

The unimaginable happened. Ken woke up to a world in great shambles, a world where nightmarish creatures wander about. More so, he also discovered that higher beings can communicate with him through dreams. And that devils and angels truly exist. How will he survive this apocalyptic world? And just how many would trust and believe him? Would this seemingly Last days of the world really be the last? "The scariest thing for me, is anticipating what horror the future could lead. And knowing there's nothing I could do to change what will be." Join Ken as he meets the Seven Princes of Hell! Thank you for your time! NOTE: Epic/Poem form Add-ons: After the first volume, more volumes covering other creepy stories will be written here! It will be a compilation of my horror stories of different genres! Better watch out! ... Other works by The author: REAPER'S BALLAD-fantasy romance novel That deals with tragedy, acceptance, romance and more (Will soon be adapted to comics)

tigerpaws · 灵异恐怖
270 Chs

Chapter 217: JEGUDIEL

Humility looked at the skies,

Who turned into an orange hue from what looked like fire.

His purple eyes are in a panic, making 155 scared,

She quickly looked up to him, and in worry, exclaimed:

"What's up with what you're seeing?!

Isn't that your God, helping???

What's with the frightened eyes of yours?!

Isn't what I thought it was, obvious???"

The reaper gulped and gloomily turned,

Making the woman dread what she's about to learn.

He looked at the woman rather sadly,

And in a serious tone replied,

"I'm receiving distressed signals lately."

Haborym used his summon, the black bird flying above,

Soon, he sighed to the others,

"It's finally starting, the war."

155 was close to pass out, but Sabrina only sighed,

"We have no time to chat, and not a choice but fight."

The mother quickly declined the decision,

"I will stay here, until we're in a better situation.

There may be more angels there, but there are also more devils,

No...no way, I'm going back to that place."

Humility hissed in annoyance,

"I can sense dark auras approaching from a distance,

We have no choice but to move forward,

It's better to die, knowing we did all we can."

The mother kept declining and holding her child,

"Are you, are you out of your mind?

We are defenseless, no experience to fight for ourselves,

Once we get on that field, we'll be done for in seconds."

Humility looked at Haborym with a worried expression,

"I'm sorry, but I've already secured my mission.

I am already being summoned,

I cannot stay much longer."

Haborym nodded and held 155's arm,

"Take 155 with you, and Sabrina too,

They will help more in the war and save more people,

I will stay here, and make sure the children won't be done for."

155, surprised, looked at Haborym's expressionless eyes,

"You're...you're seriously doing that?!"

"Obviously, the mother won't change her mind,

And if Humility can no longer stay to help her,

Only I can.

Sabrina needs water to be able to hold her guard,

But staying here where water is scarce,

Isn't all a good plan.

Besides, her abilities could greatly be benefited in the field,

I trust that once again, we will meet."

"And if we don't?"

155's eyes glimmered in tears,

As Haborym felt a sense of fear,

He didn't know what it was that he was so afraid of,

Was it...dying? Or not being able to go home?

He removed his mask and smiled,

Making 155 forget her sadness for a while,

She quickly embraced the stern man,

Who softened the moment they touched.

"Don't die,"

155 whispered, barely audible,

Haborym only nodded,

"You know I'm capable."

Humility quickly walked forward,

And though his heart too, was beating fast,

He needed to break them both,

"It won't pause, the war,"

"Ah, 155, you got to go,

Take care of yourself," "I know,"

Sabrina quickly pointed the safest route,

As Humility tried to sense deadly auras, that they may overlook.

Haborym stayed as he had said,

And in the few minutes he felt even more afraid.

It's as if a scent was all over the place,

It was all too familiar, the scent of Death.

The children kept crying as they look around,

Hoping that nothing would tear them about.

Haborym sighed and decided to form an illusion,

But before he could even work with his hands,

He heard a growl, that could only have come from a monster.

His eyes quickly turned to see the creature,

Who was tremendous in size, and recognizably not Belphegor's.

He quickly told the kids to stay in his illusion,

But the mother quickly panicked, and sent some children, running in all sorts of direction.

She kept bolting as she carries her child,

Not daring to ever look back.

"Hold that monster for as long as you can!

So we will be able to hide!"

Haborym could not believe his ears,

"Don't seperate, there may be more right there!"

But even the woman had no trust that he'll live,

So she continued to run, hoping they can escape.

The abomination did not liked his meal getting away,

So it decided to improve his ways.

The monster's back erupted,

Sending all sorts of flying objects,

The circle-like discs then grew their own wings,

And opened it's mouth, with sharp set of teeth.

The brown-colored creature who walks in four,

Then decided to distract Haborym from protecting them all,

Haborym uses his remaining energy to cast black crows,

Who would helpfully fend the children that were lost.

He then looked at the monster,

Who recognizable have no eyes,

It's large bat like ears were it's most recognizable features,

With it's mouth wide open, displaying it's own teeth just as tremendous.

Haborym felt intimidated,

Realizing that the monster wasn't mere flesh.

If it could send more monsters from it's back,

Then he could not just kill him on that spot.

"Where would I attack this beast then?"

Haborym thought to himself.

But he wasn't even given much time to process,

And off the monster went.

It quickly tried to grab the former duke of hell,

Who, despite being able to dodge it, was sweating pools from not being able to tell.

He was put in great disbelief that the monster was swift,

Since it's size and look made it impossible at least.

Haborym then grew his own wings,

Hoping that he can attack the monster, somewhere it can't reach.

But lo and behold! The monster that he thought can't see,

Had quickly opened it's back to reveal some wings.

Haborym opened his mouth in shock,

And knowing that he needed to give his all,

He wondered if he could ever go back.

He casted a large serpent,

And turned the soil to fire,

But the monster felt no pain,

With each and every attack.

It continued to try and reach him,

Knowing he's the real deal,

And so Haborym had no choice but to cast more serpents,

To hold the monster in.

He tried to cut off its head,

But the monster quickly killed his snake.

Haborym then wondered how he can do this,

Until he decided to just cut off its limbs.

He casted fourty illusions of himself,

But only two with competent strength,

The others distracted the monster with it's speed,

While the two work hand in hand to sever its limbs.

The monster tried to follow him,

But was now uncertain where to truly heed.

The snakes produced then tried to hold the monster in place,

As Haborym completed the dare.

He felt happy when the monster slumped on the ground he made to burn,

But there was one more surprise, he greatly overlooked.

The monster grew it's limbs back,

And this time, it gave more ferocious attacks.


Meanwhile, the mother who had been carrying her child,

Was being followed by the monster with no eyes.

Three children were also following her,

And seeing no other options,

She quickly went for the last resort.

She tearfully put her own child down and tells him to follow her as fast as she can,

And the child nodded quickly, following her demands.

She then carried the littlest children, and threw him to the monster,

Who slowed down, as it quickly then devoured.

The two other children panicked from the discovery,

And went to another direction,

Scared to be feast.

The noise attracted the monster,

And it followed the children instead,

As the mother then carried her boy,

And continued to run far away.

Soon, she discovered a crack on the wall,

And made her son hid, hoping he won't be discovered.

She soon heard faraway shrieks, and knew they won't be together for long,

So she kissed her son's cheeks, and for the last time, sung him a song.

The song quickly calmed the boy's nerves,

As he embraces his own mother, whom he missed for so long.

The mother kept crying but knew it could not be helped,

She had always have...this life so unbearably unfair.

"You think about living, okay?

Prioritize reuniting with your brother one day.

Don't think about mommy for now,

Just...keep quiet, and I'll think of a plan to return somehow."

The boy wanted to call out to her,

As she smiles for the last time, and covered the hole.

He heard her steps, growing fainter every second,

And even if she said to come back, he knew the reality he's born in,

That she won't be able to return.

"Mama, the angel said to protect you,

But they're as useless as everyone else in the world.

You're the only one who tried her best for me,

Do the heavens truly care? What did you do to deserve this?"

The boy's green eyes quickly erupted in tears,

But soon he quieted down, after hearing bloody screams.

He covered his ears and repeated the song in his head,

("Someday, somehow, we'll live in a nice house, together, in a comfy bed.")


Haborym falls to his knees,

Realizing he can't simply kill the beast.

And just as he thought that he would die on the spot,

He heard a pair of wings fluttering from the skies.

A kind soothing voice told him to rest,

And in great exhaustion, closed his eyes after half a minute less.

He soon fell asleep, thinking if he'll live,

And saw the same trees and ponds, from when he was a kid.

He smiles at the chirping birds,

And the fruits that abundantly grows.

He have forgotten how nice the scent of grass was,

And how pleasant were the clear water to his eyes.

He was about to grab some water to drink,

When the water soon turned to dark pink.

The birds fell from the skies,

And the fishes floated from the surface,

All have died.

And than the refreshing smell of grass,

The scent of smoke was all it was.

Haborym then soon opened his eyes.

Only to see Archangel Jegudiel, looking at him from above.

"Don't worry, the monster's all done,

But may I ask you? Did I gather the right count?

I swore Gabriel told me they were more than this,

But I couldn't find the other kids."

Haborym scanned his surroundings,

And his heart dropped knowing they were only three.

He stood up, and tried to find the others, himself,

But Jegudiel knew that he'd die if his wounds were not mend.

"Well, follow me for now, I will treat your wounds,

Let's go to a safe house, where all my rescues are.

And after you and the kids are there,

I promise you, I'll come back and look for them."

Haborym could barely talk,

And only nod his head.

More chapters soon! Thank you!

tigerpawscreators' thoughts