

The unimaginable happened. Ken woke up to a world in great shambles, a world where nightmarish creatures wander about. More so, he also discovered that higher beings can communicate with him through dreams. And that devils and angels truly exist. How will he survive this apocalyptic world? And just how many would trust and believe him? Would this seemingly Last days of the world really be the last? "The scariest thing for me, is anticipating what horror the future could lead. And knowing there's nothing I could do to change what will be." Join Ken as he meets the Seven Princes of Hell! Thank you for your time! NOTE: Epic/Poem form Add-ons: After the first volume, more volumes covering other creepy stories will be written here! It will be a compilation of my horror stories of different genres! Better watch out! ... Other works by The author: REAPER'S BALLAD-fantasy romance novel That deals with tragedy, acceptance, romance and more (Will soon be adapted to comics)

tigerpaws · 灵异恐怖
270 Chs



The world was peaceful, when Eleazar and Lluming were born from a single light,

Lluming was extremely short, and was born competitive, while Eleazar was naturally upright.

They were opposites, one was calm, one impulsive,

One rebelious, one submissive.

Lluming had always been special in Eleazar's eyes,

He needed someone to look out for him, as he isn't all that wise,

His small stature had also made him quite insecure,

Some angels would make fun of him lightly, though their intentions were simply pure.

Still, Lluming, as a young angel would always feel he's not enough,

Always leaving heaven, as Eleazar would be tasked to look out,

And same as always, he would have to convince the rash little angel,

And Lluming, young and whiny, would tell him that their seniors were cruel.

"You know they're only saying that because they find you cute,"

"They're making fun of me! Don't dare say they're not as rude!"

"You're too sensitive, take things lightly, will you, Lluming?

I'm afraid your pride is getting in your head, I'm afraid of what you're becoming,"

Lluming would listen eagerly, as Eleazar made his point,

He would then hold his brother's hands, as he listen further to his words,

Eleazar smiles brightly, knowing Lluming did not mean to cause trouble,

So he decided to calm him down, when Lluming suddenly threw a pebble.

"Oi! What was that for?"

"Nothing! I mean..I barely get down to earth,"

"I was talking to you, why are you doing such things when I'm being serious?"

"I'm just having fun," "Lluming, you're being devious!"

"Okay, fine! I'm just scared of Senior Michael,"

"And why so? He's kind, and his manners are well,"

"Whenever he looks at me, I simply get all nervous,"

"He just looks like that, but he deems you precious,"

"And what would he tell me when he sees me again?"

"Probably a few words of virtues, since you ran away AGAIN,"

"Ugh, it's boring hearing the same words over and over,

I know what's right and wrong, I don't need to hear it double,"

Eleazar chuckles lightly as he pats Lluming's head,

"You're really a cute one, but you need to think twice of what you said,

Knowing what's right and wrong, can't be simply enough for us,

One needs to act upon it, living through those knowledge is a must,

If ever someone does remind you, take it as an act of love,

We just care about you, so your pride and ego won't reach above.

I'd tell the other angels not to tease you as much,

Since you belong to the sensitive bunch,"

"Hm, here you are again! Being all righteous and perfect!

Maybe after several years you'd be an archangel too and then forget!"

"Why would I forget my silly little twin?

We're born from the same light, though we have different shade of skin,

We share the same blue eyes, and same pair of wings,

I won't forget you, no matter what life would bring,"

"You know Eleazar, you're just saying that,"

"I'm being honest, I won't forget you no matter what,

Forgetting you, would be like forgetting myself,

If the day comes I did forget you, it may be when I am dead,"

Lluming's blue eyes quickly widened,

As his chest then feels a bit tightened,

He looks at Eleazar, whose eyes seemed sincere,

"No matter what life brings, I will always be near,"

"That's a promise, right? Liars go to hell,"

"I won't drop any words, I won't hold unto well,

Thousands of years from now, I assure you not a speck would change,

Even if the world becomes corrupted, and the inhabitants deranged,"

Lluming felt assured, that no matter what he'd do, he'd have a friend,

He found his heart in Eleazar, and was confident he won't forget,

However now that he's sure that Eleazar is no more,

It broke his heart to pieces, since his face is what this monster wore.


Eligorr spread his wings which quickly made Lluming caught in a daydream,

It was undoubtly Eleazar's! And so were his beams!

Lluming dodges, although a part of him still hesitates,

He was fighting Eleazar's body, with a different conciousness.

Blinded by his love for his friend,

His mind split into two as to what should be done,

One was persistent that Eligorr should be dead,

The other screams for hope, that Eleazar still isn't gone.

"Why? Why did you dare fight me? You lowly creature?"

Eligorr taunted as his blasts, Lluming continued to maneuver.

Lluming knew it all, all his moves, all his mannerisms,

Which made Eligorr quite uncomfortable, he's not as feeble as he seems.

It's as if his opponent know him so well,

If not, then how could he tell?

Eligorr's attacks were even difficult for Asmo and Belphegor's base forms,

And yet Lluming dodges him, barely worn.

Lluming studied him, studied any changes Azazel made,

Despite the intent to kill him, he was still Eleazar's shell.

Lluming's thoughts hindered him from dodging a fatal attack,

Which made him quickly fall flat on his back.

He felt himself cry out in pain,

As Eligorr looked at him, eyes ready to slay,

He pins Lluming to the wall, as he readies to kill,

But Lluming tackled him, by only sheer will.

"I'm always the naughty one! The rebellious one!

If anyone was to fall this much, I should have been the one!

Eleazar! I can't live on further without you guiding me throughout my life!

If you can hear me! Answer me! And let's stop this fight!"

Eligorr felt surprised at how strong Lluming was,

To free himself from his grip, he found a heavy task.

He kept fighting Lluming, while Lluming tries his best to destroy the mask,

Hoping that by doing so, Eleazar would finally come to light.

Lluming's heart isn't easily wavered, but it all melted away,

When Eligorr's mask broke, and revealed Eleazar's face.

Dark skin and beautiful eyes as blue as the ocean waves,

Dirty blonde hair, and a missing smile he failed to save.

Lluming couldn't hold back his tears any longer,

It was Eleazar in flesh, although he cannot remember,

Than attack, than slay the body who was too shock to react,

He embraced Eligorr, who then quickly aimed to stab.

Lluming quickly let him go, just in time to save himself,

As Mammon's guards could be heard, coming to the place,

Worried that he would be overpowered, Lluming tried to escape,

While Eligorr tried to catch him, but he ran like a light-a ray.

The odd encounter gave Eligorr a ton of questions,

Who he was, who was the demon who embraced him as a reaction?

The guards saw the wounded Eligorr and asked what had just happened,

As he failed to hear them, as he was still shaken.

Though he do not know who the devil who attacked him was,

He felt that this encounter wouldn't be their last,

So he told the others to follow him as they scan the place further,

"You need to help me, find that imposter,"

They all agreed as they split into three,

As Eligorr went to the fourth path, hoping to see-

Azazel himself would dare not share his past,

But Eligorr felt even more curious, of who he really was.

Not that he wanted to change, not that he wanted to leave,

He just felt a part of him missing, a part of him deep,

The face he sees in the mirror, it felt as if it wasn't his,

So maybe knowing who it belongs to, wouldn't hurt at the very least.


Tap. Tap. Tap.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

The sound of pitter patters filled his ears,

Lluming kept moving, despite his vision blurred by tears,

He felt his body feel soar, as he had barely fight as intense as that one,

He was lucky to take him by surprise, for he knew Eleazar was the stronger one.

He held his knuckles, they were quite bruised,

Stayed a bit longer, and he would have losed.

He continued to scan the place, hoping to detect where Michael is kept,

But his heart was barely motivated, as he was again alone, and left.


The thunder cracked,

and the sound echoed through,

Lluming used to hate this sound,

It always make his heart flutter,

And felt it shake the ground.

And now, the loud sound is his friend,

Hoping it would muffle his sobbings, and the tears he may shed.

His steps were calculated, but his emotions were destracting him very,

He had been walking for hours, but the rooms all seemed empty.

Where? Where? Where could Michael be?

Until he saw the cages, were all emptied free.


Uriel tried his best to get close to Michael,

Who wasn't enjoying the death match, and felt he's in hell,

But to get close to him was like jumping in a pile of needles,

One wrong step, and he'd be caught by the Devils.

Michael was aware he was there,

And even told him telephatically to save others instead,

Michael was too weak and too hopeless to move an inch,

Maybe to death, he was as close as a brick.

Uriel frowned and when he's sure no one was looking around,

He went back on the back of the crowd.

A white butterfly went to Michael's wounded hand,

Fluttering its wings gently, as it slightly danced.

Michael felt himself cry out in great happiness,

As Uriel reminded him, that escape is not yet hopeless.

The butterfly flew up and telephatically said:

"We have come to rescue you, and all the people we can save,

Good will not prosper, if we're missing the chief of angels,

Please come back to us, don't be concerned about those devils,"

The butterfly flew away, as he signals the reapers to be ready,

Lucifer is absorbed by the match, as Satan wasn't as wary,

Soon they'd make a scene, causing the devils to seperate,

Hopefully through it, the main demon lords would take the bait.

The crowd ran wild as the ground is splattered in red,

Not knowing that some reapers, are aiming for their heads,

They eat, they cheer, they shout in delight,

Not knowing that someone, is watching from their rights.

Thank you so much!!!

Did you know? That in this story, an angel matures physically only through their maturity?

They stop aging when they reach the physical age of 35.

Michael is the oldest looking.

This also explains why Lluming looks very young compared to Eleazar(though they're the same age) since Eleazar had always been the more mature one. And yes, you can be a million years old and still look like a toddler if you're not mature enough as an angel.

tigerpawscreators' thoughts