

The unimaginable happened. Ken woke up to a world in great shambles, a world where nightmarish creatures wander about. More so, he also discovered that higher beings can communicate with him through dreams. And that devils and angels truly exist. How will he survive this apocalyptic world? And just how many would trust and believe him? Would this seemingly Last days of the world really be the last? "The scariest thing for me, is anticipating what horror the future could lead. And knowing there's nothing I could do to change what will be." Join Ken as he meets the Seven Princes of Hell! Thank you for your time! NOTE: Epic/Poem form Add-ons: After the first volume, more volumes covering other creepy stories will be written here! It will be a compilation of my horror stories of different genres! Better watch out! ... Other works by The author: REAPER'S BALLAD-fantasy romance novel That deals with tragedy, acceptance, romance and more (Will soon be adapted to comics)

tigerpaws · 灵异恐怖
270 Chs

Chapter 83: REVIVAL

Azazel walked to Satan's door,

With an expression one could say was sour,

"I was about to extract some body parts more,

But...Nemue insists he stay with her, have him as her little toy,"

"*sighs* You're too soft for her,

What if that little seer won't be as frail as before?"

"I doubt he'd still have the motivation to escape this place,

After all the terror and torture, I made him taste,"

"You never know humans, they're full of surprises,"

"And so? Most of them now are probably faithless,

By the way...why did you call me here for?"

"Ah, I have something you'd perhaps adore,"

Satan hands out two heavy jars full of ash,

And Azazel couldn't help but simply ask,

"What would I do with these?

"Create them anew, I know you would be pleased,

Remember when we recreated Abaddon two?"

"That traitor! Is that what you want me to do?"

"Relax, we used the original blood of Abaddon,

But transferred it to a boy who's still alive,

So having him turn against us could be an answered question... I mean,

It would make sense at least why he changes his mind,

Changing his evil schemes, he did show signs.

But these angel ashes still holds power, not memories,

I'm sure with creating them into a new being, we'd be close to our victories,

Experiment with these first, then we move on to kill the captured angels,

If this succeeds, then we'd win this war in every angle,"

"And you think ashes would be different?"

"We would use the demon corpses, so change of heart won't occur,"

"I can do it, but I need a prize in return,"

Satan then looked at him ferociously,

"Obey me formally, giving you prize isn't my concern,"

Azazel bowed down, quite fearful,

Knowing that Satan is not so merciful,

His red eyes was enough to struck him paralyzed,

Wanting something in return,

Wasn't so wise.

The Lord of Lies walked away,

As Azazel quickly grabbed the jars placed in a tray,

He quickly ordered the smartest demons,

To help him recreate, beings of beauty and power.


Mammon cheered as he won the bet,

As victories like these, he rarely get.

Elenchos however, was bored as hell,

Knowing that he'd fail the very next day.

"Dad...I mean, Lord we need to go now, Satan would be mad,"

"Let me have fun, I won, aren't you glad?"

"You've been here for 20 full hours, aren't you exhausted?"

"How funny, I'm actually excited!"

"Please, calm down for a second and consider your insolence,

Most of the Hell Lord Meetings, you were often absent,

Don't waste away your life with gambling, it's ridiculous!

Sure, you won today! But the other day your fate is obvious!"

"Quit talking like that, before you were born I've always been like this,"

"And won't you stop and spend time with me, at least?"

"You're big enough to handle yourself,"

"But since I was born, you never care about how I felt,"

Mammon didn't reply and just kept betting again,

As Elenchos had enough, and in the end left.

Frustrated, he seeks comfort in Martha's presence,

Wanting to feel important, even in half of his essence.

"Please, revive my mood, my father had been stubborn all day long,"

"Well, it would be no surprise when you know who you are amongst,

Just make sure you don't grow like your father,

Cherish your future children, from the day they be born,"

"I just want him to appreciate me, but he's too focused on one thing,

In fact...I was also a result from a failed bet,

I...I wish I wasn't with a dad that's so deaf,"

"That's too bad, you're the kindest demon I've ever met,

I don't even think you should be called a demon,

Too bad that fact, your father don't get,"

Elenchos was deeply moved,

And soon he started to have a better mood,

Happy and contented, he asks if she wants to move around,

"I'll show you the palace,"

"Is that even allowed?"

"Relax, just don't wander too far from me and you'd be fine,

And well, you're quite bored right? Perhaps this is the time,

You finally leave this small living space,

Although maybe just once a week? At least you'll have a free day,"

Mar couldn't help but feel overjoyed,

When Elenchos finally opened her the door,

But that expression was deeply robbed away,

When she heard the screams of people in agony and dismay.

"Ah, they must be feeding Lord Beelzebub again,

Don't mind it, the screams would eventually die away,"

But Mar still showed fear, so he thought of another idea,

"Want to visit other people? Kept by demons in these areas?

You can talk to them, feel at home, but...never ever plan your escape,

If...well, you don't want to be food, in the Lord of Gluttony's pitless plate,"

She quickly took his words seriously,

She wasn't THAT afraid of zombies,

But demons are known for their brutality.

She would never forget the time she spent in the arena,

Where she felt her stomach turn, and hurt,

Especially witnessing it live at first.

Demons seems invinsible anyways,

And though she knows combat, fighting these creatures is like participating in a wrongly-matched race,

So although she really wanted to escape,

She behaved herself, and the opportunities she didn't dare foolishly take.

She was so nervous when they're finally walking towards his friend's room,

As if she would be attacked, gnawed, any time soon,

The young demon felt her nervousness, so he quickly calmed her worries,

"I'm here, but if you feel uncomfy, then I'm sorry,"

She didn't reply, as her eyes were fixed on a familiar person,

Nemue just recently took Ken, who hadn't even noticed Mar's presence yet,

She wanted to shout, to tell him she's there,

But...if she would, then...the demons would be aware.

Elenchos quickly picked up on Mar's behaviour,

And called Nemue, before she goes to her room,

"Can we talk a bit? My father is still enjoying with his little treasure..."

He looked at her softly, and Nemue responded,

"To assist the young prince, will be my pleasure,"


Mar and Ken couldn't believe they meet at this place,

They kept glancing at each other, as each heart race.

Mar had so many questions, like what happened to his eye?

What happened to the siblings? Were they dead or alive?

Ken too, had a few questions himself. Was she touched wrongly? How is her health?

But at the end of their thoughts, they were both relieved,

Knowing that one another, were still alive at least.

"What are you two doing? Talk to each other," Elenchos encouraged,

As Ken quickly stuttered,

Mar giggled and decided to sit beside him,

As Ken just couldn't believe, that Mar was really with him.

While the demons were talking,

The two humans can't help but feel like crying.

They've been so scared, so alone,

It felt unusual to have time like this,

If only they've known.

They began whispering to each other,

Holding their excitement, relief and anger.

Mar finally went first,

And proceeded to point out what she noticed was worst.

"What happened to your eye?"

Mar asked quickly, as Ken finally cried,

"A demon plucked it, and put it in a jar,"

She felt saddened, her face growing wrathful, wondering how he was deeply in danger,

"What must we do? It's so hard to pretend we're just mere strangers,"

"We need to act like this always, so they won't find it suspicious,"

"I'm scared, Ken..what if they do you another act brutal and malicious?"

"I'll be fine. And... I will get you out of here, I promise,"

Mar then couldn't stop herself, feeling touched she gave him a quick kiss,

So quick the two chatting demons didn't even noticed.

Ken quickly went bashful, and had his remaining eye look away,

Mar simply adored him, he was braver, and selfless, how she wish she could stay,

"You'd do great things, Ken, I know you will,

Just...don't forget to save yourself first, still,"

"I promise, I'd save all of us, and you'd finally wake up in paradise,

No more wars, no more chaos and senseless fights,"

"I'd love to look forward to that, mister Seer,

Thank you for thinking about us,

I hope that time comes near,"

Ken only smiles at her, as he thinks of what to say,

What did she do? When she was so far away?

He searched her legs, her neck and arms,

Making sure that she wasn't harmed.

"Are they using you for relief, Mar?"

Ken asked seriously, his eye yelling war,

Mar shook her head, "My handler was kind,

So you don't need to worry, pay such thoughts no mind,"

"I'm glad you're unscathed,

Just...still keep praying and hopefully wait,

You won't feel alone anymore,

We'd travel the world, and explore,"

Before Mar could even respond, Elenchos stood up, saying it's time to go,

As they hear a loud trumpet, continously being blowed,

"What is that?" The two could only wonder,

But the demons knew what it meant,

"I fear we have trouble..."


tigerpawscreators' thoughts