

The unimaginable happened. Ken woke up to a world in great shambles, a world where nightmarish creatures wander about. More so, he also discovered that higher beings can communicate with him through dreams. And that devils and angels truly exist. How will he survive this apocalyptic world? And just how many would trust and believe him? Would this seemingly Last days of the world really be the last? "The scariest thing for me, is anticipating what horror the future could lead. And knowing there's nothing I could do to change what will be." Join Ken as he meets the Seven Princes of Hell! Thank you for your time! NOTE: Epic/Poem form Add-ons: After the first volume, more volumes covering other creepy stories will be written here! It will be a compilation of my horror stories of different genres! Better watch out! ... Other works by The author: REAPER'S BALLAD-fantasy romance novel That deals with tragedy, acceptance, romance and more (Will soon be adapted to comics)

tigerpaws · 灵异恐怖
270 Chs

Chapter 162: CUTTING TIES

Satan gritted his teeth,

Anger flooding within.

"Even a devil should be at least a bit reasonable,

But I guess that sort of quality, you will never be able."

"I do what I want, don't you remember?"

"But you punish those, who do the same, don't you, Lucifer?"

"A god doesn't follow anyone, and I am that,

So you have to follow me, no matter what."

The red-eyed demon now couldn't hold back,

His face revealing his true nature inside.

Sharp teeth appeared, and a scowl emerged,

Eyes replaced, with sinister glares,

"Then I'll be first."

He quickly swiped towards Lucifer, who was to shocked to react,

A single slash was present in his arm,

He didn't feel angry, but surely did not expect it,

He looked at Satan, in pure disbbelief.

How can he dare to do it?

"We may be devils, but we should have class,

You're a brat, than that of a god.

I am not tolerating further actions from you,"

"Ah, Satan..have you forgotten what I can do?

Even with half of my power gone, I can still beat an archangel,

Even without you around, I can still rule hell.

I can stop whatever prophecy the angels has for us,

I can stop the sea of flames, I'll defeat them no matter what.

And I won't need you for that."

"Are you sure? Because if so, maybe I'd be a candidate for your wish to become god,

Surely if you're not threatened of me, you'd let me take that chance,"

Lucifer was taken aback,

Satan sure knew how to twist words,

no matter what.

He smiled, trying to hide his boiling temper,

"Fine then, but I am still your Master.

The decision is final, and oh, a little comeback for what you did earlier,"

Satan's eyes quickly turned around, and saw a quick arrow heading towards him,

Evading it failed miserably,

"That punishment's still little."

The arrow disintegrated into his skin,

The pain travelling within,

Satan fell to his knees, shivering in pain,

Inceneration, is truly Lucifer's thing.

"Oh, gotta make Azazel treat that,

The damage only spreads,

You don't want it to damage you any further, right?

So run away now, remember how frail you are,

you don't stand a chance...

like you've always been."

There was obvious mockery in his voice,

And even if Satan wanted to try his luck another time,

Lucifer was already on guard,

Holding the slash on his arm,

Acting like he don't feel anything at all.

But Satan knew he did.

The fake grin failed to hide it.

He knew Lucifer feel pain,

For Satan's slash isn't half-meant.

There was silence between them,

An exchange of angry breaths,

But Satan cannot wait any longer,

Lucifer won't compromise at all.

He walked away,

his leg limping from the pain,

And although Lucifer told himself he won't care,

It hurt him how Satan, helplessly tried to walk from him.

Not wanting the lower demons to see Satan in such state,

He decided to have his pride lower a bit.

He walked towards Satan, and let him stay in his room,

As he called Azazel, to then treat his wounds.

Satan wasn't amused, however,

Since Lucifer still gave him more problems that solutions,

And he ignored him for the rest of the stay,

No matter how much the prince of demon talk to his way.

That hurt the demon's ego so much,

But knew that Satan may still be too hurt to reply,

He gave him some sort of time,

As he then realized the mistake in his words,

He needs Satan by his side.

Ruler of hell as he is, maybe he should really apologize.




Sellena woke up to a foreign room,

That stinks of smoke, old cologne and books.

She tried to sat up, but her back quickly felt painful,

She cried in pain, if only she was a bit more careful.

"This is what I get for being so...vulnerable,

I thought I'll be able to save those I love but...

I'm so helpless."

She forgot for a moment that she almost died,

As she thinks of his brothers, and quickly cries.

No one was in the room, and thinking of where she is, is too exhausting to do,

Sellena had lost a bit of her hope,

Maybe her end, is in this demon's fold.

She sniffs and continued crying,

Until her eyes caught something glowing,

One of Haborym's lamps was at the table,

His illegible notes, messily scattered.

She walked towards it, and saw a lot of pictures,

A map, and images of ladies he now planned to capture.

So there's more of them? But the angels well...they had them safe, right?

Or were there really others, outside?

A voice interrupted her finds,

A familiar one at that, but somehow, they don't seem as kind.

"So, you're finally well, what a surprise,

After all, you had almost died."

155 spoke, as Sellena pondered where she popped out of,

"In case you don't know, right there(points to it) is the bathroom,"

Sellena nods as she scan the lady,

Her clothes were...a bit skimpy."

155 felt embarrassed and turned away,

"Yeah, right...this is the clothes for slaves."

Her heart dropped after 155 spoke of her misfortune,

But her focus went back to Haborym's notes.

"Pardon me, but do you know?

If there's really more of us, in the outside world?

I thought the angels were...keeping them somewhat safe,"

"The angels can't save everyone, can they?

All surviving Humans cannot simply be in one place,

If so, then why are you here?

Also...the angels can only detect those who has a strong bond with God,

If not, they're practically invisible. And I tell you, they're a lot.

Poor loser though, that duke can't catch a break,

Always doing tasks, whatever it takes."

Haborym. Sellena thought.

She should be angry, because that's the creature who've captured her,

and many more,

But somehow, she had gotten more...open,

Haborym was just following orders,

whatever happens.

"Ama, thank you for looking after me while I was unconcious,

But...may I know more where you get those?"

She pointed on her bare forehead,

A clear mark of a demon, if 155 already told her, she must have forgotten.

After all, it was a long fall,

And felt like hell.

"Oh, this? Hah, it's...given by Lucifer.

Because than Haborym capturing this beauty in front of you,

Lucifer was actually the one who brought me here,

How wonderful."

Sellena could see that the woman was fighting back tears,

She had been in so much pain, probably something she can't even bear.

"That...monster gave me this...and many more,

He gave me everything I regret asking for.

He gave me what I thought was love, he gave me...wait, I shouldn't be talking about this,

Sorry, hah, I look pathetic with these tears."

155 sat on the bed, as she wipe away what remained,

Sellena only looks at her, not knowing what to say.

And at that moment, humanity sparked a bit in 155's heart,

Sellena was someone, she see herself in a lot.

Maybe that is why she hated her some bit,

She was someone like her, until Lucifer had succeed.


155 set aside the deal with Satan,

Sending this woman to the same prison she's in,

Making her life an endless punishment,

No, she shouldn't be as heartless.

Sellena's only fault was actually giving in,

And 155 was just blinded, by envy, and the want to again begin.

Sellena was still not trapped to this hell of a place,

Something 155, desperately craves.

"Sellena, forget about Asmodeus,

Think about yourself.

You may feel like he love you,

But he'll only drag you down to hell.

I've managed to be in your place,

You think he's an angel, but he's as dangerous as flames,

No matter how captivating he may look,

No matter how kind he may seem,

He's still a monster within."

Sellena felt her tears coming back,

He seemed so different, so kind.

And still she knows demons are meant to be cunning,

She knows she was weak to love, and that she shouldn't be in love with him.

But no matter how much she knows that it's wrong,

She cannot help but fall.

155 understood her well,

Maybe he's that charming, even for a spawn of hell.

"You were hurt, aren't you?"

Sellena nodded as obvious,

"Well, you'll feel way more when you're trapped here,

Wife as you are, it's no fun in a place of demons and witches."

"But how can we get away?

This place is locked and guarded, and we're too slow to run, anyways,

I tried to look for secret passages,

But the place seems too spacious, and it seems as if traps are placed.

The back, which is the least guarded of all,

Had trees filled with thorns stretched tall,

This place, they're not meant to be escaped from,

All I ask is for an angel, to come."

"I know that, but I can read you eyes,

You want to stay here, if Asmodeus does,

You love him, and there's no denying of that,

Don't you know or do you refuse to acknowledge?

He's also a trap."

"He's a victim."

"No, WE are victims,

A victim is helpless, one who doesn't have a choice,

But they DO, oh they have plenty of those.

I'm starting to hate you if you still think you can change them,

No...you never can.

They are what they are, no matter what,

Cold-blooded, sadistic, cunning and smart.

Even the angels are smart enough to aim for their heads,

Once they try to harm them, with the intent of Death.

I say, you should fake your submission, but forget all your connections,

They may tell you sad stories,

But their past are not an excuse for their actions.

Screw all of them.

They don't deserve our pity,

They're all poison."

Haborym's ability is called: Illusion

Though strong with many applications it is draining. Using something he cannot quite put his thought on well will only weaken him more.

Lucifer's ability is called: Incineration

It includes his typical light arrows that are fast and deadly. Especially in great numbers. His curse also includes turning creatures to stone and having them crumble. A metaphor for the fact that everything he'd have will only be temporary. He can merge with Satan.

Love lots!

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