
Saving her family...

she look at the cat infront of her and give him a handkerchief so he can find them from the smell but the cat stay their without moving after eating the fruits his intelligence and strength has improved although he is still a newborn cat.

he can fight with 2nd rank beast he look at her in disgust 'this stupid human girl think me as dog to find out about her family with my nose in her dream' he turn his head refusing to look at her but suddenly the temperature around them drop serval degree making him shiver.

he turn his head and saw the girl playing with a sword which blade is completely ice blue in colour the bade give him creepy vibe he understands her intention if he didn't do what she is saying she will cut his head.

'its better to become dog then loss my life' with the he quickly move his tiny limps but his speed was still awesome for a newborn child both follow him soon they all reach a cave.

'they are inside' realising that they can't understand him he use his paw to point inside ofcourse both understand that what they want is inside the cave she look at the wall of cave and frown.

"they are not natural but made" Shanghai word make her frown deeper "it's only has been two months and they has already formed a base for themself they are growing very fast.... let's go"

the cat was stunt for a sec when he was suddenly pick up her but soon start struggling 'stupid human if you want to court dear then do it why are you taking me along with you.... HELP!!!!

she ignore the cat struggle and enter deeper in the cave but when the area become widder they were stunt with the view infront of them almost thousand of undead gather their with few undead and human on the alter like place.

On the alter she saw her five brother along with her parents their was three more figure and it was her friend xing, Ming and ara compare to her brother who are still in shock other three are little okay since they has seen them before.

Along with ten of them their are also ten undead who are only 1st rank undead it seem like they are the one who are going to eat human flesh suddenly all the undead got on their knees and a undead dress up in black robe appear their.

other undead has red light in their empty socket but this undead has blue light in them which is the symbol of the


she look at him her eyes has some fear in them undead are the most troublesome creatures and the king seem to be 5th rank undead he can only die with spiritual fire so killing him is not going to be easy infact taking her family away from here is going to be troublesome.

"can we deal with them" jian ask him since she was not sure about this.

"we can't kill them but we can run away from here" her eyes lip up she has forgotten about her bikes there are five bike if they seats on pairs they will be able to run away from here with their life she look at the cat.

when the cat felt her gaze he shiver she point at her family then at her hand he understood that she want him to untie those human hands 'this stupid human is asking me to commit suicide does she really think that the king will not able to sense my presence'

he shook his head she glare at him and grab the hilt of her sword he shiver at the thought of the cold sword he don't want to die such cruel death maybe the king will be idiot enough to ignore his presence.

he gulp and trembling walk toward the alter when he pass all the undead he try to blend himself with darkness he himself didn't realise that he has been merge with the darkness even she was not able to see him if its was not the fact that Shanghai is reporting her his action she must has though that he run away.

he climb on the alter with trembling limps finally he reach ara who is tied nearest to him he start struggling with the rope after all he is still newborn kitten where he has this much strength in anger he open his mouth and bite the rope his sharp teeth immediately cut the rope.

he was stunt so was ara she look at her hand which got untied suddenly although she was confuse she know very well that it's not time for her to be confuse she slowly move closer Chen and start untying his rope.

one by one everyone rope were cutted xing, Ming, ara and kai summon their bike everyone got on their bike she and Shanghai also appear their and take one person on their bikes with that they leave the cave.

the king was angry as he realise all of his army to chase after them this turn of even make her scared their are almost thousand undead she exchange seat with her father and start attacking the undead using her element Shanghai did the same he give the control of his bike Shang.

"why only third brother has this bike"chen mumble to himself but since ara was scared out of her witta she felt his voice extremely annoying "can you shut up for few sec" she angrily scold him chen want to argue back but thinking that other party is a girl and she is helping him he keep his mouth shut.

"everyone kings mode" they all listen to her as soon as the king mode was activated their speed sky rocket other were stunt with the speed of the bikes but they were not she was thinking of entering devil mode in everyone bikes so they can escape in dangerous situation.