

The unimaginable happened. Ken woke up to a world in great shambles, a world where nightmarish creatures wander about. More so, he also discovered that higher beings can communicate with him through dreams. And that devils and angels truly exist. How will he survive this apocalyptic world? And just how many would trust and believe him? Would this seemingly Last days of the world really be the last? "The scariest thing for me, is anticipating what horror the future could lead. And knowing there's nothing I could do to change what will be." Join Ken as he meets the Seven Princes of Hell! Thank you for your time! NOTE: Epic/Poem form Add-ons: After the first volume, more volumes covering other creepy stories will be written here! It will be a compilation of my horror stories of different genres! Better watch out! ... Other works by The author: REAPER'S BALLAD-fantasy romance novel That deals with tragedy, acceptance, romance and more (Will soon be adapted to comics)

tigerpaws · 灵异恐怖
270 Chs


Tick tock tick,

How the time quickly slips.

Asmodeus was so in love,

He forgot they're enemies still.

Tick tock tick,

How love made him weak.

He was so mesmerized by her,

And had fallen way too deep.

His feelings that now latched upon his heart,

Hesitated to leave just like that.

He knew Satan and Lucifer would take matters in their own hands,

If ever he fails to stick to the plan.

The real horror isn't just blood and gore,

But seeing your beloved, had their bodies become a lifeless corpse.

He cries that night, although he told himself not,

There was anger and sadness mixed within him,

Asking the fates why it was the life he was given.

On the other door was Satan feeling guilty,

Knowing he had pressured Asmodeus to do the killing,

Satan knew Asmodeus had never been happy,

Since Sellena came, into his story.

The demon of wrath tried to find a remedy,

To expel Sellena's threatening ability,

But he found none, none of the possibility,

Except to kill her, or perhaps take her chastity.

Either ways, Satan prefers her dead just to be sure,

He may have respected her a bit, but keeping her around may end to failure,

Now aware that she had potential that could awaken in any moment,

He cursed the seers, and all the creatures in heaven.

If only the one who used to be the last seer,

Didn't marry, and had siblings to be her heir,

Then the threats to their plans they had been preparing for countless years,

Wouldn't have the chance of faltering, as the seer's awakening nears.

"Damn those...humans, just why?"

Satan's frustration didn't manage to hide.

He looked at the mirror, and felt anger inside,

"I should have killed her, when Asmo's still not lost his mind."

Tick tock tick,

The time sounded clear,

Satan looks at the huge wall clock,

And decided to draw back.

He cannot upset Asmodeus,

But he cannot upset Lucifer too,

He was so torn by them both,

He was unsure of what to do.

Satan knew Asmodeus was so love deprived,

He may fail to kill her just in time,

He knew that among them, he had the softest heart,

So he may sacrifice his own, and would just rather die.

Not wanting that to happen, he prepared another plan,

That doesn't involve, inflicting harm.

He knocks at Asmodeus, who was clearly still in pain,

He opened the door, his eyes wet and cheeks stained.

"I'm sorry, I apologize,"

He said as he tried to look him straight in the eyes,

Asmodeus further wept, and asked him why he should do it,

But Satan only smiles, "I have a plan, you don't have to worry."

"You won't kill her? Promise?"

"I won't anymore, god damn it.

Look at you, crying like a child,

Again, I'm very sorry, to ask you of such thing, I shouldn't have."

Asmodeus smiles and embraced the demon,

"Don't break your promise, okay? I want us both to stay forever!"

His childish tone, and his innocent laughter,

Broke Satan's heart, he just wanted them both to live happily together.

He pushes him slightly, as he laughs himself,

"Asmodeus, what are you? Twelve?"

The demon of lust felt embarrassed,

That he covered his cheeks with his hand.

"I was just happy I'm not going to kill her,

Your words were so scary, you even brought Belphegor,

Please, don't say such words again!

I was just waiting for November to end!

After I control my urges,

I will spend time with her and our happiness will be endless!

She is my Queen, and I want no one else!

If she is perished, then I'd rather be dead!"

Satan felt worried with Asmo's growing admiration,

That he looked at him, with a pained expression,

"Asmodeus, I want you to reconsider your words,

A single person, cannot be your world."

Asmodeus understood and apologized to his superior,

Knowing he shouldn't have said what slipped in his mouth earlier.

With that, Satan bid his farewell,

As Asmodeus locks himself again, anticipating the time he and Sellena spends time with each other again.


Ken sat down, as his head felt dizzy,

Staring too long, at his hand which was once glowing,

Good thing, that the people around him closed their eyes and took cover,

If not, then things won't truly end better.

He saw the man with black hair and blue eyes,

The same man he saw from his dreams, seemingly came to life.

He whispered words, which he at first failed to catch,

"Save the future, and treasure the past."

He yawned a bit, as he rubbed his eyes several times,

As Mar sits beside him, asking him if he's fine.

Lluming watches closely, as the two talk about,

He recognized the man that whispered in his ears,

They once met in their lives.

He leaves them for a moment, thinking the two should have some privacy,

As he goes to the other side, waiting patiently.

Michael was in charge for the barrier's inspection,

Lluming accompanied him, which earned Michael's shocked reaction.

"You came early, isn't your shift with Raphael?"

"Are you by any chance, not wanting my help?"

Michael chuckles lightly, as Lluming does the same,

"It's not like that, and what made you think that way?"

"Well, you did sound like you didn't expect me at all,"

"Well, you were mostly distant after all.

Anyways, how is the boy?

Is he surprised by what he found?

If that is, tell me so."

"He's fine, just dizzy, but he had worse.

After all who would have expected,

He just wanted to survive,

But now he is further burdened by the world.

He is mentally strong however, and I'd give him that,

Do you remember the sayings? Mostly turned crazy, those gifted in the past.

He grew up, not knowing of the mysteries that covers this world,

But look at him now, carrying his responsibility without being told.

He willingly teaches the others how to fight,

It's quite amazing, how different he've become.

He is fine, and so you should be,

He will, one day, solve all his mysteries.

The past, the future, the present,

One cannot fully see them at the same time,

Some things are better to be self-realized,

He'll know everything, but feeding him all the information at once,

May not be the best to provide."

Michael giggles a little and Lluming asks why,

"I was just asking, and you gave a long reply,"

Embarrassed, Lluming closed his eyes,

As he whispers to himself, he shouldn't have had.

"It's not a problem, actually!

I just found it funny,

I'm just relieved you think Ken's strong,

He shouldn't be doubted, he's just young after all."

"Even younger than the former seer, yeah,

He shouldn't have been fighting," Lluming softly said.

Michael knew it was hard, but no one deserves to be in the middle of war,

No matter the age, the gender, to harm and chaos they should be far.

"Do you think, Selaphiel would return?"

Michael asked suddenly, his face in deep concern,

Lluming did not expect him, to change the topic so swiftly,

And though unsure himself, he nodded his head, slightly.

"Trust in Selaphiel too. He's smart so he may have a chance to convince them,

Think of the positive, don't let your worries get the best of you,"

"Oh, Lluming, if only that's easy to do."


Selaphiel flew high to witness the lands,

Wasted, ruined, the sadness ever warm,

Upon his flying, he saw some creatures from a distance moving,

He stopped momentarily, wondering who were those approaching.

He thinks if he should shoot something near them,

To confirm if they're humans, or another problem,

But at the very last second decided against it,

As he continued to observe them in secret.


Stacy felt something unusual, as if someone's observing them,

She looked at Samael, who for some reason feels the same.

"Do you know if someone is spying on us?"

"I think so, my guts I definitely trust."

They look around, but found nothing in sight,

"Maybe we're just tired, but it's also getting dark,

Do you think we should rest for a while?"

"And let the one following us? Catch after us?"

For the first time, Stacy followed Samael,

As they continued to walk, though the journey seems to have no end,

"Where is it? Where are the fairies?"

Stacy mumbled, frustrated by everything.

Suddenly, she felt like whoever was watching was getting closer,

So she stopped Samael, and reminded him to be careful.

The two stopped for a while, and looked at their surroundings one more time,

But like the former, the threat they failed to catch their eyes.

Scared and though uncertain that they are being spied,

They watched each other's back, as the source of such odd feeling, they tried to find.

"Whoever you are! Come out and reveal yourself!"

Stacy yelled, as saw what looked like pecks of white dust, fall to her forehead.

More chaps soon! Will upload more artworks soon too!

tigerpawscreators' thoughts