
Next in line to the Primordial

BluRog · 奇幻
42 Chs

Chapter 13 : The Start

As Cain left and a barrier was formed Martin started to speak

"So this is a silence barrier right ?" looking at Olivia he asked .

"Yes , this doesn't a single sound escape . Now come to the point " She spoke with irritation as she glared at Martin.

"Ok , now here are the contracts . In return for you both promoting and helping me in establishing my firm here . The People of the Zrervin family and the top officials of the Zrervin Adventurer guild will get 10% discount on all products . This also includes that the Adventurer guild first comes to sell the material to us and also the Zrervin family help us in land acquisition and any legal difficulties " Spoke as Martin passed Contracts each to Olivia and Robert to check them.

Robert with a little irritation spoke ,

"10% is to little , and I need you to give first priority to our orders . And as in the contract I won't reduce any tax on you" hearing this Martin showed a little displeasure and told them

"I can agree on the latter 2 matters but the discounted price stays at 10%" as he looked at both of them.

"Fine , I'm good with it we had discussed it already . So just edit it about the tax and first priority " Robert spoke as he shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm fine with the contract , i'll sign it here" Olivia signed the contract and gave it to Martin as he passed the other contract to his daughter as she channeled mana into the contract changing its words as the contract shined a little . Robert then signed the contract and passed it back to Martin , then he spoke looking at Martin

"I advise you to establish your shop within 3 to 4 months " slightly irritated Martin spoke

"I know , those damned Primordials are sending all their children to all the Kingdoms from 2 months back. Like they are searching for something . I also received information that Aquis's youngest child , that crazy monster is coming to this kingdom after 3 months" Martin spoke in a very irritated tone , interrupting him Robert with a small mocking smile on his face spoke

"And She will most likely visit Zrervin also as the famous Mage of Water blades stays here" as he looked at Olivia

"Tsk , Those talented monsters grow stronger and faster than any beings in the world , especially as I've heard Aquis youngest daughter is A rank and only 22 age . There rumors going as far as to say she can submerge large cities on her own" Olivia spoke with a little irritation and also expectant eyes .

"Well if any capable Water mage Comes to our kingdom , it would be their wish to meet an Expert Ranked Water Mage known for her control on Mana and water manipulation " Robert spoke as he had a face of displeasure but showed a small smile so it doesn't ruin the mood and continued

"And I should meet with these crazy top ranking people and leave a good impression as to not offend them .. Sigh..."Robert spoke as he left out a heavy sigh and was interrupted by Olivia

"Well anyway , Martin where did you find that boy? " Oliva asked as she looked at Martin

"Why ? i found him trying to join my crew to sneak himself into the kingdom . When I saw him , i thought things might get interesting and fun , so how is that lad " Martin asked as he saw Olivia with expectant eyes .

"I can sense that he is hiding his strength, when i tried to see the mana in his body It was abnormally clumped in a single place damaging his mana veins . That can't be healed unless we use high grade elixir's or he has an abnormal constitution" The she looked at Martin as he had a large smile and was stroking his beard she spoke ,

"He most likely isn't a spy as his constitution is damaged or valuable to send him here , he mostly might be a criminal or offended some large figure in his home country and came here . I will keep an eye on him" Martin laughed as they continued to discuss several political and other issues.


After some time Martin and his daughter got out of the hotel and the others left as well . They got on the carriage and returned to their lodging hotel.

As Martin got down from his carriage , then called Cain

"Cain , this is you're pay and you can leave now . Join the adventurers guild and make a name for yourself " Hearing this Cain bowed a little to Martin and left without turning back.

After going far for a distance Cain then used flash step and merged in to the crowd


After sometime near an ally Cain pulled a beggar to the side and threw some bronze welks at him and asked

"Which is a safe and affordable place to stay near the east side adventurer's guild?" The beggar looking at him asked

"It's 200 bronze welks for that information ? " as he looked at Cain . Cain threw this money to him .

"Go to the Bear Claw Tavern , it takes 2 silver per night and it's owner is a retired B rank so it's relatively safe" as the beggar turned and moved out .

Cain then started to go towards the BearClaw Tavern . Cain asked the beggar for information as Veygo had told him beggars give the best information regarding any city's layout , it's best places , places to eat , sell , gossip/ rumors which they had heard here and there .

As Cain walked towards the Tavern he examined the surroundings on what types of shops , and items they were selling and he took a note of them . When he reached the Bear Claw tavern , he was amazed by its size , the building was three stories tall and was 60 feet wide and had a large entrance .It was like a typical tavern inside as he entered , there were stairs leading to the next floor to the right next to it where there was a reception where a Tall , burly , gray bearded old man stood and to the left Where tables and chairs were arranged where people were eating and drinking and ordering food.

Cain then walked up to the receptionist and spoke to him

"A single medium sized bedroom for 5 days , You're best meat dish served here and warm water to wash my self , By the way I'm Cain" As he spoke placed 20 silver welks on the counter . The large man took the 20 silver and went to the back and ordered some things , then picked up some keys and signaled Cain to follow him as he went up the stairs.

He then reached a room which the old man unlocked and gave the keys to Cain and spoke ,

"This is you're room , within 30 minutes the food and a tub of hot water will be brought and given to you here . By the way i'm Miles Noah the owner of Bear's Claw " As he handed the keys to Cain , Miles in a deep tone warned

" No one is allowed to enter the tavern from midnight 3 to next morning 7" And then started to walk away.

Cain then entered his room and waited till the food and warm water arrived sitting on a chair and gazing out of the window. When the food arrived , he started to stuff it in his mouth like a Mad man possessed . This was the first time after arriving into this world he ate good food , tears of joy started to appear. After this he took a towel and used it with the warm water to wipe his body. Then slept for a day straight

After 2 days , Cain went to the shops and bought new clothes and a better quality long sword . The clothes which he had bought now were not of that great quality , he wore a Black shirt with long brown leather pants and small iron gauntlets for his hand some for his lower leg . He had brown straps on him above his black shirt which had 2 small daggers and a large brown pouch tied to his waist . This shopping took him 3 days to collect all necessary items .

He extended his stay at the Tavern by 5 days again and then went to the East side Adventurer's guild the next day.

Cain's new look and Miles Noah refernce art in comments ;

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

BluRogcreators' thoughts