

The unimaginable happened. Ken woke up to a world in great shambles, a world where nightmarish creatures wander about. More so, he also discovered that higher beings can communicate with him through dreams. And that devils and angels truly exist. How will he survive this apocalyptic world? And just how many would trust and believe him? Would this seemingly Last days of the world really be the last? "The scariest thing for me, is anticipating what horror the future could lead. And knowing there's nothing I could do to change what will be." Join Ken as he meets the Seven Princes of Hell! Thank you for your time! NOTE: Epic/Poem form Add-ons: After the first volume, more volumes covering other creepy stories will be written here! It will be a compilation of my horror stories of different genres! Better watch out! ... Other works by The author: REAPER'S BALLAD-fantasy romance novel That deals with tragedy, acceptance, romance and more (Will soon be adapted to comics)

tigerpaws · 灵异恐怖
270 Chs


She woke up, without Asmodeus by her side,

And upon realizing yesterday's event, she couldn't help but sigh,

But today, or tomorrow, will never be time to cry,

So she forced herself to chin up, as problems wouldn't simply pass by.

A bird however, flew to the room she's in,

But suddenly its feathers, turned into skin,

He morphed into a man, now with black hair and eyes,

It was Lluming, already in disguise.

"Fear me not, for I am an angel that will accompany you,"

He said in a voice, both determined and true,

Sellena's eyes came alive, as her cheeks turned red,

An angel, now in front of her, how God answered her pleads!

Lluming quickly offered his hand,

As Sellena reached as fast as she can,

But before they could even act more,

Suddenly, they heard something,

Asmodeus is opening the door!

When Asmodeus came, he was rather puzzled,

By how happy Sellena was, that a bird to her side was nuzzled.

"How did that get in? Is that really a bird?"

"Well, you have eyes, right? If I were lying, I would have slurred,"

Asmodeus, not wanting to fight with this sharp woman, decided to back his suspicions down,

But just to make sure no angel would take her, he asked Lucifer to send Watchers, from night till dawn.

That made Lluming's rescue much challenging,

So he stayed inside the palace and tried devising,

If he successfully kills a demon that is trusted by all to come to each rooms,

He could definitely help Sellena from falling victim to certain doom.


After Sellena was given food,

Asmodeus gave a peck on her cheek to lighten her mood,

But who would be flattered if he gives them to thousands?

So she dare not return the favor, as Asmodeus lost another chance.

"You need to start being accustomed to this lifestyle,

You'll start loving it, just maybe...after a while,"

Sellena then decided, if she could play a trick on the poor demon,

"Then leave your other wives, and be mine, and don't you reason,"

Sellena was expecting him to lash out, like a real demon would,

To give in to his true nature, to start being rude,

Surprisingly he just kept quiet, and after some time,

"If my wife asked for such thing, then...I guess fine,"

Sellena stopped herself from laughing, but how stupid was he?

'Was he that desperate? To recieve affections from me?'

She would have loved it more, if not for the fact that he looks back,

What looked like loving eyes, and not those usual glances from him that says, he only wants to f*ck.

He looked like a dog, begging for attention,

While Sellena herself, started to question-

Why he was like that? Why was he so desperate?

Surely she was curious about his past,

But that must have to wait.

She sighed and petted his head like a mother,

While he melted into her, like a toddler,

How odd for a demon to be this well-tempered,

But he was always like that, for as long as she remembered.

"You can tell me anything," she found herself saying,

As Asmodeus quickly opened his eyes, somehow trembling,

It's as if he remembered something, but he refused to say them out,

So he only held her hands, wondering what her question was about.

Sure, he was happy she was somehow curious,

But why? Her intention wasn't much obvious,

It will make no sense or no help if ever she plans an escape,

It won't assure her too, that she will be safe.

He felt a mix of emotions from processing her words,

It's as if she wanted to know him, or was he just being too bold?

After all if not fiery like a cat, she was cold,

And now she's here, allowing his hands for her to hold.

He was aware she could be lying or simply pretending,

But was it wrong to hope that it was something?

That maybe, even if she was held captive,

She would learn to care for him, and not leave him?

Sellena saw a child that time,

Not a demon, but a small child desperately saying, "choose me, be mine,"

It was childish actions that made her wonder if he was traumatized,

But still lacking details, she failed to visualize.

She let him rest his head on her lap,

As her fingers run on his scalp,

Soft hair, the scent of roses and pine,

He felt so needy, like a child and rabbit combined.

She sung a lullaby, to calm his nerves,

As he simply listened, still, Sellena observed,

On the corner of his eyes were glistening,

Tears forming, as he desperately hold them from falling.

That scene melted her heart,

And she didn't even know how a song could start-

A demon to suddenly break down and cry,

If Sellena said she didn't care, it would have been a lie.

"Do angels have mothers?" She asked curiously,

"No, we're from God, but that was kinda silly,"

"I dunno, you were just acting weird lately,

I thought you lost your mother, or someone in your family,"

"Just sing, you look smarter when you sing,"

"Well, at least I'm smart at something,"

"Are you saying I'm dumb at everything?"

"I'm not the one who said that," Sellena replied, at the brink of laughing.

"I am smart," Asmodeus defended,

"Huh? Where?" She said, clear of the thing she impended,

But rather than a brash, insulting remark,

He simply on her lap, came back.

"Fine, I'm stupid, you win,"

"Oh, you have always been,"

Asmodeus closed his eyes and demanded her to sing again,

So Sellena sung another song, as he began to listen.


Ken tried to destroy the barrier created by the angels of heaven,

In his bloodline was an ability, that at once could take down seven,

However, even upon training, he could only punch them in a human way,

No power, no magic, not impressive in display.

His hands bled in the contact and was rather forcing himself to stand back up,

"Alright kid, I think you had enough,"

The angel of humility, Raphael said,

As the other angels, to the healer, they led.

Ken was much but shocked to see Raphael make his wounds disappear,

"It's amusing how you're not showing, any sort of fear,"

"I have seen angels before, although only in my dreams,

I'm aware you might look different, but you always love us dear,"

Raphael smiles and patted Ken's head,

"That is...very well said,

However, I wanted you to think of them all as dear to you,

Maybe that will awaken the sleeping power bestowed upon you,"

"But I don't feel anything, I cannot cast barriers, nor absorb energy,"

"To give up and say those words is too early,

Your ancestor was a woman, also frail but never whines,

But in the end, she awakened her powers, and was the one who saved those who protected her that time,"

"Who is she? And what can she do?"

"She was a woman, full of heart and truth,

We call her the Red Fury, and there's a lot she could do,

But what's more remarkable was that,

she was also a mother of two.

She lost more than she had recieved,

She was betrayed, hurt and decieved,

But she rose all odds and protected those she love,

May have made mistakes, but rose above,"

Ken's eyes widened in fascination,

As he bit his lip, hoping for a change,

That night he managed, to crack one of the barriers,

Although not totally broken, a slight change is still a change.

"You will be like her someday, if you have love and God in your heart,

For now...finish what those before you had start,

Act with confidence, but with humility, try again, and be smart..."

Ken smiled at the angel and tried again,

Punching through the barriers, as Mar cheered his name,

He may have been tired, but with all the people worth this fight,

He will never stop, to do things with all his might.

Tomorrow, Ken is back as the main focus! I am very happy that you're still reading this! Thank you so much!

tigerpawscreators' thoughts