

Nikkoman is a super weak hero who needs help from other heroes to not be killed by the heroes, but he does it Nikkoman superior to other heroes and his compassion and empathy for people and villains

DaoistZsS55M · 武侠
118 Chs


"I appreciate a simple, to-the-point answer," the Archon says. "Very good. What concerns me is the Anarch's interest in you."

Corliss clears her throat. "Adeline, if Robert has a preoccupation with Mekuztli at all—and that's in dispute—it would be as a way to strike back at me. My concerns about the man are well-documented. The best thing he ever did for this city was to leave, and in the end he couldn't even get that right."

"I'm well aware of your opinion, Eden," the Archon says, a hint of irritation in her voice. "I have no interest in re-treading that ground." She turns back to you. "Despite your sire's suggestions, your name has come up in conjunction with the Anarch's in more than half the interviews I've conducted so

"I like this one, Eden," Archon Adeline says. "She knows when to keep her mouth shut and when to open it. I have it on good authority, Mekuztli, that Ward attempted to contact you last night. The Feral, Hauberk, has not been subtle since he arrived in Ottawa. Did you meet with Ward?"

Adeline takes the card in her gloved hand and reads the front side aloud. "Bob Ward—Owner, Ward Construction and Demolition." She flips it over. "A phone number and address. This could be very useful to me, Mekuztli. Thank you for turning it over." She turns to Corliss. "I trust I'll have unrestricted access to your resources until the Anarch situation has been dealt with?"

"Of course."

"Then I believe we're done here," Adeline says abruptly. She stands and picks up a pork pie hat from beside the chair. It doesn't fit at all with her formal attire, and she doesn't put it on, but the way she handles the worn black fabric speaks to familiarity and comfort. "It will be good to get back on the streets again," she says. "Formalities bore me, Eden. Next time, we'll meet on my terms."

The Archon eyes you critically. "If you're going to carry a weapon like that in a workplace, Mekuztli, at least learn to conceal it better. A poorly concealed handgun doesn't necessarily break our codes of conduct, but it could very well attract the attention of the mortal authorities. I'm here to put fires out, not fuel them. Next time, choose to be more discreet." She opens the door and shoos away Corliss's few remaining hopeful business associates, disappearing from view as the heavy wooden door swings closed.
