

The unimaginable happened. Ken woke up to a world in great shambles, a world where nightmarish creatures wander about. More so, he also discovered that higher beings can communicate with him through dreams. And that devils and angels truly exist. How will he survive this apocalyptic world? And just how many would trust and believe him? Would this seemingly Last days of the world really be the last? "The scariest thing for me, is anticipating what horror the future could lead. And knowing there's nothing I could do to change what will be." Join Ken as he meets the Seven Princes of Hell! Thank you for your time! NOTE: Epic/Poem form Add-ons: After the first volume, more volumes covering other creepy stories will be written here! It will be a compilation of my horror stories of different genres! Better watch out! ... Other works by The author: REAPER'S BALLAD-fantasy romance novel That deals with tragedy, acceptance, romance and more (Will soon be adapted to comics)

tigerpaws · 灵异恐怖
270 Chs


Stacy watched, holding her breath,

As Robert felt his skin, slowly producing sweat,

A person beside them however, heavily sighed,

"If that was me, the power would have been more defined,"

"You seriously want to take his place?"

"Well, I have much better guts to save this human race,"

"Quit with such bold words, it's harder than it looks,"

"But he was given months and months of training, and half of his power, he barely awoke,

I'm just saying that not only is he slow, he doesn't have the guts to hurt,

Now tell me, is he really deserving with such responsibility of great worth?"

"You...you take that back! Do you think it's easy to do what he does?"

"I'd be better than him, if the same abilities, to me be intrust,"

"You're too proud of yourself, then you better help him then,"

"With pleasure, M'lady, just watch as much as you can,"


Ken kept running, and dodging the rays,

As a confusing music, in the background began to play,

Angels use such song, to confuse the enemies,

And trying hard, not to be affected,

he tried to shield his ears from bleeding.

Ken climbed to a tree, trying to have a better view to aim the creature,

But Michael was fast, and Ken was too nervous his plan would be a failure,

Jacob, proud of himself, decided to aim a bow to hurt his wings,

But Michael, aware and mad, quickly saw it coming.

The interjection made the angel angry,

As it yelled, and in turn, had new features that made him much scary,

Jacob, now scared of what he see,

Ran to the opposite direction, as Ken yelled, "Please let him be!"

"How narcissistic are you, little schemer?

How dare you take the sin, of such prideful Lucifer?"

Michael's voice changed, and it was no longer sweet,

As it's body, was now...covered in sharp teeth.

Stacy facepalmed, as Robert was frozen,

"This is what you get, from playing the Chosen!"

The thunder roars, as the other archangels felt nervous,

Pissing Michael, is a bad idea, that should have been obvious.

Selaphiel yelled, "Have temperance!"

As Jegudiel shouted, "Give him a chance!"

But Michael, wanting to teach that fools will be not taken lightly,

Continued to chase Jacob, who dared try to be tough and mighty.

Ken, even though afraid, tried hard to look at Michael's form,

"Breathe in. Breathe out. Even if this angel..doesn't look the norm,"

His fingers shook, as he tried to aim at Michael,

"You can do it...you can...you can stand up, and shoot the angel,

it's not...scarier than a demon with horns..."

He was about to shoot when he heard cracking,

The branch he was in, broke and sent him falling,

Michael heard, and felt worried he'd be harmed,

But when he turned, he felt less alarmed.

Ken's body was covered in light,

Reminding the angel, of the former holder,

Ken aimed, as Jacob ran out of sight,

Michael's barrier broke, and exploded, as the angel felt warmer.

He flew higher to dodge the damages,

As Ken tried to improve his ranges,

Now able to float, he tried to reach him,

As he hoped so hard, he could win.

But their gaps were realized, when he felt the power run out,

As he no longer felt he could float and about,

He felt like gravity quickly pulled him down,

As Uriel yelled, "Michael! Save him now!"

Michael quickly transformed to his humanoid form,

As he reaches for his arms and continued to fly forth,

"You did a great job, and you'll improve even more so,

Just do what you can, and believe you can grow,"

Ken smiled, as he tried to fly on his own again,

And when he felt the power came back, he tried to fly as it rained,

Michael was still holding his arm, to support him if ever,

As Ken admired the sky, he never realized he'd do this sooner.

But sadness quickly replaced his amazement,

As he saw the damned place below, robbing his amusement,

A place of gray and black, of ruins and displacements,

A dystopia of some sort, with no hint of former advancements.

"Are you okay?" Michael asked worringly,

"No, it'b be a lie if I said otherwise,"

"You can help stop this, if you train harder willingly,"

"I will, and I must, I'd train harder to suffice,"

Such sheer determination gave the angel assurance,

That someday he'd be more powerful, to stop such disturbance,

If only Lucifer...his dear brother did not left,

Such harmony, and loving place, with no pain, tears and Death.

"How much time do we have till we save them?"

"Don't rush things, I remind you Ken,"

Ken nodded slowly, as he tried to practice more,

But Jacob still felt bitter, extremly to the core.


Leviathan saw Asmodeus that day,

He seemed to have gone in a fight,

So weird, he didn't saw him stray,

"Where have you been? And where did you got those?"

"Oh, this wounds on my face? In bed, of course~"

"Liar, what woman would burn you in bed?"

"You're just jealous again, I bet,"

"I swear if you're lying, I'm going to tell Lucifer,"

"Lucifer this, Lucifer that, you're always calling Lucifer,"

"Shut it! Now tell me what happened to your wounds?"

"Or what? Just mind your own business,"

"Did that frail human really do that to you?

How pathetic you are then, thinking this is love than abuse,"

"Okay, fine, fine, fine, I broke the lamp near my face because I'm stupid,"

"Wow, now I know what to gift you on your birthday,"

Leviathan said as he pats his shoulder and walks away,

"Leviathan, you always treat me this way..."

The demon quickly turned around, with envy in his eyes,

"You have Satan, Belphegor, and Beel on your side,

And I? Even if I try, I will never be one's pride,"

"It's because you're so distant, and...envious,

You're hard to be close to, isn't it obvious?"

"None of you like to approach me in any way,"

"Because your stare is as burning as an afternoon's ray,

Seriously, you have to work on your expression,

You always look like you'd murder us if we ask you a question,"

"You don't understand, ever since you came, I felt like I'm out of the picture,

Lucifer may harm you, but he still talks about you, and allows your pleasures,"

Asmodeus couldn't reply, and simply laughed to ease the atmosphere,

"You're just saying that, but we all care for you dear,"

Leviathan ignored him, he knew those were lies,

He was much powerful, but he was not rightfully recognized,

He had suspicions however, of where his wounds were from,

He swore they look familiar, as he once had gotten some.


Beelzebub was finally convinced by Sellena to take a bath,

"You must do it, even a demon doesn't have to stink like a rat,"

And after he did, he almost didn't recognized his face,

And he deeply hoped, that the way it is could forever stay.

Lluming, seeing the transformation heavily reminded him of home,

And felt saddened, realizing he was alone,

"I only did that, because you killed Eleazar, and others I care for,

We tried to give you chances, but you won't open the door..."

Beelzebub felt regretful, but he also felt angry,

"And how do you expect us to return,

When you threw us to heaven, mercilessly?"

"You disobeyed the Lord, our Father, God Almighty,

And when you left, you caused chaos than feel sorry,"

"We have our own reasons, why we chose to rebel,"

"Now, tell me...were you happier in hell?"

"No, I look miserable, and it's easy to tell,

But I just didn't know how to come back, when I lost my wings the day I fell,"

"Beelzebub...how far you've gone,"

"I know...but there's a reason for everything we've done,

I spared you, because half of me still believes,

That I shouldn't have betrayed, and thieved,"

"Are you planning to come join us?"

"I don't know what would happen if I break Lucifer's trust,"

"Don't you have faith in Father's abilities?"

"I have, but that fact won't stop Lucifer from causing casualties,

It's also that I...I felt too sinful to start anew,

I ate a lot of human flesh, and other more horrors I daily do,

And this hunger, would this curse ever be healed?

If not, from temptation and gluttony, I will never be spared,

And I'd continue to kill,"

Lluming felt quiet, as he looks at the window,

The view so small, yet enough to paint sorrow,

"If this is the end of the world...

then you'd burn forever, once this chaos begin to unfold.."

Beelzebub was aware of the fate he'd have for turning against God,

But for now, the thought to stop eating, could make him go mad,

"I wanted to stop, but I really cannot,

Maybe tomorrow, or even later, I'd go back being miserable like a feeble rat,

This is the curse and punishment I'd forever pay,

For betraying God, and choosing the wrong way,

And one day, I may forget myself and all I am,

Nothing but a hungry beast, and I know well, that day would come,"

Such words, sent needles through Lluming's heart,

Realizing, that slowly, Beelzebub was falling apart,

But he had a mission, to eradicate Lucifer's plan,

So for now, he'd ignore such pity, as much as he can.

Meanwhile, Sellena was deep in thoughts,

Realizing more and more, what her husband is capable of,

She may not truly love him yet, but it hurts to be reminded by the fact,

That he was a demon, that will devour and attack.

He was a creature, that may use her one day,

Someone, that could trick her, once his season sway,

And although confuse herself, of why she saved the demon,

She thought perhaps she was just hoping,

that genuine kindness in him be summoned.

That night, while Sellena was wide awake,

What Lluming revealed about Asmodeus, she still wasn't able to shake,

The demon beside her was aware of her being distant,

So he let her be, and she slept, the other side being vacant.

Asmodeus flew into the night,

Watching the destruction, that's always clear to sight,

He sighed, and wondered if this is truly what he wanted in life,

Ruling a broken world, devoid of love and light.

Will update more! Stay tuned! Thank u so much for supporting me! Will post soon!

tigerpawscreators' thoughts