

The unimaginable happened. Ken woke up to a world in great shambles, a world where nightmarish creatures wander about. More so, he also discovered that higher beings can communicate with him through dreams. And that devils and angels truly exist. How will he survive this apocalyptic world? And just how many would trust and believe him? Would this seemingly Last days of the world really be the last? "The scariest thing for me, is anticipating what horror the future could lead. And knowing there's nothing I could do to change what will be." Join Ken as he meets the Seven Princes of Hell! Thank you for your time! NOTE: Epic/Poem form Add-ons: After the first volume, more volumes covering other creepy stories will be written here! It will be a compilation of my horror stories of different genres! Better watch out! ... Other works by The author: REAPER'S BALLAD-fantasy romance novel That deals with tragedy, acceptance, romance and more (Will soon be adapted to comics)

tigerpaws · 灵异恐怖
270 Chs

Chapter 240: IT'S YOUR TURN

Lluming swore he could feel his blood run hot the moment he met Eligorr's gaze.

Despite the composure he's trying to mask himself in,

The demon opposite him knew it was all fake,

That his mourning opponent could be easily swayed.

After all, his knuckles says it all.

Trembling, shaking, couldn't wait to harm him.

It was such an advantage for someone as he,

Seeing his enemy, filled with such fragility.

Emotions, this is the very weakness Lluming hoped to conceal,

But...seeing over and over the angel he failed to protect,

It felt too much for him to handle.

He tried to look as unaffected as possible,

But his teeth involuntarily gritting made it obvious that he's vulnerable.

How stupid...how stupid he was to fail such an easy task...

It was only for this fight and yet...

He couldn't put on a mask.

Lluming...he looked ahead, convincing himself he's well prepared,

But Eligorr, knew better,

"You'll soon follow your brother,

Have a safe trip ahead..."

His clones suddenly charged towards Lluming,

Who've quickly opened his barrier.

He kept reminding himself not to lose control,

Not to fall into his whirls of emotions,

And yet seeing and hearing his brother's voice on a bad man,

It felt like horror,

successfully haunting him over and over.


Martha tried to reach for the feather on her sling bag,

But unfortunately, it was quickly snatched.

A fast-moving creature from the darkness stole it swift,

Making Martha wonder what just happened in that blink.

She felt hopeless seeing that she was surrounded.

With no angel to come over, no, none to call for help.

She felt herself almost tearing up knowing she had failed,

Until she heard an eerie voice call ahead.

She could hear...


The sudden entrance of sound made her feel uncomfortable,

That she covered her ears when the sound entered.

It was all too familiar,

And all too haunting.

The demon she so loathes to see,

Appeared to be in front of her,

But with a scarier...different aura,

worsened by his unsettling image.

"I'm happy someone visited the towers,

I was worried none would come.

I was hoping it would be an angel too,

But...it seems like you're just a human.

Still, you borrowed half an angel's ability, right?

That would still mean you can at least, fight.

Well, then, help me entertain myself in a while.

After all, it'd take too long, you know? That war."

His veiny face made Martha shake in fear,

Wondering just what happened to him.

He looks bigger, yet even more unstable,

As if he was to explode in any second.

What gruesome experiment had he put himself in.?

What desperation had he fallen into that he did this?

And more importantly, what would happen to her, now?

Martha's knees couldn't help but wobble down.

Azazel laughed, his laugh hauntingly echoing in the walls,

Making his voice all the more unbearable.

It was what scared Martha the most,

The lack of control in his voice, actuations...

and the...the lack of pupils in his eyes,

the lack of soul.

"You haven't fought in the arena yet, have you?"

Azazel asked, making Martha fall.

She started crying out of fear, not wanting to be killed,

But the demon didn't even changed his face,

And kept smiling, seeing her shake.

"Lucifer might take long to kill those archangels off.

And well, I'm beginning to feel bored.

How about you fight some of my monsters?

If you get hurt, I'll kill one of those slaves on the corner."

Azazel pointed at the slaves behind her,

Even more than the previous number.

She was then aware that more people had been abandoned,

And only she, could help them all.

But...what if the demon was lying?

She stuttered thinking of what to reply.

After all, she wasn't used to this feeling,

This feeling of being too alone and hopeless,

Is there even a reason to try?

The slaves then started shouting,

Some telling her to quit, others telling her to fight.

But for some reason, they all appear muted,

And only Azazel could speak to her in mind.

Right...so she was still deaf?

That would explain a lot.

She looked at Azazel, expecting him to explain the strange phenomenon,

And the demon only smirked, "I've injected a lot in me of course.

Don't be surprised if I can do a lot by now.

After all, I'm the epitome of perfection,

And soon, sole god."

Martha's hair was then carelessly pulled,

"Now then, time to make yourself useful.

I hope you won't die easily,

So I'll just put my starter monsters first,

So I can assest your abilities."

The woman could only follow,

Trying to be strong.

Despite her chest almost sinking,

After witnessing who they are.




The arena, had never felt this dreadful,

It was a nightmare, no, a reality, she hoped to forget.

Witnessing people kill the other was too much to bear,

More so now, that she's fighting inside this hell.

She saw, that the starter monster Azazel was talking about,

Were half-demons, half-humans, who were very young.

They had a metallic collar on their necks and several stitches,

Which made Martha think, they had also been used for experiments.

She felt herself break down seeing them.

It would have been easier if they don't look like this.

Young, innocent, forced.

Because seeing them now,

It reminded her of war.

Of who she was before.

She knew they were just like her.

People born and forced to cope with no choice of their own.

Monsters made by society who doesn't care that they're born.

Seeing such sad eyes, Martha felt petrified.

"What? They're just little kids,

Surely you can handle them?"

Azazel asked teasingly,

As the warrior kept shaking.

"What are you doing? Do some slaying,"

Azazel urged her, but she wasn't even moving.

Azazel, angered, quickly kicked Martha down,

"I will kill you, the kids, and the slaves if you don't follow me now!

At least if you fight, the other side may survive!

Don't try me human, don't cross the line."

Her opponents then began talking as she wonder what it meant,

But after a few observations, she was able to comprehend.






Figuring what they meant,

She felt even more harmed.

How can Azazel make her feel so worthless without even starting?

What kind of sick game is this?

He was bored, then might as well just torture her,

And yet she can't ask for it either.

If she angers him more,

He, without a doubt, could kill them all.

She sighed and comtemplates on what to do.

Was it truly alright to kill these monsters...

too young to know the truth?

"Time's ticking lovely lady,"

Azazel reminded her impatiently.

"If you don't move an inch from your current position,

I'd be sure to teach everyone here, an unforgettable lesson."

Martha yelled in agony as she figured she couldn't rush forward.

But seeing her pure heart,

The children conducted a plan.

They then began charging towards her themselves,

Making Martha have no choice, but to defend herself.

The monsters may not know who she was,

But they saw that she was very kind.

Seeing such sympathy was enough for all of them,

It was the greatest concern they experienced all their lives.

"Wait! Wait! What are you-I'll hurt you!"

Martha warned, but the monsters kept going through.

Martha cried more and more, as she swing her sword,

Confused if she was doing the right thing,

or the opposite of what was wanted by the Lord.

She told them sorry over and over again,

As she slice their hands and legs.

They tried to fight back despite the lost limbs,

And she, seeing them struggle and suffer,

Made no hesitation to end them quick.

The blood on her hands felt different however.

It didn't give her any satisfaction.

It gave her great sadness, knowing she killed innocents,

And even more burdened, when she heard Azazel laughed at the scene.

"You're fast, and agile!

That's incredible for a human!

I guess you're ready for another round!

This time, stakes are higher,

so be careful or you'll drown."

Azazel snapped his fingers and summoned another monster.

This time, a snake-like creature, appearing to be a mother.

She carries a child in her pouch, as she quickly slither,

Quick to heed, her Master's order.

"She was a slave before, but I got bored and experimented.

Her main ability: She can turn soil to water.

But it has some limitations.

She can only do that once every five minutes.

But that doesn't mean she couldn't hurt you in other means."


Martha asked, angered and frustrated.

"What do you mean, why?"

"Kids, and now...a mother?

Why can't you just give me a normal monster?"

"A normal monster? Hah, are you joking?

Every monster is something, Martha.

You can even ask the angels if you want.

Monsters are monsters, isn't that what you were told?

Oh what hypocrite you are then,

to love some, and despise the other."

"They didn't choose to be like this!"

"Slaves are sinners, Lucifer took here.

Don't treat them like saints, they're not as pure.

So just go ahead, kill them before you blow my fuse."

Martha looked at Azazel, eyes lost in her wrath.

"I will never forget you, even after I die."

Azazel seemed unimpressed however,

And only smiled.

"That's a joke, young lady.

I can feel your true desire.

You wanted to live the most among all of us here.

Because you're filled with hope,

that evil would be finally cleared.

So don't look at me with those eyes of yours.

You're such a liar. You wanted to live.

And if you still want to fulfill your dreams in this mortal world,

You need to kill that monster.

And since the kids attacked you first in the earlier round,

You get to do attack first this time around.

It's your turn now.

Make sure not to back down.

Since every life inside the arena,

Depends on the outcome of your game."

Martha quickly felt her eyes water again,

Knowing she had no other choices left.

Had she made a mistake?

What did she do to deserve this?

Seeing her fight her conscience,

Azazel couldn't help but smile himself.

"Are you regretting now? That you came?"

He asked her teasingly,

and she was thinking the same.

Azazel then snapped his fingers again,

signalling that her first move must begin.

More chapters soon! Thank you for reading and enjoy!!!

tigerpawscreators' thoughts