

The unimaginable happened. Ken woke up to a world in great shambles, a world where nightmarish creatures wander about. More so, he also discovered that higher beings can communicate with him through dreams. And that devils and angels truly exist. How will he survive this apocalyptic world? And just how many would trust and believe him? Would this seemingly Last days of the world really be the last? "The scariest thing for me, is anticipating what horror the future could lead. And knowing there's nothing I could do to change what will be." Join Ken as he meets the Seven Princes of Hell! Thank you for your time! NOTE: Epic/Poem form Add-ons: After the first volume, more volumes covering other creepy stories will be written here! It will be a compilation of my horror stories of different genres! Better watch out! ... Other works by The author: REAPER'S BALLAD-fantasy romance novel That deals with tragedy, acceptance, romance and more (Will soon be adapted to comics)

tigerpaws · 灵异恐怖
270 Chs


(Jacob's POV)

Before I start off things, do know that we're not that close to our parents,

So it'd make sense why we're looking out for each other even as children.

It was still good, still happy and fulfilling,

Until this random thing, started happening.

I thought it'd only happen in movies, in games,

But...zombie apocaplyse plus demons actually came?

It was just a shock to me, and until now I'm still punching myself sometimes, maybe it's just a dream...

But...it's not..it's not how things had been...

I could still recall the quick thumping of my heart,

It seems like looking out of our sister was not very smart.

I was very worried she'd be hurt,

So I quickly acted, without thinking first.

I was the second eldest, but I'm a man,

So I need to take care of her, though I didn't have a plan.

I took my car, my courage and our little brother,

Without knowing, who were against with,

Just who we're after.

I had tears fall down on my face,

As I scream looking out for her that damned day,

I thought the virus won't spread that quickly,

So I was but traumatized when I saw a horde of undead creatures approaching us swiftly.

I quickly drove away, going on and on the road, getting further to where my sister was supposed to be the last time I called her.

My heart felt heavy, like I couldn't breathe much longer.

I could hear my brother crying, asking to speed up,

Because those creatures, they were following back.

I was panicking. I didn't know what to do,

When I drove to our house, they followed too.

I had no choice but to keep driving and find a place safe to hide,

But those creatures, their numbers only multiply.

I could see familiar faces, all bloodthirsty,

As I, was only filled, with great fear and worry,

The food I saved, and the gasoline the car has,

All were running away, unbearably fast.

I had no sleep, and my body is shutting down,

I didn't have any energy left, as I search this pitiful town.

I kept on driving, until I could barely take it,

My brother kept crying, since there's no pinch of food left.

I yelled at him out of frustration,

As I then calmed myself, as I looked at this damnation,

I couldn't though, and just simply weep,

This strong persona of mine, I could no longer keep.

The houses...they were all either locked shut or broken,

While there's a foul stench of human blood, that could never be mistaken.

I felt hopeless that point, wishing there would be some miracle to get us out of there,

But those time I prayed, I guess the heavens didn't quite hear.

I miss my sister, she was my voice of reason,

She was smart, tactical, could stay cool out of any situation.

She was determined, fierce, she could laugh at danger's face,

I wish she was there...maybe we would have a different fate...

I was just...too impulsive, too full of myself,

I thought we could make it out, the moment we left.

I thought I'm just like her, that I could also be responsible,

But...I guess some things, just couldn't be possible.

I will never be like her, with that level of control,

I'm more of a bad character, if that's what you'd call.

I dragged my little brother into this mess,

And now things went out of hand,

As I continued to lose rest.

I kept being too annoyed, I kept scaring my brother,

I kept yelling at everything I see, be it a person, a zombie, or a tree, it was all because of exhaustion and hunger.

I began hallucinating, making stops because I thought there's something we'd bump unto,

Until my mind, could no longer function like it used to.

I blacked out, and you could only imagine what went wrong,

The car crashed, and the zombies might catch up not so long.

I woke up bleeding not long after,

And I quickly turned, to look at my brother,

I kept shaking him up, and he could barely respond,

As I took him out of the car, because he could barely stand.

I ran, tears streaming freely,

My vision blurried by rain, that fell off instantly,

I could even feel the blood continuing to stain my face,

As I kept on walking, hoping things won't be too late.

My brother knew he was slowing us down by a lot,

So he told me to leave him, just like that.

I, stubborn, insisted, and carried him still,

Until we got cornered, to them, it'd be an easy kill.

There was tunnel, but the entrance, one could barely fit,

So I told my brother I'd put him there, but my fingers he quickly bit.

I remember him saying that I was the best brother he ever had,

But told me to hide, and to die knowing I live, wouldn't be so bad.

He was losing blood so quickly,

So he hugged me one last time,

"Brother you'd survive and look for sister, right?"

And I could only nod and say, "Definitely,"

"Are the angels real? Would I go to heaven?"

"Of course you would, you're one of the kindest even,"

And with that he gave off the purest smile I've ever seen,

Before closing his eyes, as he let Death calmly take him.

I cried and held him in my arms for as long as I can,

Until I hear his heart beat fade away,

That I won't forget no matter time had age.

I'm probably alone now, and I could only place him peacefully on the road,

As I walked unto the hole,

and watch as things unfold.

I blocked the entrance, so I didn't see what was happening,

But I heard it all, how the monsters kept on munching,

I held my sobs, my screams of frustration,

As I ask the Lord, out of desperation.

When I saw angels on the other side, I asked them many questions,

I was furious, I was lost in all directions,

I kept blaming them, until they finally calmed my heart,

Saying my brother, is now in a safe start.

I wanted to be useful, I wanted to be like Ken,

Brave, chosen, important in this event to tell,

But...I could only cause trouble, and I wish I would soon have a purpose,

I hope I'd at least see my sister one last time, before my very life, I lose.


Stacy was touched and could barely hold her tears,

"Though I knew, you lost someone so dear,

I would never thought, you'd lose him that way,

I am sorry, I hope you're also okay,"

Jacob chuckles, as he pats Stacy's back,

"I'm okay, I moved on, I survived, and it wasn't all luck,

God was real, angels were real, and I'm just happy all of it exists,

It means my little brother, would finally be at peace,"

"Jacob, I'd pray you find your sister soon,"

"Yeah, I will. I'd never stop until I do,"

"She might even be here, so let's just keep praying,

After all, faith, is more important than anything,"

"Ah, you're sounding like that...Michael, it's actually kinda cute,"

"Don't change the topic," "But it kinda suits,"

"Seriously, I'm not playing around,"

"I know, but smiling and joking is also allowed,"

Stacy realized he was just trying to make her feel better,

So she smiled genuinely, as Jacob got reminded of his dearest brother,

"That's a really cute smile, you should wear it a lot,"

He said, as he felt his chest pounting,

'Ah, my very poor heart,'


Lluming awoke, feeling a familiar aura linger in the air,

As Leviathan passed by, holding Callista with care,

Knocking on Asmodeus' door, wanting to see envy in the demon's eyes,

As the lust demon awoke, and quickly gestured Lluming to hide.

Lluming obeyed and turned into a bird,

As Sellena pretended to play with him, so to not be bored,

And the moment Asmodeus, did open the door,

Callista's eyes widened, she found Lluming on this floor.

Lluming can't feel the same radiance in her aura anymore,

And knew that moment, she sacrificed her immortality and purity she had before,

He felt saddened, yet half-relieved that he was not alone,

Although his anger and hatred for demons had grown.

Callista was he and Eleazar's long time companion,

He did not expect, that this awful moment be their reuinion,

Her eyes looked sad, and he could well assess the situation,

That to get out of this place, he was yet added more motivation.

He tried so hard to keep the anger within him,

As Leviathan kept taunting Asmodeus, as he touch Callista's figure, so firm yet slim,

Asmodeus didn't reacted much, saying he was contented with his wife,

Although in reality, he haven't did it with her yet, not even for a night.

Leviathan kept flaunting Callista all day,

As Lluming's mind, yell he'd soon pay,

Even Asmodeus felt uncomfortable of the way Lluming looked,

His face was serious, deadly, waiting for the day, he ends the crook.

After all, Callista was like a sister,

And he also knew Eleazar had a special spot for her,

Maybe in protecting the angel that often causes Eleazar's smile,

Some existence of him, would still manage to live by...

"I've never seen an angry bird before,

But even as a small creature, you look menacing,

It's making my eyes sore,"

Asmodeus commented as the angel ignored,

'One day, I'll get her out of here, and spill Leviathan's blood on the floor.'


Meanwhile Azazel was admiring his latest creation,

An angel awoken, to cause further destruction.

A familiar face, rose up from the table,

Blue jewel eyes, and a yearning for obstruction.

"Ah, now what should I call you? Would Eligorr do?"

Azazel suggested, as the angel only approved.

More chapters next! Thank you for reading and God bless! :3

tigerpawscreators' thoughts