

The unimaginable happened. Ken woke up to a world in great shambles, a world where nightmarish creatures wander about. More so, he also discovered that higher beings can communicate with him through dreams. And that devils and angels truly exist. How will he survive this apocalyptic world? And just how many would trust and believe him? Would this seemingly Last days of the world really be the last? "The scariest thing for me, is anticipating what horror the future could lead. And knowing there's nothing I could do to change what will be." Join Ken as he meets the Seven Princes of Hell! Thank you for your time! NOTE: Epic/Poem form Add-ons: After the first volume, more volumes covering other creepy stories will be written here! It will be a compilation of my horror stories of different genres! Better watch out! ... Other works by The author: REAPER'S BALLAD-fantasy romance novel That deals with tragedy, acceptance, romance and more (Will soon be adapted to comics)

tigerpaws · 灵异恐怖
270 Chs

Chapter 115: TURNING POINT

Eligorr waited patiently, as his master stitch their wounds,

His work was so tasking, it lasted the whole noon.

Most demons were in critical, and so he needed to be careful with his hands,

One wrong move, and thrown away would be Lucifer's plans.

Azazel sighed, and kept on working,

Telling those who helps him, to keep their thoughts fast and running.

He doesn't know much of when it would last, but he was eager to make it all as fast.

He was tired as much as all are,

But Lucifer's concern was too far.

His eyes don't see him as he peek by the window,

Looking at Mammon, Leviathan, and Asmo recover.

Satan, was not by his side,

And Lucifer knows, just what the demon hides,

He barely want to see Asmo's broken body,

He knew Satan feels upset, as he was hurt so badly.

He sighed and kept his promise to look for them till then,

Making sure they don't bleed out to death.

Mammon's hand was attached, and he was doing well,

Leviathan was given stitches, and magical spells.

He was recovering, although his eyes were still closed,

Leviathan's face looked pale, as if he were a ghost,

Azazel knew he's dehydrated, as he was a monster of the waters,

So he told the fellow demons, to get him a small tub, to make him heal faster.

As he let the other demons heal and patch up the lower ranked devils,

He went up to Asmodeus, who was barely breathing.

His heart pace was slow, and his fingers don't even twitch,

His body was strained, and his cheerful smile failed to keep.

His expression was blank, and he was merely sleeping,

Azazel worries, as he hadn't responded to anything.

If he dies this way, Satan would blame him,

So he sighed right away, "What an awful timing..."

"Is that brat responding yet?"

"No, Lord Lucifer, he's on the brink of Death,

His burns are too fatal, and it's hard to recover from,

He may be in this state for a month,"

"A month??? What the...why?"

"We should let him this way or he'll die,"

"Then, who'd lead his legions and keep them from fighting?"

"Make me handle them from the moment, I'd be more than willing,"

Lucifer scratches his head, he still don't trust Azazel's intentions,

But seeing he's the one healing the three Lords, perhaps it won't be a bad way to show appreciation.

He looked away, as he nodded his head,

"But the moment he dies, you too, would be dead,"

His cold ruthless tone made the demon feel paralyzed,

His threat weren't empty, Lucifer made sure to emphasize.

And though unfair, Azazel knew that it's the way this system works,

You're killed or enslaved, if you lose your worth.

He kept patching up Asmo's wounds, when a girlish cry rang out,

Sellena perked through the window, as demon maids surround.

"Lady Sellena! Lord Asmodeus is resting!"

"Please! Let me see him, I only ask one thing!

It's my fault! He did that so that Uriel won't approach me!

I shouldn't have been kind to him! He wouldn't have liked me!"

"Lady Sellena! Calm down!

Azazel is working! It's ongoing till now!"

When Azazel's body turned around,

Sellena saw Asmo's condition, wasn't changed at all.

He's still covered in blood, and his face looked dull.

"Asmodeus! Please, listen to your wife!

You have to man up, please do your best to survive!"

Her loud voice gave Asmo a reaction,

As his fingers twitch, showing appreciation.

From the lengthy hours, Azazel had spent,

Only Sellena's voice, moved Asmodeus' hand.

Azazel was amused, it seemed like the Lord of Lust had met his match,

Maybe love in this dark gloomy place, isn't an impossible catch.

Out of pity, of the crying woman, he made her enter the room,

Encouraging her to say more words, so that Asmodeus recovers soon.

Sellena held his hand in hers, as he sings her lullabies,

Making the other demons fell relaxed, as to her words they reminisce.

A single tear fell from Asmo's eyes,

As Sellena's heart burst, "Please, don't dare die."

She doesn't understand why her heart won her logic,

She knew he's evil, but what if he's just a victim of something tragic?

She cannot hate him no matter how hard she tries,

She feels something warm and beautiful, as if he's her paradise.

She didn't know any better, of what to do at that point,

No matter how many times she hates demons, her heart found its way and won.

He was the only exception,

And later on she may regret this decision,

But his kindness won her over,

There's something about him, that made her feel soft and tender.

She places a soft kiss on his cheek,

She waited patiently, although he can't speak,

She kept crying, telling him to recover fast,

"I miss your antics, your flirting and laugh,"

Azazel was moved, although he won't admit it,

He felt true love, in this scene, and started to panic.

If he shows empathy, or any type of pity,

His heart may win him too,

And he may stop his trecherous schemes eventually.

Still, he doesn't let it win him over,

He still has to, dethrone that ruthless Lucifer.

He turned around, and let the couple be,

"Just let them enjoy themselves, and soon it would be me."


Azazel takes a break after making sure all are stable,

Eligorr was patienly waiting, hands both placed on the table,

His face was down, as if he was in deep thoughts,

"Eligorr, what seems to be the trouble?"

The demon in question looked at his master,

"Nothing of importance, Lord Azazel,"

"No, you look like you're thinking of something,"

"*sigh* Perhaps, I should admit, you got me."

Azazel sits down beside the blue eyed demon,

"So, tell me what, I'd answer your question,"

Eligorr thinks of what to ask first,

"Who is Eleazar? Tell me every detail, even the worst,"

"Ah, why do you suddenly like to ask about that angel again?"

"Someone fought me, and mentioned that name again and again,"

"He's an angel, just an angel doing his best,

Until he encountered Lucifer's legion, and off was his head.

He was as strong as an archangel, although he's not,

He was someone well-known, and respected a lot.

But you shouldn't be bothered, you're already better than him,"

"But who was that boy? That kept fighting me down, as those words he kept shouting,"

"I don't...know, angels always wear their disguise,

Unless they're close to die,

Eleazar is a friend to many angels,

So the answer to your question is hard to tell."

"Is there a chance, Eleazar's conscience would come back?"

"No, I made sure that's out of possible tracks,

I made a few experiments and I'm sure you and him are different,

Same abilities, but in the end, like I said, different,"

"Tsk, that's a relief, I wouldn't want something taking over me,"

"Hah, that won't happen now, and you're as free,

That body is yours and yours only,

If you have any more questions, do tell me,"

"Yes, I will. I'll make sure to inform every thing that bothers my head,"

"Good, that decision is great.

And I promise you every achievement I get,

You would lavish within it too, so don't be upset."


Satan laid in his bed, resting though he couldn't sleep,

He felt himself shift positions, as his nails dug the pillows deep.

He was filled with anxiety, and to calm it down felt a heavy task,

How can he so? When he saw how everything turn out so fast.

He wasn't as quick to save his adoptive son,

That now laid in that bloodied bed, he'd switch with him if he can.

It just...seems so wrong seeing the ever cheeful demon,

Now lying still, without further motion.

"Why did he have to do that risky thing?

I'd rather have the prophecy begin,

Than to lose him, than to lose the little kid,

That once hugged me tightly, I almost couldn't breathe.

I...shouldn't have let him too attached to her,

I should have raised him better.

I should have told him love was a sickness,

That it shouldn't exist in the first place..."

He felt so angry that the pillow broke,

In the air flew a dozen floof,

He felt angrier and called the maids to fix it for him,

As he prepared himself, to visit him.

His steps were still nervous, still shaky,

Wondering what kind of state, he'd see Asmo eventually,

And when he perked up to the window he felt amazed,

Seeing Sellena's hand, caressing his face.

She looked so in love, so worried,

Satan felt it creep to him-that so called guilt.

She may have been daring, but she was genuine,

He chose the right woman, it is no denying.

Satan's tears fell, at the resolution,

The many years Asmo suffered, waking up in bed, different ladies, different positions,

Always finding where he'd feel belongingness,

And now here he lies, recieving a woman's soft carress.

Perhaps he read her wrong all this time,

She was the missing piece, Asmo searched all his life,

So rather than enter, he let them be,

Hoping that the two, would end up with, eventually.

But that was the very thing Lluming was hoping not to happen,

If Sellena falls for the enemy, many would be dying,

She needs to realize which side she should take,

She needs to think hard, of the next decision she should make.

Sellena's weakness was showing,

She had opened up her heart, although she knows it's dangerous,

She's vulnerable now, and there's no Lluming to remind her,

That the man she's in love with, was still the Demon Lord Asmodeus.


I hope you keep supporting me as I continue on!

Keep safe everyone!!!

Fun fact: Azazel's eyes are sharper than the main seven, that's why he's in charge of being the mediator during huge fights.

(I appreciate everyone of you btw)

tigerpawscreators' thoughts