
NICOLE [Gifted Series#1]

Left in the world with nothing apart from a little hope to find her mate without knowing what the future has installed for her. Being rejected and abused by the one who was supposed to love and cherish her forever, thinking that she'll spend the rest of her life wolfless and lonely. Empty and heartbroken, she ran away and for good this time. with all hope lost and trying to forget her mate alongside the feeling of rejection, what happens when she finds out she has a second chance mate and not just one but two freaking mates? Not knowing the kind of power that resides in her, Nicole the once wolfless who was labeled as a freak and as a murderer is freaked out when she finds out her first power is freaking healing. With series of events happening one after another and powers growing deep within her. will she succeed? will her trust issues get the better of her stopping her from getting things done or not? will she survive the tests and trials she'll be facing? will she be getting a happy ever after or not? find out more as you follow Nicole on this journey of hers. All Rights Reserved. This is all my idea and imagination. cover from canva and Pinterest

MissAlexis · 青春言情
17 Chs

Luna I

Third Person's P.O.V:

It's been about what now? three months since Nicole found her second chance mates[Alexander and Asher], they've been getting close...well slowly opening up to each other, as for Nicole and the girls, well Ashley's been persistent on being Nicole's friend, since she couldn't get rid of Ashley she just gradually got used to her presences and sometimes not.

However Stella's case was different, they weren't close and nothing much happened between them apart from when Stella tried getting close to her or having a proper conversation with her and Stella getting a cold shoulder. Ever since Nicole overhead Stella and Stephano's argument, she decided to keep a distance from Stella and Ashley but you know Ashley ....she's just her.




"Nic" Ashley called out in a sing-song voice as she entered the open kitchen, Nicole was by the stove doing her own thing[Cooking] she was hungry and wanted to eat an early lunch.

"Hmmm, what's that heavenly smell," Ashley said as her eyes roamed around the kitchen, Nicole couldn't help but let out a soft giggle as she heard what Ashley said and saw the drool by her mouth.

"Lunch," Nicole said. She made enough for everyone including Matilda.

"You want some?" she asked as she tilted her head. She was glad she could cook, she learned a lot of things from bright moon pack and this just happens to be one of them.

"Of Course I do, who wouldn't want a lunch that smells this great, look's this great, and tastes this great too," Ashley said with a wide grin attached to her face.

"Lee it's just food, and besides food is food," Nicole said with a shrug.

"Don't ever say that 'Food is not Food', have you seen what you're making ?"

"That's a spicy chicken and avocado wrap, a chorizo & chickpea soup, a mango and prawn salad"Ashley said with a serious look as she listed the two foods that were already off the stove and the one that salad Nicole was currently preparing.

"Nicole...can I talk to you for a sec," Stella asked as she stared at the girl who Ashley was currently talking to.

"I'll get going now, you two settle yourself"Ashley said as she head towards the door, seeing as Ashley left, leaving the two of them alone, Nicole finally nod's.

"Why have you been avoiding me like a plague ever since you came you only spoke or reacted to Lee, but why have you been treating me differently, did I do something wrong in any way," Stella asked, she finally said what has been bothering her over this past few months.

She waited patiently for an answer, seeing Nicole shake her head

"You mean It's nothing and I did nothing wrong," She asked again earning a nod from Nicole.

"Friends?"Stella asked unsurely, she just wanted things to be right between her and the girl who had just joined their pack. Nicole nodded, not saying anything else.

"Friends," Stella said beaming, although she always appears with the whole bad girl persona, you know the whole 'don't f**k with me' stuff, she's one big softie when you get to know her.

"Okay I'll be calling you Nikki from now on, Nicole's just a mouth full" She ranted,"...I mean if it's okay by you, "She added nervously, seeing as Nicole was just quietly watching her without saying a word, she began to feel more nervous.

"Yeah" Nicole spoke for the first time since the conversation began.





"Who's the new b*tch?"Trisha asked as she glanced at the girl walking down the stairs alongside Ashley and Stella.

"Our Alphas so-called mate, just some rogue girl they brought back"The girl beside her answered as she looked at her waiting for some sort of reaction from Trisha and sure enough she got the reaction she expected.

Crazy b*tch once you attack the Luna the Alphas would finally get the chance to throw you out, then there would be me, I'll finally get the opportunity to be with both Alphas, hehehe. The girl who was once beside Trisha thought as she smiled evilly.

"Oh my goodness, what does she want now" Stella murmured, catching the other two girls' attention, they turned to see what Stella was murmuring about.

"Oh goddess, they aren't even here with us which means one thing," Ashley said feeling frustrated at her brothers admire[Trisha] who was now walking towards their direction.

"She knows, "Both girls said at the same time coming to a realization, looking at each other with wide eyes.

"Nic no matter what happens just know that my brothers have nothing to do with this or her," Ashley said looking at Nicole with pleading eyes.

Great, another stuck-up b*tch who thinks they're better than everybody, great she also believes my mates are hers. Just what I needed.

"B*tch" Ava cursed in Nicole's head.

"Nic lemme at her, who does she thinks she is? "Ava said angrily as she packed at the back of Nicole's head[remember Ava from chapter 5: It Hurts, Nicole's wolf], just as Ava just finished speaking they heard Trisha say.

"Hey, you little sl*t," Trisha said in an extremely high-pitched voice making the girls to cover their ears and Nicole to flinch.

"I heard you've been seducing my men huh," She said as she seized up poor ole Nicole.

" Who do you think you are huh, coming here trying to stake a claim huh"

"Listen here b*tch they're mine okay, MINE, So stay away from them"

"Isn't that like supposed to be Nikki's Line or something and not the other way around?" Stella said as she looked at Trisha with disdain, people around them who heard what she said couldn't help but snicker.

"Who gave her the right to even think about saying that, I'll say this one last time, They are Mine so stay away from there you low life"

"Trisha shut the f**k up okay, Nicole is here and she's here to stay, she's our future luna and you should give her f**king respect ok"

"Yeah and by the way, you have no right to question her"

"Alright, so you all are supporting this sl*t, huh, let's see if she's actually worth being the luna of this pack, or me, "Trisha said with a provocative look gasp could be heard as everyone around there could already guess what she was getting at.

"Trisha, don't you dare," Ashley said with a hint of warning in her eyes.

"Don't even think about it"Stella said glaring at her.

"Well, what do you suggest"Nicole said, her voice sounding very soft but cold. She felt a warm feeling as she watched the two girls beside her stand up for her, that's something she hadn't experienced for quite some time now.

"Ha, You decided to talk. okay I Trisha Stephanie Auther Delta of BloodShot Pack challenge you for the position of luna of Bloodshot pack"

Damn this only means two things okay maybe three or four but it doesn't matter all that matters is that the young woman standing in front of her who's been calling her names wants to fight and she seems good at it as she has an incredible physique.

I'm doomed, why? well, it goes like this,1: Never trained, 2; I'm weak, 3: Still weak and never trained, I barely know how to kill a fly, Nicole thought with a dazed expression but then again nobody believed me when it happened, she thought with a sad look, then back to her straight cold face.

Ashley and Stella watched as Nicole's expression changed like lightning, a little bit confused, they could sense her quick change in emotion.

"I can't do this, I'll just embarrass myself and them as well," Nicole thought, she shook her head at her own thoughts.

"You don't want to disappoint them and lose our mate and newly found friends now do you?"Ava said.

"I Nicole Avaline Silvia, future Luna of Bloodshot Pack accept your challenge Trisha Stephanie Auther Delta of BloodShot Pack," Nicole said shocking everyone present, they thought she might just reject as she had a weak body, and her voice was neither loud nor low it was just enough for them all to hear. Trisha seemingly to have come out of her shock looked at her like she was the dumbest person in the plant.

Nicole wouldn't argue with that, cause that's just how she felt right now.*sigh*.

"Great, Training ground at 4 pm tomorrow, don't be late, "Trisha said as she turned in her heels smiling.




The next day:

'Oh my goodness, oh my goodness what do I do, what do I do?'Nicole kept on murmuring as she paced about in her room.

'Why did I have to accept it, I mean I was just an Omega, No I was lesser than an Omega, Ah chicken nuggets continued to murmur until a knock at her door interrupted her.

"Hey," Ashley said with a small smile.

"Hey," Nicole said still thinking about how she was doomed. hehehe

"you good? Are you okay?"Ashley asked, yesterday as soon as Trisha left, Nicole was nowhere to be seen like she just disappeared, later on, they found her in her room but her room was locked.


"Nic open the door"Ashley yelled as she knocked hard on the door. Nicolle didn't bother to answer.

"Nikki, open the door, please don't do anything stupid," Stella said making both her and Ashley panic, quickly without saying anything Ashley left to look for her brothers as different scenarios of how they'll find Nicole in her room played in her mind causing her to speed up her pace. Soon enough the twins came walking behind Ashley.

"NICOLE, OPEN THE F**KING DOOR NOW" Alex yelled, he was scared and angry, he didn't want to lose her, and he was scared his mate would do something stupid to herself.

"IF YOU DON'T OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW, WE'LL BREAK IT OPEN" Asher yelled, fear engulfing him, fear of his mate committing suicide or her being kidnapped by their enemies.

Suddenly the sound of a key being twisted and a door opening could be heard, making them stop as they heard it from her room.

"What's going on, why are you guys yelling," Nicole said as she came out of her room, rubbing her sleepy eyes, yes that's right she was sleeping in the midst of all this commotion and panic.*sigh*

As soon as she stepped out of her room she was engulfed in tight hugs and people questioning her why she didn't open her door on time.

"I was asleep," she said still looking confused, she suddenly thought about the dream and how she fell asleep without even waking up despite the who commotion, which was extremely strange as it was not the usual nightmare of her past which still haunted her even in her day to day life and she was a light sleeper which means she's very vigilant and cautious even in her sleep.

But this time when she woke up. she completely forgot about the dream, and as she tried to think back to anything that happened in the dream, she would only end up with her mind being blank which scared her.



"Are you sure you wanna do this?, you know that your our luna and you don't need to prove anything" Asher said with a conflicted expression

"Kitten, you don't need to prove anything you're ours and this pack's rightful luna, you could get killed, Trisha she's the delta and you don't have any experience in fighting and we don't want you to get hurt,'' Alex said trying to talk her out of fighting with the bish[Trisha].

Come to think of it I think they don't trust me enough and it hurts. Nicole thought, her face dulled immediately with just that thought in mind.

" You guys doubt me, it's okay I understand I mean I can't fight but she has no freaking right to challenge me about my mate or just because she's some insecure stuck up b*tch, I don't know what you guys have going on but just please figure it out,'' Nicole said almost crying at the last part, but who wouldn't want them when they look like greek gods and are nice, caring possessive towards their pack and family.

"But Princess, it's not what you think honestly-'' Nicole tuned out whatever they were about to say, She didn't want to honestly hear it, She was just starting to trust them..she felt this was too much to handle, her insecurity and anxiety kicking in.

Clearing her mind, Nicole looked at the crowd nervously and saw Trisha, oh dear if looks could kill she's sure as hell she would have been six feet under the ground.

Ignoring them, the announcement was made Nicole heard her name and went into the circle, she saw Trisha making her way into the circle, she was panicking when Ava suddenly spoke to her.

"Don't worry leave this all to me"

She suddenly felt the flow of some kind of strange power go through her vain, she felt stronger at least Stronger than before. what just happen... nevermind Stephano announced the start of the fight.

Suddenly Trisha lept forward charging at her before Nicole had time to access the situation Trisha punched her in the face making her face move to the side and her nose dripping blood, she lunched at nic again kicking her in the stomach and making her fall to the ground and spitting out blood.

Crowds cheer could be heard [some supported Nicole, while others supported Trisha]one could still feel the doubt of those who supported Nicole.

"I can't stand this Tasha is going to kill nic" Alex mumbled and he guessed ash heard him cause he said

"Chill, we both know if nic didn't accept this challenge the pack wouldn't accept her anymore, I also want to tear Trisha apart right now"

Nicole got up staggering a little, she looked Trisha in the eye and then launched at her at an inhumane speed, she punched her in the guts cutting her off guard.

Nicole picked her by her foot and flung her to the other side of the circle and walked up to her but Tasha shifted mid-air lunching at Nicole. what the f*ck I thought that wasn't allowed. Stella thought.

"We have to stop this, Trisha is going to kill her," Ashley said begging her brothers. Alex looked at Asher trying to reason with him but...Nicole also shifted. This is the first they were seeing her wolf, Gasp could be heard from everyone even Trisha who was fighting her was a bit stunned by Nicole's wolf.

The legendary white wolf not just any type but a pure snowy white one, a rare fur color, said to be a direct descendant of the goddess herself, they were also known as the protectors or something like that.

Trisha grabbed Nicole's tail biting hard on it while Nicole tried to go around her, then Trisha left the tail and jumped on Nicole's back. Nicole shook her off pinning her to the ground and dug her teeth into Trisha's ribs making blood coat her white fur and Trisha's light brown fur.

She pulled away from it giving Tasha the chance to dig her claw into nic's stomach, nic turned with determined eyes and took a chunk from Tasha's stomach making Trisha whimper and turn her head a little showing her neck in submission.

Stephano announced nic as the winner while Trisha was rushed to the hospital, Nicole fell making the twins rush to her side.

"I'll be fine, "She said before she went back to her human form and fell unconscious.






Today was the day, the day Damien officially stabilized Chole's position and the day the pack member recognize her to be their Luna/Alpha female even if they didn't like it.

"Are you happy?"James asked his sister[Chole], of course, he knew she was happy, she was finally officially getting the position she strived for.

"of course, I am, you should hurry that mate of yours should be waiting, anyway I have to touch up my makeup before I come downstairs, "Chole said with a proud smile plastered on.

Of course, she knew her brother was against her and Damien, she knew that James knew Damien wasn't her mate, she also knows that James doesn't completely hate Nicole, that he still had a very small soft spot for her but he's just too good at coving it but doesn't matter.

what he thinks doesn't matter, all that matters was that she had Damien wrapped around her little finger and she's getting the position she deserves.

Soon enough Chole alongside her dad came downstairs walking to the venue in her red velvet spaghetti mermaid-style dress, her makeup was bold showing off her hazel eyes.

"Welcome Everyone to Today's Ceremony"Ex-Alpha Zack Ross said with a smile as he gestured for his wife to continue.

"As we all know, Today My Son Would Be Officially Announcing His Mate Chole as The luna of This pack, But Before then Let's begin The Rituals, "Brittany Ross said esthetically as she gestured for the Main couple of the night to come up the stage.

"Repeat after me, "An elder of the pack said as he held onto a big black book.

"I Chole Maddison McAdams Daughter of Bardon and Caroline McAdams, Vow before the moon, the goddess, and the people of BrightMoon pack tonight, "The elder said as he gave her the book to place her hand on.

'I Chole Maddison McAdams Daughter of Bardon and Caroline McAdams, Vow before the moon. the goddess and the people of Brightmoon pack" Chole said, her hand placed on the ancient-looking big black book,

"I Vow To Be An Uptight Luna, To Put My Pack First Before Myself, To Protect The Pack," the elder said.

"I Vow To Be An Uptight Luna, To Put My Pack First Before Myself, To Protect The Pack" As Chole repeated the last vow, she turned a smiled at the crowd, earning scrows, smiles, and looks of indifference from the pack members that were clapping.

"Step forward and stretch forth your right hands, "One of the Elders of the pack said as he gestured for the young boy holding a gold tray with red cloth and a knife on it, and another brought forth a small basin with clean water in it.

Damien was the first person to step forward, he took the knife and slit his palm then gave it to Chole, and she did the same thing. Letting both their blood drop into the water that was placed in front of them, the blood in the water got mixed and soon enough Chole could hear different voices sounding in her head.

She felt a headache coming and also she felt her connection to the pack, Not only her but the whole pack felt the connection, she smiled at Damien and then at the pack causing the crowd to cheer and clap.

"I Now Present To You Luna Of BrightMoon Pack Chole Maddison McAdams," Damien said proudly to the pack.

Ex-Alpha Zack Ross announced the beginning of a banquet which is usual for every pack, with everyone socializing and Chole trying to bond with the pack members as Damien follows after her, In the midst of the joyous occasion a girl with fair black skin sat in the corner as she watched everything happen.

She felt that even if her brother's mate wasn't the girl she likes or expected, she hope it'll be anybody but the girl's but cousin, she would still be happy as long as he was happy.

"I'm Sorry Nicholas, they didn't end up together like we thought" Samantha murmured.

During the whole process, Damien kept having a nagging feeling that what he was doing was wrong but he chose to Ignore it.

Forget about the mate he rejected, the girl in front of him right now was his, his luna and mate not the low-life wolfless freak Nicole and that's all that matters now.

Damien thought, oblivious to what was happening in NY [BloodShot Pack], the place the mate he rejected was at.

To Be Continued....

Good Lord, I've finally been able to update this ....

Thank you, lord. Without you Lord I am nothing.

Thank y'all for reading...I mean spearing some time reading this, I feel honored, yep.

Your not-so-favorite Vee/Lexi...

I would like some feedback in order to improve*pouts*

Like it? Add to your library!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Byeeee pixies

see you in the next chap...

love ya

MissAlexiscreators' thoughts