

The unimaginable happened. Ken woke up to a world in great shambles, a world where nightmarish creatures wander about. More so, he also discovered that higher beings can communicate with him through dreams. And that devils and angels truly exist. How will he survive this apocalyptic world? And just how many would trust and believe him? Would this seemingly Last days of the world really be the last? "The scariest thing for me, is anticipating what horror the future could lead. And knowing there's nothing I could do to change what will be." Join Ken as he meets the Seven Princes of Hell! Thank you for your time! NOTE: Epic/Poem form Add-ons: After the first volume, more volumes covering other creepy stories will be written here! It will be a compilation of my horror stories of different genres! Better watch out! ... Other works by The author: REAPER'S BALLAD-fantasy romance novel That deals with tragedy, acceptance, romance and more (Will soon be adapted to comics)

tigerpaws · 灵异恐怖
270 Chs


"So, how are you and your fiesty wife?"

"Huh? Oh...um, I think we're doing alright,"

"You sound doubtful, I don't buy them the slightest,"

"Well..all I can say is that..maybe we're still not at our best,"

"Where is she now?"

"She's accompanying Mammon's son, Elenchos,"

"Wow, you really trust her around another demon?"

"Among all of us, he's the one with the most self control,

If things go wrong, I know he'd eventually call,

And besides, maybe it will help her have some fun with the young one,

He loves humans after all, and don't worry I'd fetch her when she's done,"

"I'm not worried about her, I'm worried about him,

That demon is still young, and he's the one with the littlest sin,

He may not be able to defend himself against her,

Besides, Sellena's the one who's older,

What if she pulls something off her sleeve,

After all, isn't she determined to leave?"

"She don't have sleeves though,"

"Wow...your brain is as soft as dough!"

"I was just joking, okay? Tsk, that's why you look older!"

"It's much better than being dumber,"

"I...look, I'm sure only a rodent would get in and out here without trouble,

So don't worry much, she won't escape the outside rubble,

And of course, she once initiated a kiss between us,

I think we're beginning to have mutual trust,"

"Stupid Ashmedai, that's not how it works,

You always fall this way, and always think of the perks,

You rule most demons, but the stupid lust for love rules you,

Can't you see clearly, how it weakens you?"

"Re-lax, I won't allow her to get away, plus, Raphael isn't here to save her,"

"Asmodeus, may I ask? Where have your wrath and fierceness go?

You're becoming softer and softer each passing decade,

Tell me, is your change of personality real or facade?"

"Are you calling me soft?"

"I've been telling you that, yes,"

We'll maybe you're just mistaken,

I haven't changed any less,"

Belphegor rolled his remaining eye at him,

As he continued to take his steps,

It felt really irritating how unaffected and unconcerned Asmodeus is,

How he failed to retain his former self,

"She reminds you of someone, right?"

"Now tell me Belphegor, do you want to fight?

What is it to you anyways? If you're jealous, go get a wife,

Stop pestering and questioning my life,"

"Tsk, you haven't even slept with her yet,"

"But we hugged and kissed, I'm just waiting for the mood to set,"

"She'd die before stripping her body naked,"

"Well, I think that moment will be worth waited,"

Asmodeus said in a dreamy voice,

As Belphegor looked at him with disgust, destroying his poise,

"You have to change that attitude, if you want her to respect the demon you are,

As far as I'm concerned, the threat you gave her is below the usual bar,

You need to man up and be harsher to her next time,

A human owning up a demon will never end fine,"

Asmodeus pretended to listen as he saw the door being near,

Lucifer welcomed them together and asked them to come in,

"You two need to smile more, we're close to victory,

Just come and see, what's stored for you and me,"


"The angels gave me up,

Because I haven't awakened the powers still,

And I swore I really haven't,

Not even an ounce of it I could feel,

I tried to force myself to awaken it but I can't,

Until the day, I was rejected by everyone,"

Ciana said, while pretending to be Ken,

Trying his best, for his voice and mannerisms to blend,

Lucifer was convinced, blinded by his desire of false victory,

While Belphegor had second doubts, his suspicions turning into worry.

"So, now that you found out he's useless, what are we going to do with him?"

"Then, let's just get the drill,

Call Satan, he left without telling me so,

I'm sure he'd enjoy this painful show,"

Belphegor sighed but felt too lazy,

"Asmodeus, you go call him, I'm too busy,"

"You're just sitting though, go on and do it yourself,"

"Do it, or I'll bash your skull into the shelves,"

"You can't order me around like that,

You're always sleeping and eating,"

"It's not like I get fat,"

Lucifer gave a deep breath, and walked out to the door,

"Fine, I'll do it myself then, whiny Ashmedai and Belphegor,"

"Hey, why always us and Satan? And not the other three?"

"Mammon's always counting money, while Leviathan's always not free,

Now don't you even get me started with that Beelzebub whose always surrounded by flies,

Seriously with that smell, this palace will be overrun by mice,"

"Not if he eats them first,"

"Hahahah(Sarcastically), very funny, now just thank luck it's not your curse,"


Lucifer walked to the hallways,

And saw Beelzebub with Sellena and Elenchos,

He was calm, like a little child,

Following them both, actions not so wild.

Sellena sung her little lullaby,

And for once, Beelzebub felt like he was again able to fly,

He looked at her happily, as Elenchos sung as well,

They were having fun, Lucifer could tell.

Lucifer stopped, cold felt from his feet,

His knees, and body, starting to feel weak,

He was reminded of heaven, of how much he loved to sing to his Father,

But now, he forgot to even sing, how he clenched his teeth as he continued further.

Seeing Lucifer pass by, Beelzebub quickly followed him,

Hoping that the Prince would have something to

feed him,

"Beelzebub you just ate 2 hours ago, and you're asking for food again?"

"Please Lucifer, I'm going insane,"

Elenchos saw him and quickly greeted,

As he only rose a hand, and continued to walk,

"You know Sellena, Lucifer may be wicked,

But he's the one who actually taught me to talk,"

"Oh, really? How old are you anyways?"

"Just 20 human years, but I'll stay like this forever,

Demons mature quick, but age very slower,"

"Why are you different from them anyways?"

"Different? Are you saying you don't think I'm a demon?"

"Yes, I do, I can actually tolerate you,

what's your sin anyways?"

"Hmmm, sometimes I hate my father, and it's pretty hard for me to obey,

However, I love him dearly, just, well...he gambles much,

Last time he lost a bet, and even sold Satan's ancient watch,

I always have to keep an eye on him or we'll lose all our riches,

After all, he's no match for the luck of witches,

You'll understand if you're in my shoes,

Having a father like him, can be quite a bruise,"

"Good thing he haven't sold you yet,"

"Wait till he loses his biggest bet,

He might consider it someday,

Just kidding, he loves me so much, he would never use me to pay,"

"Ah, by the way, if your uncles wanted to rule the world,

What do you want to have in the future?"

"Ah, well, don't tell anyone, but if I'm being bold,

I want to be human, so my father will spend more time with me than his gold,

Being human means...being a mortal, and if my dad would outlive me,

Then it means that he'd spend as much time with me,"

Sellena's expression turned sad,

"So...immortality has it's disadvantages, so as it seems,"

"Hey, it's okay, one day it won't be a dream,"

"You're serious about being human?"

"Why not? Hahah, you're also human,"

Sellena kept quiet, not knowing what to say,

As Elenchos felt worried and asked if she's okay,

But when she's still quiet, Elenchos simply talked more,

"You know...Beelzebub wasn't always like this before,"

"Really? Yeah, I mean...wasn't he powerful as well?"

"But he's the weakest out of the seven now,

He used to be really...tidy-looking decades before,

But now...he only eats and nothing more,"

"Hmm...how sad, how often does he eat?"

"Tsk, one day he'd eat as often as we breathe,"

"And what about Asmodeus? What was he like years ago?

Elenchos looked at her with a smug face,

"Oh, you want to talk about your husband? Then alright let's go~"

"Hey, it's not like that!"

"Huh, what? Hahahaha!"

"We both know I'm just forced into this,"

"So, you weren't really pleased?

But uncle Asmodeus is really kind,

Aren't you taking him for granted? Aren't you blind?"

"That won't change the fact that he's a demon, Elenchos,

And this marriage, it wasn't my choice,

I'm sorry if you think of him highly,

But I still don't love him, for love can't be suddenly,"

Unbeknownts to them was that Asmodeus heard,

He was hiding in a corner, when those things he learned,

She was right, but it felt so hurtful to hear,

Knowing he did everything he can to gain her trust, but he still wasn't near.


Ken felt exploding the moment he found out Mar wasn't one of the retrieved,

Like part of him screams, still not wanting to believe,

"The witches took her, I'm sorry victory we failed to achieve,

But to rescue those captured, I'm sorry...we need to heal, we cannot leave,"

"What will they do to her?" He said in a shaky tone,

"Maybe continue the battle plays, or eat her till she turns to bone,

Whatever happens, is not on our hands right now,

How can we save everyone? If we can't even save our own,"

Amaris told him, as Ken felt weak,

Pulling all his strength, so he can continue to speak,

"I promise her we won't get seperated, I promise her that,"

"That's why you need to practice more, so we can have them all back,"

Ken nodded his head,

But that night, he couldn't go to bed,

He cannot sleep, and still worries about her,

What if she dies? What more were the demons after?

Tears fell from his eyes,

Recalling the moment they first met,

How he thought she was a zombie,

Till the day she first had him melt.

He tried to have his focus stray from her,

But sleep didn't visit him any sooner,

He felt a heavy feeling that won't simply leave,

A feeling that only a broken heart could give.

He looked at his hands, as he sniffed and closed his eyes,

"God, you know how many times I tried,

But please, let me save those I care about,

Even if I may have doubts..."

It took a while before he felt somethinh different,

As if something flowed into him like an electric current,

It was cool, and made him feel calmer,

As he yawned, and felt drowse no sooner.

It was a miracle that he suddenly felt the urge to rest,

As he relaxed his strained body, and temporarily left all the mess,

He felt astral once again, and felt himself lifting,

As he saw a familiar memory, in front of him slowly playing.

67 will discuss his dream! More about Ken's backstory! Watch out soon!

Thank u for reading again! I appreciate your support!

Extra early chapter today!

tigerpawscreators' thoughts