my hands in a pleading manner ( I don't want to study again )

" Bheeshma stop your over acting , the headmaster is a very respected individual eventhough he's not a nobility, he's one of the very few people in the empire to climb such high rank from a commoner, he's not only your headmaster, he was my headmaster as well"

"But father things are different now , he's the head of the academy but he's still a commoner , That Old man is not fit for "

My father just started shouting at me before I finished my sentence

" SHUT UP bheeshma, the amount of trouble you cause is already out of hand , you beat up noble kids last week , the common kids are afraid of you, there's a rumor that you are a psycho and now you walk on the streets with completely blood stained clothes like a maniac, your grades are almost non existent, you failed every subject exept martial arts , you're ruining our clans reputation "

I stayed silent, I wasn't the one who beat up the noble kids , I don't know why this kid was rumoured as a psycho, those grades aren't mine , what am I supposed to say ? Then i had an idea , it felt like I had light bulb on my head that got switched on suddenly

I turned around and started running towards the exit , I was super serious, this is a rare opportunity and I can't waste it , my father was saying something but I didn't stop , i ran all the way out of the family estate and kept running for don't know how long ,until I reached the capitals north exit gate , the guard's at the gate tried to stop me after seeing my bloody clothes but i slid in between the guard's legs and jumped on a cart and ran out of the capital city , I used a concealment talisman and kept running down the road

.....that evening word reached the Roy family that bheeshma ran out of the capital

In the main hall of the Roy family, an old man with hearty face is seated on the clan leader chair , surrounding him are atleast 300 or more people of all generations that are alive and in the centre a person can be seen standing , he wasn't nervous but he looked worried, he's the current clan head

The old man broke the silence engulfing the hall " Vijay explain everything what happened after bheeshma got home "

The current clan leader took a deep breath and explained everything

"So you ganged up with 30 elders to scold a 13 year old child ?" The old man in the chair asked without any expression

As he said that everyone in the crowd started looking at the clan head for an explanation

" Everyone please calm down , I got news in the afternoon that bheeshma did not attend his classes so I told the guard to tell bheeshma that I'm calling for him when he comes back home , bheeshma showing up during the elders meeting was simply a coincidence "

" Even then it's too much to scold him in front of elders , my son in law ran away from home because of you " this time it was meghana's father who spoke , he and meghana both showed up to the meeting

"Brother please don't join them as well , it's because all the people present here spoil that brat for being the youngest in the family that he's become so arrogant and stubborn, he called the headmaster an old man , even the emperor wasn't this arrogant and he's a brat he'll be back in few days " Vijay said with wry smile

After hearing Vijay ( bheeshma's father ) the old ancestor started speaking " No point in these discussions, send the hawk division and search for bheeshma, everyone keep an eye out , he might be wandering inside the capital " saying that he got up from the chair

Everyone was surprised for a few seconds then Vijay asked " Ancestor i know bheeshma is your favourite descendant but sending the hawk division is a bit excessive , he'll be back once he learns that life isn't easy outside, if anything it'll be a good lesson for him "

Everyone in hall were silent nodding, maybe because they all think they spoiled bheeshma, seeing this the ancester asked " Dhanush and meghana you are both considered top geniuses of this generation aren't you ,a 16 year old silver 2 stage and 14 year old bronze 4 stage , tell me how many hours have you practiced ? "

" I study for a few hours and cultivate for 6 hours , after that I practice martial arts for another 3 hours ancester " Dhanush was the first to answer

" My schedule is also similar ancester " meghana replied

The Old ancestor looked at Vijay " How long did bheeshma cultivate after you thought him the cultivation technique? "

Everyone was silent because they just realised none of them even ana ( bheeshma's mother ) never actually saw him sitting down and cultivating , he says he's doing it but he's always outside playing and fighting brawls , the reason nobody scolded bheeshma is because he's in bronze 3 stage , only second place in his class right after meghana

The old ancester started explaining " You underestimate his talent, forget using elixers , he doesn't even cultivate for more than 10 minutes per day and you missed a key point no matter what treasure he found in the dungeon do you think any human body can withstand a breakthrough of 6 normal stages and one main realm in one go ? , he was born with a rare talent and he can even make high level talisman now , we need to know how he's able to do that without having a talisman teacher , for all we know there might be a conspiracy around him "

Vijay after realising shouted " Hawk division search for that brat immediately, I'll go myself with the hawk division , rest of you relax I'll bring him back"

Meanwhile on a distant Mountain top

The mountain top was set on fire , blazing blue flames that look like they'll burn until eternity , bheeshma in a full black robe can be seen setting his hair in front of a broken mirror , he looked around while walking inside a cave and stopped in front of a cart

, he look below the cart and found the chest he was looking for , he pulled it out and opened it

" There's 1500 spirit coins missing in this chest , I guess that's what I get for coming here too early , anyway 6000 spirit coins is still quite good "he put the chest inside his ring and walked outside the cave where he burnt down an complete bandit crew of 70 with an array of talismans

Bheeshma walked towards a large and bulky horse with tiger strips on its coat and started petting the horse " it's okay boy , the fire won't hurt you " , the horse settled down after hearing him and bheeshma jumped on the horse

" Let's go boy, we need to raid two more dungeons before my family catch us "