

The unimaginable happened. Ken woke up to a world in great shambles, a world where nightmarish creatures wander about. More so, he also discovered that higher beings can communicate with him through dreams. And that devils and angels truly exist. How will he survive this apocalyptic world? And just how many would trust and believe him? Would this seemingly Last days of the world really be the last? "The scariest thing for me, is anticipating what horror the future could lead. And knowing there's nothing I could do to change what will be." Join Ken as he meets the Seven Princes of Hell! Thank you for your time! NOTE: Epic/Poem form Add-ons: After the first volume, more volumes covering other creepy stories will be written here! It will be a compilation of my horror stories of different genres! Better watch out! ... Other works by The author: REAPER'S BALLAD-fantasy romance novel That deals with tragedy, acceptance, romance and more (Will soon be adapted to comics)

tigerpaws · 灵异恐怖
270 Chs


Instead of answering, Ken remained still,

Making the demon's anger continue to stir.

"I see... Vain Lucifer seemed to have competition,

You're also arrogant, prideful,

are you truly God's follower?"

"And are you certain your efforts would have meaning?

I see how much you belittle other's efforts,

but aren't you thinking way too highly of your own?"

Satan was taken aback by the man's boldness.

He was young, and he expected less.

But seeing him spit fire back at the demon,

He wondered if he had met the right person.

He was certain, very sure.

This man he was facing, had a very young soul.

Despite it however, when he look at his eyes,

Why is it that..he was the one that feels trapped?

A sudden urge then crossed his mind,

For for a thousand of years, no one dared him to feel this fired.

He clicked his tongue as Ken continued to stare with no fear,

Was foresight enough to remove him of logic?

He cleared his throat as he chokes the seer,

Deeply enraged by the insults, his opponent presents.

Ken's expression suddenly writhed in pain,

As he try to break free, gasping for air.

Satan loved the sight, and felt he had power over everything once again,

He breathed in relief, cursing himself for feeling worried.

He reminded himself that he was just a young boy that knew no more than half of what he learned,

And in no way would he steal,

the victory he had yearned.

He continued to marvel at the sight of agony on the man he is holding,

"You'd make for a wonderful decoration back at hell,"

He began mocking.

But what shocked him and removed the smirk on his face,

Was the fact that Ken could speak back, between breaths.

"And you...you'd make a wonderful fertilizer on earth as well,"

Deeply insulted, he tightened his grip,

Making Ken, almost bite his lip.

"Hm, now I see why Azazel removed one of your eyes,

As much as I like conflict, I hate a stubborn child.

You surely regained so much confidence just because of that blessing your ancestors stole from my servant,

If only I could peer further, into the future like he does.

Sadly, I could only recall the past,

As much as I've been watching everything from the start."

But after glancing back at Ken's rather sad gaze,

He cracked up a smirk, and decided to mock him again.

"But despite my envy of having been unable to possess such gift,

Perhaps it's the best to leave some things unseen...

After all,

The best thing about not knowing the future,

Is the excitement and unstaged laughter.

It would pretty much suck knowing that you could see their deaths, right?

You've been spoiled from the beginning of our fight.

You knew who I am, did you not?

You knew what move I'd make,

that's why you're such a cock.

You're fearless, or are you truly?

Doesn't it scare you, knowing when they'd drop dead?

And sometimes, you can't do anything about it.

It must be too much for your poor heart to handle,

Luckily, I'm kind enough to ask for it's ownership."

But Ken was still determined.

Satan's expression turned sour,

His voice becoming deeper than before.

"You know, before it could all happen,

If we make a deal, I could save them as well.

You think I'm doing this because I'm scared?

No, I'm doing this for myself.

I'm just kind enough to consider a worthy trade.

Your glory, or their lives?

And if you chose your glory,

Don't carve this off from your mind:

You had been given the choices.

You're responsible if they die."

Ken's eyes suddenly widened,

His black wings suddenly tensed.

"Hm, by the reaction you have, it seemed that you weren't really using foresight after all.

Maybe you hated it? Because it scares you the most?

Pretty unfortunate for a human to recieve such an ability,

So draining, so saddening, so filled with misery.

But I've heard that if you disobey what would happen,

Another calamity occurs, isn't it right, Ken?

And I knew, I KNEW, you tried to change the outcomes multiple times,

So every effect that came, everyone that died instead,

is your fault, ah, what a horrible fate."

Ken suddenly remembered the instances he had used the method,

The method where he chose who'd he save and die in the end.

He felt guilt coming back to his chest,

"Ah, Ken... Even with your life,

you can't pay the dead."

He moves his hands away from Ken,

And instead, held his limbs with his snakes.

He then circled Ken slowly, to put on an effect,

Hoping that somehow, the hero would feel threatened.

"Isn't it ironic?

You do not want me to decide for the fates of humanity,

But you're doing the very thing now,

You truly are silly.

You and the angels, are the biggest hypocrites.

Trying to shoo us away for wanting control,

When they, themselves always tell the humans on what to do.

Pff, this system is pathetic, too pathetic, I tell you."

"I am being given the circumstances,

For sometimes, fate can be changed.

You think I wanted to kill them?

These people I was told to protect?

There are possible things I could do at the moment,

and possible outcomes coming from that single time.

Heaven knew I did not want to cause harm,

And it was God's way of granting me freedom to decide my own path.

And so I chose to save more lives, there's no fate intented.

I was simply given what was to occur,

there was no 'instead.'

I did not kill them, I just saw what could have been.

The possible futures, multiple endings,

so what I did was not a sin."

"You're just making excuses,

Just like those pathetic angels."

And suddenly, Ken felt rage.

The mockery made Ken repeat himself louder,

Not caring or bothering to check of what could occur.

"Unlike you, I did not want anyone killed.

I did not intend for any misery to happen.

The angels aren't doing it for themselves as well,

They simply wanted what's best for our being.

They are not hypocrites. They are obedient and kind.

They are only doing what was being commanded,

There's nothing wrong with restricting freedom a little bit.

After all, a life without rules is a life in apocalypse.

And if all beings believe in what you say,

they truly wouldn't have lived.

You can try justifying whatever you did,

But it won't change the fact,

that you're wrong in all possible bits."

Satan was not liking Ken's responses more and more lately,

His faith was unwavering.

He thought he'd only fight everytime he breathes,

But this man, was the type of foe he hated the most.

Those type who has an answer for everything.

And remembering Michael's face made the moment more uninviting.

This prompted Satan to scratch Ken's face deeply,

And smiles when he see him winced.

His poison was the most painful after all,

And Ken's face was the proof of that.

As Ken's wounds slowly closed, Satan then started talking,

"Last chance. Don't be too daring."

And while Satan was amused of Ken's bravery,

Ken was amused of Satan's stupidity.

He had repeated again and again of his conviction,

But true to the stories, the Diablo was patient.

Always trying to look for a way.

"Satan, I pity you in return.

You are a beautiful, once noble angel.

You had the respect any human or being would have wanted.

Yet you blew it away, because you lack contentment.

You dare tell me not to waste opportunities,

Imply that to not choose you, would be a mistake.

But who truly ruined their chances?

Who thought carelessly at the heat of the moment?

How dare an angel who turned from the light,

Then tell me to take his hand?

What can you offer me that God can't?

Satan, I'm not sorry and will never be,

I will not do as you pleased."

Ken answered truthfully,

But the demon, as expected, hate it certainly.

His wings then suddenly spread,

And even with Lucifer's face, his eyes were deep red.

His teeth showed frustration as he bit his own lips,

Irritated that Ken was not tempted at the very least.

His vengeful eyes then looked at the angels fighting with passion,

Trying their best to remove the seal he had put on.

It was thick, and something Ken did not noticed before.

It seemed that Satan had put it, the moment they were free from his serpent's coil.

He realized that the cracks were becoming bigger and bigger,

And soon enough, he would have to fight them in person.

He looked back at Ken, with burning aggression.

"Fine, if you do not want to side with me,

To give me your eyes and tell me how it works,

I'll do the consequence you'll never be prepared for.

I'll make sure, your whole world burn."

"Release him now, Satan!"

He could hear Michael's voice roar despite the distance.

He automatically frowned upon hearing it again,

And thought of cruel things he could do the time they face.

"Want me to release you too, my oh so perfect brother?

But this time, you'll pay with your soul."

Satan threatened maliciously as he waits for Michael's reaction,

Drowning their struggles, with his maniacal laughter.

Michael earned the looks of concern from his friends,

But he only kept hitting the seal to assure them.

"I've been battling demons the moment they existed,

To die, by obeying God, I am not afraid."

Raphael only nodded as he joined in cracking the seal,

Hoping that he too, if he dies,

would be as fearless as him.

More chapters to come! Thank you for reading! Like it ? Add to library!

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