
Nicholas's Mistress

The moment he met her he knew he had to have her, but he he never envisioned a life of misery in her hands. The pain he had to go through drove him to the harms of another, he truly loved his wife but he didn't see a future with her anymore.

efancy_magdayao · 都市
7 Chs

Chapter 5

Katherine was walking towards her office when she saw Nicholas standing at her door, she wondered what he was doing there. For the last two weeks, Nicholas had been avoiding her and she was beginning to feel like she had done something wrong. Nicholas had avoided her like the blake since their kiss and Katherine had wanted an explanation for his behaviour towards her.

To make matters worse, Nicholas had been flaunting his wife around in the office pretending like the perfect couple. If Nicholas was planning to get back with his wife why hadn't he informed her, she felt used. Katherine was beginning to regret ever trusting him, she had believed him when he said there was nothing between him and his wife but based on their actions it seemed Nicholas had lied to her.

Bethany has been strutting around showing off to everyone in the office, she had been walking around like the boss and commanding everyone. Nicholas had been kept mum about the whole thing acting like he didn't know how Bethany was making everyone's life difficult. Katherine had long given up on the idea that Nicholas will intervene, so it was a surprise to see him standing at her door.

Approaching him, Katherine didn't bother talking she entered the office Nicholas hot on her heels." What can I do for you, sir?" Katherine said sounding formal and distant. She wasn't going to wait around for a man who didn't seem to know who he wanted to be with. Nicholas stood there not knowing what to say, for the past two weeks he had avoided Katherine. He was beginning to feel like a monster for not defending her whenever Bethany had been mean to her. Nicholas knew that he was losing her based on the way she treated him whenever they talked. Katherine had become so distant to him that she had even avoided going to his office to greet him every morning like she used to.

She had even preferred communicating with him through her secretary, Nicholas couldn't blame her for that he had been the one to bull back from their budding relationships. Nicholas didn't know how to fix things with her, he had tried to call her only for his call to be disconnected. As he stood there looking at her he realised he had missed her greatly, he wanted to bull her to his arms and kiss her as he had done before.

Katherine looked magnificent in her black suit paired with sky blue heels, Nicholas watched her bite her lip and he felt his body responding to the action he wished he was the one biting that lip. He had woken up every night sweating thinking that Katherine was in his bed only to be disappointed that it was just a dream.

Walking around with Bethany wrapped around his arms all the time had felt like torture and she hadn't helped with her nagging and at the end of every day, Nicholas had felt like slapping her. The thought of finally being able to get rid of her had been his motivation. He might have made progress when it comes to deceiving Bethany but he had also ruined things between him and Katherine.

"Katherine, I wanted to tell you that it is not what it seems, there is a reason why I am entertaining Bethany right now, you have to trust me," Nicholas said desperately.

Katherine listened to him talk, and she so wished to believe him but she didn't to be a fool anymore. She wishes Nicholas would just come out and tell her what was going on, he was promising her heaven yet he would move around kissing his wife.

"So you want to tell me that nothing is going on between you two yet you kiss her in front of everyone," she said trying to keep the tears away" how do you think I feel Nicholas? watching the two of you being all lovey-dovey hurts a lot and you tell me I should understand".

Katherine could no longer hold back the tears and they came in force blurring her vision, she wanted so much for Nicholas to hold her and tell her everything was fine. He had been the first guy she had given her heart top but he had ended up playing her, how will she trust him after all that she has seen and heard.

"I swear I didn't kiss Bethany, thinking of kissing her makes me want to puke," Nicholas said trying to take her in his arms only for her to move away. He had hurt her, he had hurt the woman he swore never to, he could feel the pain in his own heart as he watched her cry. Nicholas didn't know what to tell her to believe him.

"Please don't lie to me Nicholas your secretary saw you two kissing and she deemed it fit to tell me " she couldn't believe he would lie to her" I trusted you Nicholas and you went and betrayed me, what were you playing?"

"Believe me, sweetheart, it is you I want to be with, your face is the one I wish to see every night when I go to sleep and every morning when I wake up" Nicholas didn't want to lose her, not when he was beginning to know the true meaning of being in love.

"I love you so much Katherine and I don't want to lose you, what I feel for you i far much greater than what I have ever felt for anyone" she still didn't look convinced.

Nicholas couldn't control himself anymore, he bulled her to his arms holding her so tight, he was afraid that if he let go she would disappear. Katherine could feel herself giving in and she laid her head on his chest she could feel his heart beating violently and she felt whole, she wanted to stay in his arms forever and not let go.

Then she remembered that Nicholas was still with his wife and she stepped back, she couldn't claim him to be hers while he was still going home to another woman. It hurt but that was the reality and there is nothing she could do if Nicholas was really in love with her as he had said then why was he still with Bethany.

As she went to turn away from him Nicholas kissed her deeply and she responded, it felt even better than the first kiss. Her lips were so soft and her hands felt so good on his chest, she was awakening immense feelings for Nicholas. He bit her lower lip urging her to open up for him and she moaned giving him the advantage.

Katherine felt like her body was on fire, she could feel Nicholas's erection pressing on her belly and she wanted to feel him in her, she was surprised by her thoughts since she had not been with any other man before. She wanted Nicholas to help ease the urge building up between her legs and as if reading her mind he placed his hands on her bottom and lifted her to the table.

Nicholas ran his hand along her legs till he reached the hem of the skirt and pushed it up exposing her thighs, he went down on his knee kissing her from the angle to the inside of her thighs. Katherine had never felt like this before, she wanted more and she told him so which urged Nicholas to continue his administration. As he approached between her legs he noticed that she was wet and he moaned kissing her which caused Katherine to moan with delight.

She tried to keep her voice down which was difficult to do since she felt like screaming her lungs out, Katherine held his head urging him on.

Nicholas bit her on her clit which was glistening because of her juices, she tasted like fine wine and he never wanted to stop drinking from her. He was like a starved man and Katherine lifted her head to watch him as he blanched his tongue into her opening, his eyes were dark as he looked back at her." Nicholas... please" Katherine begged panting, she didn't even know what she was begging for but she felt that Nicholas would know what she wanted.

"You don't know how good you taste sweetheart, it makes me go insane," Nicholas said as he inserted his middle finger into her opening. Katherine felt the pressure build-up in her core and she knew she wouldn't last long as Nicholas inserted a second finger into her she couldn't hold it anymore and she came as Nicholas Kissed her her scream was swallowed up by Nicholas's kiss.

She watched Nicholas look at her like he was seeing her for the first time, she didn't know that she could feel that good from his kiss." God' you look so beautiful when you come" Nicholas said like he was in great pain and Katherine smiled. She felt so weak and satiated and she wanted to be with him like this forever, but she had to get back t work. Removing a handkerchief from his pocket Nicholas, wiped between her legs and helped her fix her skirt.