
New World: Terra

She is a quiet person and quite mysterious. However, once you get close to her, she will open up and the more you get to know her, surprising things will keep coming to you. The world that was once full of fairy tales and supernatural things that were just fictitious, has now become real. She and her friends start exploring the world, searching for the mystery of her identity and trying to make the world livable again. But will she succeed? What is there? Will they be able to discover new things and the truth about the world? The story of a world of swords, superpowers, magic, and an original modern background with a detailed world begins! *This is a translation from Indonesian. Although I'm not completely sure of the translation, I have used a paid translator tool which is reliable and more accurate. I hope you enjoy it.

Nosphire · 奇幻
77 Chs

[3.1] Dating With Laras Part 1

Amelia, Gilbert, and Radit continue to hide from a distance to see the development of the love between Steven and Laras.

However, Steven and Laras were in a bad mood, both of them too shy to start a conversation.

"Ah! ....Amel! Where are you!? Come here quickly!" said Laras in her screaming heart.

"Well, what else can I say? Gilbert told me to be aggressive, but I don't know what to say. Gilbert, help me!" Steven said to himself as he turned to Gilbert and the others who were swearing.

"This idiot, instead of talking to Laras, is looking over here," said Gilbert.

"But if they talk, can't we hear what they're saying?" said Amelia.

"That's right, too. Do we need to get closer?" said Gilbert.

"Don't! You'll get caught. If Laras sees me, she will definitely stick to me," Amelia said.

"Hehehe...." Radit's voice grinned to himself.

"What's wrong with you Radit?" said Amelia.

"She might go crazy, because you keep ignoring her," Gilbert says.

After his laughter, Radit then took out a gun-like weapon hidden under his pants leg.

"Ekh! Why are you carrying a gun!" said Amelia, who was surprised to see Radit pull out a gun.

"Where did you get that?" said Gilbert.

"Relax, audience, this is not a firearm but it is a tapping device so it's not dangerous," Radit explained and felt a little proud.

"Why did you bring that? And where did you take it?" said Gilbert.

"This morning I went to the armory with Raka, Leo, and Bang Bilgard, then we saw and tried out the weapons there. Well, at that time I saw intelligence equipment and I tried it," said Radit.

"So, how come you brought it?" said Amelia.

"Well, I got permission to bring it with me to make me feel like an intelligence officer," said Radit.

"Then using that excuse, can you bring this tool?" said Amelia.

"Yes, you're right," said a delighted Radit.

"Yes, it can be carried, but that doesn't mean it can be used, right?" said Amelia, who was surprised by Radit's stare.

"Huh?" said Radit. "Hm?" said Gilbert. "Eh?" said Amelia.

The three of them saw the weapon.

"That means it can't be used," said Gilbert.

"Ah, you," said Amelia.

"What do you mean? We still use this tool, really," said Radit.

"Eh?" Amelia and Gilbert said simultaneously, who were surprised to hear Radit's words.

"It's okay, this tool is also harmless and anyway we use this for good," Radit said to reassure.

"Ta-but we'll find out later," said Amelia.

"Ah, you won't get caught. Just say it's never been used," said Radit.

"Eh!" said Amelia and Gilbert who were surprised to hear Radit again.

"Already, just follow what I say. You're curious too, aren't you, what they're going to say?" said Radit.

Amelia and Gilbert just nodded, which meant they were also curious and agreed.

"Then we use this device to listen to them," Radit said, then he began to aim at Steven to attach the listening device to his shirt.

In another part of the park, Jiyan & Fauzan are walking alone in the park and accidentally see Amelia, Gilbert, and Radit.

"Jiyan, it's not Radit, Amel, and Gil, is it?" said Fauzan.

"Well, yes. What are they doing, ducking down on that grass fence," said Jiyan.

Shortly after that, Fauzan and Jiyan saw Radit pull out a gun and point it at someone.

"Uh, a gun!" said Jiyan.

"Radit pulled out a gun? Who is he aiming at?" said Fauzan.

Fauzan and Jiyan saw the aiming path of Radit's gun, and in the aiming path were Steven and Laras.

"Hm... that's Steven and Laras over there, right?" said Jiyan.

"Yes, that's Steven and Laras. Did Radit shoot them?" said Fauzan.

"I think so," said Jiyan.

"Oh, that sounds fun. Let's go to Radit's place," said Fauzan.

"Better not, let's just stay away," said Jiyan who felt the air of bad luck.

"Eh... but look, Radit shot Steven and Laras, you know. Maybe something exciting will happen," said Fauzan, who seemed eager to join them.

"If you want to go there, go. I just don't want to get into trouble," Jiyan said, starting to walk away.

Seeing Jiyan walking away from the place, Fauzan followed him. "Okay, I'll just follow you. After all, it's a gun, right?" said Fauzan.

"It's a gun, maybe it's an intelligence tool or something like in the movies," Jiyan said.

"How did you know?" said Fauzan, who was curious.

"Just guessing from seeing the five of them. Besides, there's no way it was loaded with bullets and he was going to shoot it. Never mind, let's pretend we never saw this happen," Jiyan said.

"Why?" said Fauzan.

"It's a way to avoid trouble," Jiyan said.

"If you say so, fine, I'll obey," Fauzan said.

"Good, keep this a secret from anyone," Jiyan said.

Jiyan and Fauzan moved away, leaving the place. On the other hand, Radit tried to aim correctly so that one shot would hit. And he succeeded.

"Ouch, what's this?" said Steven, feeling something hit and stick to his right sleeve.

Steven looked at the thin round object attached to his sleeve, then looked at Radit.

Radit and the other two just gave a thumbs up.

"Huh?" said a surprised Steven, feeling like something was sticking to him.

"What is this?" said Steven, feeling that something was really sticking.

"What's wrong?" said Laras.

"Ah... hm... nothing really," Steven said.

"What are they trying to do, and why is Amelia there? And what is this?" Steven said to himself.

Steven continued to watch Radit and the other two from a distance. Steven did not remove the listening device attached to him.

"Good, he didn't take it off," said Radit.

"So, how do you hear it?" said Gilbert.

"The way to hear it is by using this device," Radit said, pulling out another device. It looked like a walkie-talkie, but with a full touchscreen display.

"What is this?" said Amelia.

"I don't know what it's called, but it's a tool for listening and can also track the location of the targeted person or object," said Radit.

"I see, then turn it on quickly," Amelia said.

"Okay, let's hear it," Radit said, turning on his listening device.

Then, Amelia, Gilbert and Radit put their ears to the device. However, for up to a minute no conversational sounds could be heard.

"It's broken, isn't it?" said Gilbert.

"Ah, no. Listen, there's sound around them," Radit said, bringing the device closer to Amelia and Gilbert.

"So they just keep quiet?" said Amelia.

"Yes, you can hear, there is no sound from them. You can also see from here that they are silent," said Gilbert.

"Aaa... Laras, let's make a topic," Amelia said while watching her from a distance.

"Listen up! Steven is starting to talk," Radit said. Hearing that, Amelia and Gilbert put their ears to the device again.

"A... hm... Laras!" said a nervous Steven.

"I-yes," said a slightly startled Laras.

"Come on, let's change places together," said Steven, who ventured.

Hearing that, Laras was a little shocked, as were Amelia, Gilbert, and Radit.

Will Steven succeed in getting her on board? Let's see on the next page.









On the other hand, in the armory room at the training ground.

"Hm...? Where is this listening gun?" said one of the soldiers who was checking the quality and repair of the weapon.

"Oh... that gun is being carried by my student, Radit," Bilgard said.

"Eh!" said Lampart and the men checking the weapons.

Bilgard himself was confused as to why they were all looking at him.

What's up with Steven and Laras? Don't forget to comment.

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