
Nightmare Wish

Life at school was all ordinary. Not until this weird professor came. Students' dreams began to come true but in return, a year out of their lifespan would be taken from them, making him.. Immortal. ---------------------

fruitjuice_ · 青春言情
3 Chs

Chapter 2: Getting To Know

"Thank you for arriving just in time for my subject. But before we start with learning the significance and reviewing your previous Science lessons, I.. would like to get to know you first," he said in a very deep voice.

I don't know what's wrong with me but, he is really creeping me out I don't know if its because of his super deep voice or his..

Cold eyes..

It's giving me chills.

It was like staring into a deep dark hole. I wonder why his eyes are cold, he doesn't seem cold by his actions.

"This is how the game works," he began to speak again with his baritone voice.

"It's simply question and answer. I ask you a question and you, give me an answer, simple as that." he said while his hands were on top of the desk carrying the weight of his upper body.

Hmm.. Interesting. Every teacher probably did that why did he have to explain it? I know that he knows it's common.

"And no, this is not what the usual boring professors do. I.. am different." he said while I was in the middle of my curiosity.

Did he read my mind? Gosh.. That's creepy.

I think he really is different.

"Let's start from the back," he said pointing his finger to the student at the corner.

It was Klein, he isn't a new student so I know him. He's short for a ninth grader. That's why he often gets bullied. I know him because I defended him once from a bully who was trying to get all of his allowance. He is a rich kid that's why.

"Please stand up," Professor Black continued.

Klein nervously stood up and entered his shaking hands inside his pocket. I think it's normal to be nervous when a teacher tells you to stand up while everyone else are seating.

"What are your weaknesses?" Professor Black said curiously.

What was he asking? Was it about weaknesses on subjects or weaknesses as in what your scared of? He wasn't that specific.

"Uhh.. I-insects?" Klein said, nervously.

The bullies and the mean girls started laughing. Which was making me pissed off, what's there to laugh about?

"Shut your mouth losers. I didn't ask you to laugh!" Professor Black said, like a boss.

He's awesome! Not a single teacher called the mean girls and the bullies, losers, cause it's either they don't want to have a bad relationship with the bullies and the mean girls or they're just afraid of them.

But Professor Black stood up for Klein with authority. Now, that's cool!

"Insects we're also scary for me, as a kid. But, I learned that it wasn't that bad, in fact, it's helping us balance our ecosystem."

"But what weakness do you have that scares you to the point that you may kill yourself, in order to not experience that weakness. Do you get my point?" Professor Black said.

The admiration that I felt for him a while ago when he defended Klein, began to fade. Why was he asking such a personal question? Was he trying to make Klein's life miserable? I know that he knows the bullies might use that weakness against Klein, but why is he still asking? Is he that dumb to not know that?

"Uhh.." Klein said awkwardly. Obviously he didn't want to answer that kind of question it was too private!

"If your not ready to answer it then don't answer it. Someday i'll know the answer to that, Next!"

Someday I'll know the answer to that..

That sentence kept on replaying in my head. For some reason it felt weird. Is he that eager to know Klein's weakness? Why?

The student right next to Klein stood up. She is a new student so I don't know her yet. But it seems like she's pretty confident and smart. Although she's a bit nervous, she didn't let it show.

"Hi! I'm Olivia and I came from Wetchester. It's not a really known school but, it taught me a lot. And I'm looking forward to working with all of you." she said confidently.

Wetchester is a school for very smart people. It is a school made for scholars. I know it because Luna and I studied there when we were 5. Luna is smart so I don't really know how I got in there. My mom said that when I was younger I had all answers to any questions, even if it was just my made-up they said is sounded so scientific. I was also called Miss Know-It-All which my mom thinks is so funny.

"What a confident student, I know we'll get along." Professor Black said while nodding.

Olivia seemed to like the compliment causing her to smile shyly.

"What are your desires? The desire you really really want even though it is impossible to reach?" Professor Black continued.

The question was not that bad. It was actually better than what he asked to Klein.

"Hmm.." Olivia looked up as if the answers were at the ceiling.

"It's okay if you don't feel like answering it-" Professor Black's words were cut off when Olivia suddenly spoke.

"It's fine! It's okay I'll answer it." Olivia said.

Is she worried she wouldn't answer his question? Why? Is she scared of not answering a question?

"My dream is to be rich. Even if I know it's impossible, I'll do anything to pursue that dream.

To be rich? Anyone can be rich. I mean it's not that impossible right?

"I know what you're all thinking. Do you think I'm dumb to think that it's impossible to be rich? You don't know what I've been through! So don't judge me." she said a little bit tearing up. I can say she was emotional, just by that dream she teared up. Maybe I was too quick to judge the impossibility of her desire. I didn't mean to.

"How is it impossible?" Professor Black asked.

"As much as I want to answer your question, I can't. It's too.." Olivia said.

"Private.." she continued.

She looked worried when she didn't answer Professor Black's question. I think she thought it was part of the grades. She's so grade conscious.

"Don't worry. Answering the questions is your choice." Professor Black said.

Many students have passed and their answers to the question were all the same. It's either to have good grades without studying or to have plenty of money without working. Their dreams were impossible since they wanted the outcome without working hard for it. You should work hard to get what you want, to know the true value of hard work.

The mean girls were next. They were all seating right next to each other. And they were the 3 meanest girls in our campus. Stacy, Kysha, and Ysha. I don't think they have dreams because they already have them. The money, the family, the face, the popularity, but one thing's for sure they don't have. The brains.

They think so highly of themselves. But when it comes to the grades. I don't even wanna think about it. They just pay the principal to make their grades pass.

Stacy is the possessive one. She likes to date many guys and when she thinks a girl likes the one she's dating, she meets her after school and tortures her. I know it because they always cause noise during dismissal. A lot of people gather around and see the girl being bullied. She wasn't the type to pull a girl's hair, she's most likely to hurt her with words. But also, humiliate them too!

Kysha and Ysha are twins. They are inseparable when it comes to bullying! They also often fight each other if they want to get attention. They are the attention seeking and violent mean girls. Their techniques and attention seeking tactics are so L-A-M-E! They threaten new students and also old students when they think they're weak. When they don't get what they want it's either they pull their hair or flex their non-existent "karate" skills.

Are you wondering why I know them so well? It's cause we've been fighting for the past 2 years now. What I mean is, we're rivals. I actually don't know why! Maybe because they've never beaten me up since I was stronger than them. And up until now they still think they can beat me. Well, it's not bad to dream right? Maybe that's their dream, to get rid of me!

Hahaha! Dream on!

The first of the mean girls, Stacy, stood up when Professor Black called her.

"Hi peeps. It's Stacy. You better call me Miss Stacy or I'll chop your head off!"

"Not on my watch." Professor Black said which made Stacy embarrassed.

Hahaha :P

I can't help but to laugh a little causing my seat mates to look at me. They were both afraid of Stacy that's why they were trying to hold in their laugh.

Not a single teacher ever tried to correct the mean girls because their families belong in big industries. When a teacher tries to interfere with the mean girls they make their lives miserable by using the abusive power of their parents.

Stacy's family are politicians while Kisha and Isha's parents own restaurants and grocery stores.

"Same question for you, Miss Stacy." Professor Black said emphasizing 'miss' sarcastically. If I were Stacy I would most likely just disappear into thin air and come back when Professor Black's subject is done.

What I'm trying to say is, It's so embarrassing!


"I.. don't have dreams cause I have it all." Stacy said proudly.

She still have the guts to show off while being in the midst of embarrassment.

"Really huh? Everyone has dreams. Even the richest of them all has one. You're not even the richest but you think you're perfect? Or are you trying to be?" Professor Black said.

The bullies and some students including me said "Ohh" as a symbolism of Stacy being roasted. Professor Black didn't even filtered his words. He just didn't cared. What a savage.

"You!!! Ughh!! So dumb stupid Argh!!!" Stacy shouted while stomping her feet.

Is she throwing tantrums?

Oh boy you're doomed.
