

The unimaginable happened. Ken woke up to a world in great shambles, a world where nightmarish creatures wander about. More so, he also discovered that higher beings can communicate with him through dreams. And that devils and angels truly exist. How will he survive this apocalyptic world? And just how many would trust and believe him? Would this seemingly Last days of the world really be the last? "The scariest thing for me, is anticipating what horror the future could lead. And knowing there's nothing I could do to change what will be." Join Ken as he meets the Seven Princes of Hell! Thank you for your time! NOTE: Epic/Poem form Add-ons: After the first volume, more volumes covering other creepy stories will be written here! It will be a compilation of my horror stories of different genres! Better watch out! ... Other works by The author: REAPER'S BALLAD-fantasy romance novel That deals with tragedy, acceptance, romance and more (Will soon be adapted to comics)

tigerpaws · 灵异恐怖
270 Chs

Chapter 158: HALF OF ALL WE GOT

A ceremony was held in order of Michael,

After being informed that the humans are still to weak to be compared.

They may be able to fight among themselves,

But never could they fight someone like demons of hell.

Worried that they'd be helpless when the great war comes,

Michael ordered the angels to choose their human and still give half of what they have.

This process will enhance the humans by a great lot,

Although subtracting some of the capabilities the angels have.

"We cannot save everyone at once,

But with such, you'd have a fighting chance."

Michael told the humans gathered around,

But not all of them could be given,

Since the angels aren't as many as they.

The abilities were given to the worthy,

As those left were promised to be looked for,

Joseph secretly gave Mar more than half of what he got,

Fond of the human, and wanting her to survive no matter what.

"I know you want to survive with Ken and I'm all for that,

So promise me you'd give your best shot."

Mar smiles sweetly as she nods her head,

Hoping that she won't let down her friend.

But after a few glances she noticed something was different,

Joseph and the other angels, look younger than they once were.

Even Lluming once radiating a serious aura looked less threatening than he was before,

As Michael and the others, looked just as so.

Ken was not given any boost, but he was sure he'd have some chance,

When he and Lluming sparred,

He was confident he'd at least hit a blast,

But upon the most unexpected moment,

His eyes glowed without command,

As Lluming's blast in turn,

Was absorbed by his hand.

Ken immediately fell back,

Screaming at how hot-

it felt in his palms,

As he stops himself from screaming,

And crying out pain.

He then stood up and tried to release it,

And even if it did, it missed.

Still, Lluming was impressed Ken was able to absorb a very strong blast,

Knowing among all abilities, it is the most useful, a Grand seer could have.

"Are you alright?"

Ken's eyes faded into its normal hue,

But it felt painful, as if something was squeezing his brain,

He stood up groggily, undeniably in pain.

Symbols in turn glowed visible in his neck,

As he also had one in arms he clearly felt.

And though not seen, the light that seeped to his clothes made it obvious,

The prophecy of the two parts were closer in previous.

"Amazing, but you're not good at it yet,

But it's still admirable, and surely a thing I didn't expect,

Try to act more intimidating, and try to forget the pain,

If you make it seem like it didn't hurt,

the upper hand you'll gain."

Ken sighed upon hearing it,

Faking emotions was something he still had to begin,

His eyes were very expressive and so was his gestures,

It would sure bring him a lot of pressure.

Lluming saw the worry in his eyes,

And having known Ken for a little while he knew what they meant,

He quickly annouched a break and the two sat and talk,

Lluming clearly remembering the topic he wants brought.

"About the vision, you could tell me in a whisper,

They're busy fighting, and I doubt they'd listen further,"

Ken opened his mouth, but closed it immediately,

As he saw Stacy, approach him casually.

"You two seem so serious!

What are you talking about?

Can I be of help?"

"Unfortunately, no.

But I appreciate the concern,"

Lluming replied,

As Stacy felt she's been strucked by thorns.

Lluming sure seemed like he hated her.

"Ah, alright. Sorry for the bother."

She left, pretending to feel very sad,

As Ken felt guilty, "Did we just make her mad?"

"You're really too oblivious for a hero,

She's fine, you didn't do anything wrong either,

Stop worrying to much about others,

Or...you'll end up trampled."

Lluming remembered Eleazar,

He may not have vanished in his arms,

But the pain was still there no matter what.

Never leaving his hardened heart.

"Not all kind souls get a happy ending,

Your heart is too good,

But it could also result to your suffering."

"Hey, stop it man. Look, I'm not the...nicest person in the world,

I was just wondering if she's somehow hurt."

"Oh. Well, she doesn't seem hurt to me,

What's important is she let us be."

"Uh, I'm not sure what your definition of hurt is,

But she seemed sad or mad at least."

"*sigh* She's fine. Those things mentioned won't kill her,"

"Yeah, but I hope she knows she's not really a bother."

"Hm, yeah, anyways, what's your vision about?

You were about to tell me but she showed up."

"Ah, yeah, yes. I'm sorry, it's about Selaphiel,"

"And well?"

"He...becomes sort of...a bad guy I guess?"

"Whoah, that's truly something else."

"Yeah, like he suddenly changed and all,

My visions just kept getting darker and darker,

But sometimes, I wonder if they're just my thoughts,

It's difficult to tell and differentiate at all."

"We need Michael and Selaphiel to work it out then,

Or else it could break the balance of the heavens.

What else did you saw?"

"I'm afraid that is all."

"Are you sure?"

(I lied but the next scenes we're too cruel.)

"Yes, I'm certain."

(Is it reality or not? I can't tell.)

"Alright, I'll leave you for ten more minutes and we resume the fight,

So rest for a bit while."

Lluming stands up, very bothered.

His thoughts cannot help but ponder.

A fall of another brother.




Selaphiel may be strict, but he's no Lucifer,

He knows he isn't better than all,

But seeing him as someone who could do such thing,

Couldn't be as far fetched if you know where it all begins.

Lucifer was also confident and smart since the beginning,

But ambitions and the inability to admit defeat altered his great upbringing.

Though given everything,

He longed for more and stopped resisting.

Selaphiel was a bomb of repressed emotions,

As Lluming have known he's the angel who ceases temptations,

If those were no longer contained,

How he wondered the things that could escape.

He shakes his head, no, he hoped it was just thoughts,

The world is already in chaos,

It doesn't need another Lucifer

to cause terror.

(Selaphiel...no, please don't.

You shouldn't keep those feelings bottled alone.)

Just as then he remembered Uriel,

The only angel who Selaphiel willingly opens.

So many really trusts him,

Too bad the title Uriel was passed to Lluming.

Someone who isn't that good at listening,

Since he himself, is filled with emotions he refuses to let others know and feel.

But he got to try somehow,

Or else things would end in a spiral down.

Angels aren't perfect after all,

They still feel things, and some are likely to fall.

He needs to stop that, since Uriel's already passed,

He needs to try, or their feud would last.

And when his steps took him to Selaphiel,

He felt a different temp of air.

The archangel looked at him, surprised,

"Is there something I could provide?"

"No, I should be asking that,"

"Hm, that's unusual, but why is that?"

"You've been...avoiding Sir Michael lately,"

"Ah, that? That's it? If so, don't worry,"

"How can I not? You're drifting apart,"

"How silly, I don't mean it by heart.

It's something you don't understand,

It just hurts when logic is thrown by one hand."

"I'd listen to you rant if you want,

I'd help you feel better and-"

"We don't have time for that matter,

And it's not like I need it the most either.

It's okay, I can handle myself,

What you should do now, is handle yourself."

"But..I don't think just because you're old you should refuse some help,"

"I told you I'm fine, nonetheless,

What made you think I can't handle a little fight?

We'd solve things lately, so don't mind."

Selaphiel lied.

He needed that talk by a lot.

But Lluming was so young,

He couldn't possibly understand.

And if he did, it'd feel embarrassing,

Lluming may look down on him,

Those emotions he handle rather poorly,

It's hard being known to be strong,

When you're on the verge of falling on such a high cliff.

"When will that time be? When will you solve things together?"

Lluming asked, anticipating a quick answer,

Selaphiel felt saddened, as he was uncertain himself,

"Soon, but not now, I believe."

"I hope those negative feelings soon leave..."

Selaphiel felt his heart crushed to pieces,

Knowing how much sincerity was put into his words,

But no matter how he sees it,

They were different, his and Michael's views.

He turns around and pretended to be occupied,

"Go train further, make use of time.

I'll be okay eventually, happy and fine,

So just walk on and continue."

Again, he lied.

And Lluming couldn't pass by Selaphiel's walls no matter how much he tried.

Selaphiel also had such terrifying pride.

More chaps soon! Thank you so much!

Fun fact: The name Selaphiel means, "Prayers to God."

Hope you had fun!

tigerpawscreators' thoughts