
NieR Automata: Life's Meaning

In the face of the impending extinction of the human race, initiatives such as Project Gestalt and Project Snow White were believed by those involved to be the key to humanity's salvation. There were many more like it, all making use of the mysterious energy known as maso along with other elements foreign to their dimension. Project APEX, or the Augmented Progression of Evolutionary Xenobiology, was a privately funded venture that took a far different approach. Instead of using elements not native to the dimension Earth resided in, researchers attempted to synthesis a human carrying artificial genes derived from native biological material that displayed an innate resistance to maso. Humanity was wiped out long before any could see the result of the experiment but that didn't mean it never bore fruit. Abruptly awakened from a lifelong slumber with nothing but an AI as company, the young man born from the experiment takes on the name Apex and emerges from an underground lab unsure of what the future holds. *** art by...huh, I think the original artist might've taken down their account or the information I have is outdated so I'm not sure how to credit it. I'll just put my trust in the reddit post and say its from a X(twitter) user formerly known as @09_Ziezzzzz. Allegedly. Update Schedule? When I can/feel like it. New term got me swamped with work.

TheContradiction · 游戏衍生
31 Chs

Clean Protector

Apex rolled a large basin, carved from wood and more than big enough to fit a person comfortably, beside A2's camp and set it down. He headed back into the cabin and emerged with three of the metal drums they used to store water from the distant river, two over his shoulders and the final one held up from a gathering of tendrils emerging from his shoulder blade. He had to take his time and the tendrils shook, struggling to support the weight, but he made it back, setting the containers beside the basin. One last dip back into the cabin and he emerged with extra bars of soap.

This time A2 was waiting for him, arms crossed.

"What is this stuff for?" She questioned.

"To bathe." He said.

She gave him an odd look. "I thought you did that inside?"

"Oh, this isn't for me, its for you." He said. How do you tell someone they smell without coming across as rude? He wasn't sure but he'd try. "You're covered in dirt and you don't…smell the best. Your clothes aren't much-"

"What Apex means to say-" Popola suddenly appeared, having rushed over from her morning gardening, and grabbed the soap from him, offering it to A2 with a smile. "-is that he thinks you would find it easy to relax after a nice bath." She said, framing it far better than he did. "You've been destroying machines at all times of the day. We just want you to be as comfortable as possible when you find time to take a break."

A2 regarded them both with that same odd look before taking a sniff of herself. Her nose wrinkled and she squinted.

Apex couldn't help but snort, ignoring the pleading look Popola was sending him. "Did you really not realize how bad you smelled?" 

"Shut it." She grunted, a quick glare flicked his way before she took the offered soap, not at all happy with the smell that hit her. Androids may not produce waste or sweat- two things he shared with them- but doing nothing but running around in a forest beneath the hot sun fighting machines was a recipe for a not so pleasant stench.

Seeing A2's hard stare, he raised his hands as a sign of peace and took off, around the cabin to join Devola for their usual lessons. Its not like he needed to peak on her when her few pieces of clothing left so little to the imagination in the first place.

-Route A, No.19-

Apex's fingers traveled across Devola's guitar, managing to hold a steady tune that wasn't murder on the ears for once.

"You're getting better." Devola complimented from behind him, seating a step above on front porch, her legs on either side of him as she brushed his hair. She'd taken it upon herself to keep it straight and at the times style it should the mood hit her.

"What can I say, I'm a rare talent." He joked. She reached between his strands, poking the back of his neck. "And maybe I had a good teacher."


"Maybe." He repeated earning an amused hum from her.

While they were lazing beneath the sun, Popola turned the corner, joining them in the front yard. And she wasn't alone, A2 in tow.

Hair now as white as snow, and skin free of dirt, the beauty he associated with her properly shined through, not all dampened by the very much still visible lines that gave away her status as an android. There was something about her combination of white hair, blue eyes, and that beauty mark below her lips that made her stand out so much to him. Her clothing was still dirty but the way they hugged her curves rendered that a non-issue.

'It was often said that opposites attract, master.' Navi said, referencing the contrast between them. Dark crimson eyes versus striking light blue eyes. Jet black hair against hair so white it almost seemed to glow beneath the sunlight. He hadn't given it much thought, but their appearances did scream opposites.

Apex stopped playing and gave her a thumbs up. The gesture was meant with a scoff, A2 looking away from him.

"Looking good, White." Devola called out.

That got her a sharp glare. "Stop calling me that." A2 all but spat out. This wasn't the annoyance she showed when he pestered her but genuine anger, her eyes colder than ever.

"Not a fan of nicknames?" Devola questioned.

A2 scoffed again. "Just don't call me that again."

"How about just 2?" She didn't accept or reject the shortening of her name but her glare did lessen. Of course, Devola took that as a form of approval. "Alright then, 2 it is. If you've finally decided to stop being so moody, you can borrow a change of clothes from me." Devola said as she stood up and headed towards the cabin door. A2 stayed where she was, that signature odd look back. "Well, what are you waiting for? There's no point in getting cleaned up if you're going to walk around in dirty clothes."

Apex shifted aside when A2 finally listened, passing him on her way up the steps and disappearing into the cabin after Devola.

"You know, I think I'm beginning to understand her." Popola said as she took a seat beside him.

"And what are you thinking?"

"She isn't as mean as she seems…or doesn't intend to be." Popola brow furrowed as she frowned. "I think she's been on her own for so long doing nothing but fighting that she doesn't know how to talk to others. It doesn't help that you're a human, not that I'm blaming you or anything." Popola quickly added the last part.

"It does seem like she struggles to pick up social cues." Apex agreed. All the staring, silence, and aggressive reactions made sense if all she knew was fighting. Things others consider rude might not be clicking that way for her.

"I have an idea, if you don't mind that is."

He gestured for her to continue, curious as to what she cooked up to help with A2's lack of social ability.

-Route A, 019-

Apparently cooking was the plan.

Smoke rose up the crackling flames of A2's campfire, carrying with it the smell of burning wood and freshly cooked fish. He and Popola had spent part of the day fishing with makeshift poles and now they were gathered around A2's camp, waiting for the first batch of their skewered hall to be finished. They didn't crowd the quiet A2, using a separate log to join her at the campfire.

"You can have one too, you know." Apex said once they were finally cooked, handing Devola and Popola theirs before taking one for himself. It took a single bite for him to be hooked on the taste. The outside was slightly crispy but the insides tender and full of natural flavors that land caught food lacked.

"I don't need to eat." A2 said from her log. She now wore a pair of black pants similar and a white tank top, courtesy of Devola. He imagined the latter would've given her a bra but A2 was far more stacked in that department compared to the twins, the sides of her boobs peaking out from the top. He killed the urge to steal looks, not wanting to ruins Popola's plan.

"Neither do they." Apex pointed out. "Technically I don't need to cook anything I catch. My body will just break down anything I eat into energy." He added for good measure. Back during his first days in the forest, Navi suggested to do so, claiming it would be efficient and diseases wouldn't be a problem. He hadn't quite gotten desperate enough to bother with the revolting idea. "Just because you don't need to do something doesn't mean you shouldn't. All that really matters is whether or not you want to."

Leaving her with that bit of advice, He, Popola, and Devola tossed around small talk. The idea wasn't to pressure her after all. Only open the door to the possibility if he was to quote Popola.

It took some time, and plenty of quiet looks between the three of them, before A2 finally grabbed a stick and took a bite of the food. Several quicker bites followed soon after.

"How is it?" Popola asked. A2's attention snapped up them as if she'd forgotten they were even there.

"Fine, I guess."

"With the way you started wolfing it down, I think fine is an understatement." Devola teased. A2 grunted and looked away though didn't stop herself from eating.

By the same they got down to the last batch, she was actually keeping pace with him in terms of how much she'd eaten. One would think she actually needed food. While she was technically cutting into the energy he needed to train later, Apex didn't bother stopping her, his gaze instead drawn to the distant clothes line beside the garden.

His cloak, the few changes of clothing the twins had, and A2 torn clothing were drying out on it. It was a bit pitiful how little they had.

"What do you three think about scavenging some supplies from the city ruins?" He questioned, garnering their full attention in an instant. Its something the twins discouraged even after those resistance members came by and more or less approved their departure from the group. But now he wasn't the only one capable of truly fighting the machines. "We could do with more clothes and it'd be nice if we could get ahold of something like books."

"More clothes would be nice." Devola agreed.

"Well, I not against the idea." Popola reluctantly admitted though she turned her attention to A2. "You don't have to but I'd be more comfortable with it if you were there with us."

Seeing all the attention had turned to her, A2 shook her head. "Do whatever you want. I'm keeping an eye on him, either way." That sounded like a yes to him.

"You know you can just say yes, right? No need to be so shy." Devola teased A2 while leaning forward.

A2 gave a sort of huff and looked away once more, returning to the fish.

He'd finally be making another trip into the remains of civilization. It went without saying that he was eager to see what was hiding in all it's nooks and crannies.

Did any of you check out the game awards? I personally don't care for the awards themselves but those annoucements? This year was a really great show if you ask me. That Elden Ring spinoff, that one samurai game, outworlds 2, some co-op stuff. I might stop writing next year just to waste all my time gaming lol X_x.

A2 is still being a tough nut but she'll warm-up in her own way especially as the stakes raise up. I wasn't planning too much with the Forest Kingdom this early on but Devils_and_angels comment gave me some cool ideas. While I won't be doing exactly what they suggested you can thank them if you enjoy some of the future chaps I'm planning.

Randon side note for those who are way too generous for their own good.


You read that link right. I'm not offering early chapters or anything like other writers I've seen that use the site; its just another way to support me in addition to showing up here. Maybe when I get a break around the holidays I could do something like a week ahead but I honestly don't want to do something like 10 chapters ahead. I feel like being that far ahead would make me disconnected from the main readers , besides, I have no idea how other writers can write so much in such a short amount of time. Dropping 1 chapter a day with occasional bonus chapters during the week is challenge enough for me.

I don't know if I mentioned it but we're already closing in on 1.2k collections. Its crazy how many people are reading this thing. I don't think I'l ever get over that.

TheContradictioncreators' thoughts