

The unimaginable happened. Ken woke up to a world in great shambles, a world where nightmarish creatures wander about. More so, he also discovered that higher beings can communicate with him through dreams. And that devils and angels truly exist. How will he survive this apocalyptic world? And just how many would trust and believe him? Would this seemingly Last days of the world really be the last? "The scariest thing for me, is anticipating what horror the future could lead. And knowing there's nothing I could do to change what will be." Join Ken as he meets the Seven Princes of Hell! Thank you for your time! NOTE: Epic/Poem form Add-ons: After the first volume, more volumes covering other creepy stories will be written here! It will be a compilation of my horror stories of different genres! Better watch out! ... Other works by The author: REAPER'S BALLAD-fantasy romance novel That deals with tragedy, acceptance, romance and more (Will soon be adapted to comics)

tigerpaws · 灵异恐怖
270 Chs

Chapter 172: BROKEN WINGS


"Eleazar, Eleazar," an elder angel called.

The little angel turned around,

and smiled ever so bold.

"Ah, did you see little Lluming?"

"He told me he want to play with the other fletchlings."

"Yes. And he just broke someone else's wing,

He's such a reckless little angel, don't you think?"

"Wait. Really? Where is he?"

"Sermoned by Sir Michael, as what should be."

"What on heaven came to that boy's mind?

He told me he won't cause trouble anymore, and it's only been a while."

"Ah, Eleazar, I wish that he had the same thought process as you.

You were born the same time but...he's growing so slow.

How could twins be so oppose of one another?

This truly is, my biggest wonder."

"Is Lluming looking for me, Madamme?"

"Hah, well, he begged me not to tell you, but you should come,

He only listens to you, for some reason,

And he's still crying too, even though he was just taught a lesson."

"A lesson?"

Eleazar felt nervous of what it could be,

Since Lluming was not used to punishments,

oh how was he?

He bowed politely to the woman before him,

"Please take me to Lluming."

And she did, and how surprised was he when he saw Lluming being forced to kneel on a pile of rocks.

"Brother Eleazar! You came back!"

Eleazar felf pity and saw that Lluming was already growing tired.

"What did you do again? And for how many times?"

But despite his concern, he forced his voice to sound assertive,

As Lluming further cried as he begged the angel to forgive him.

"Why did you broke your playmate's wing?"

"I didn't mean to, he was just too weak!"

"Did you said sorry to him now?"

"But Sir Raphael already had him fixed!"

"You should still say sorry to him, you know?"

"Okay, okay, but please don't yell at me no more,"

"And don't cause more trouble!

*sigh* Guess I won't be able to leave you for one second."


(Lluming's POV)

I wish you really didn't.


And so, I opened my eyes again to face this dreadening reality.

This smell of blood and smoke, never leaving me.

I opened my wings, although fully healed.

Felt useless, without him hovering close beside me.

Though I lay comfortly on my bed,

Surrounded by my old comrades,

I could never move on, from the passing of my friend,

I thought I did, but...guess what,

its all lies in the end.

I guess I'll carry this burden till the light in me fades.

Till the earth is no more, but a ball of flames.

Oh, brother. Why did you left?

Why did your face, be taken away?

What a disgrace, I couldn't even save your legacy,

Because I'm still hoping, that my enemy isn't lying.

That you're still there, somewhere trying,

To escape and make your way out,

Back to me, your brother Lluming.

I miss you, don't you know?

And the world feels scarier without your laugh.

Everything felt painted in grey and black,

Knowing, I could never have you back.

Why...did they take you?

Used your abilities, and face to create something new?

Someone pitiful, someone bad,

Someone I should have killed,

But...it won't move, my hand.

"Oh, you're awake, thank goodness!"

I heard someone yell, as he made way to my side.

Sir Raphael smiles as he inspect my arms,

"Does it hurt? Or are you just fine?"

"It's fine. How are the reapers?"

"Many, are sadly lost."

"*sigh* Just who sent those monsters?

And how did our location, they somehow know?"

"We may have to do something tomorrow,

Since...now that our locations found, it would only take a few days before more sorrow.

Who knows, maybe they'd attack in hours,

What really confuses me though,

If it's Lucifer,

Wouldn't he send batallions?

And not eyeless monsters?"

I thought about that for a moment,

Hoping I could somehow solve it.

"Hm, I think...I know what it may want."

"That is?"

"It's not Lucifer, you're correct,

But if I were to suspect,

It's got to be some traitor in their nest.

Surely, Lucifer is not too invested in sending brainless monsters do his bidding,

He'd also definitely won't stop at nothing.

But this, whoever sent them seemed to have a goal,

To destroy us on their own.

I guess he's not on Lucifer's side.

And if I were to deduct,

This demon, based on the creatures he sent,

Could be the scientist of hell."


Why...how did he know?

His evil wind cannot pass through the barrier,

And we made seals to make his searchings impossible."

"A spy, perhaps. And you may not believe me firsthand,

But...I feel suspicious of Stacy's acts.

She seems too...different than what I'm told before.

Could it be that she's also like..Eligorr?"

"The monster you've often encountered?

The smart type, able to dodge your fast attacks, she's one of them?

If she is, she would have tried to show us some of her other skills,

Right now, she is just a healer."

"Or a witch."

"Look, she's Ken's friend. I can't just kill her.

And look at you, you can't even kill the guy that looks like your brother.

If they're still alive inside of them, we may be able to turn them back,"

"I doubt that we have much time."

"Lluming, you're being selfish again.

How would Ken and Mar feel? When you kill their friend?

We didn't say anything when you refused to stab the hybrid,

And now, just because she's not important to you,

You think she deserve this?

She...or whatever is inside her, could just be a mere victim,

Manipulated to do someone else's bidding.

Didn't you see how your opponent could have easily killed you but refused to?

They're able to have gratitude, and pity.

He hesitated and we saw it.

Whoever it was, even if it's not Eleazar.

That person didn't want to kill you.

It's as if he was just told to."

"Told to? Hah, he was made to,

Azazel won't risk being betrayed.

It just so happens that it was my brother's face,

But if it was someone else's, I wouldn't have hesitate."

"I see, your heart is still full of hate,

And your young face reflects your recklessness.

You're still the same as I remembered back then, little Lluming.

Don't you remember your promise to him those evenings?

When you were kids, whenever you did something wrong,

He'd tell you long paragraphs of why you're not right,

And no matter how long,

It'd end with you two saying that promise or vow you both made up?

That you'd know how to forgive and seek for forgiveness.

Lluming, this is definitely it.

Know how to forgive Eleazar, and let go of that pain,

You knew he had no choice when he left you and said his last farewell.

He did his mission with a brave heart,

He is gone. But he did his part.

And you should too, and though I won't force you to be like him,

At least, open your heart as wide as you open your wings.

Ever since he died, you grew more distant from us.

Don't stay like this, you will only hurt your heart.

Lluming, you may be better than Ken in terms of strategy and combat,

But I want you to learn how he accepts the life he now has.

And so are those people with us till this day.

They did nothing, but pray.

They accepted the cup placed before them,

No matter how hard their own problems.

For in the end, it is only you,

who is burdened."

And by the end of our discussion,

I couldn't help but think to myself,

Perhaps it is I, who is the problem.

It is I, who taints my brother's history.

And as long as I walk this path with hate,

I will never truly give him justice,

no matter what I do,

for his sake.

But do I really have what it takes...

to simply shrug it all away?

Ah, Lluming...

How can I learn...

and accept he won't ever wake?

More chapters soon! Thank you! And goodnight!

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