
New Manchester United

Murdoch's acquisition of Manchester United in 1998 will become a reality. A group of young and passionate Red Devils fans will launch a rebellion. They establish a new club to replace Manchester United, which has been corrupted by capital and uncertain ownership. They set their training ground at Newton Heath, Manchester United's original home. Their jerseys are adorned with green and gold stripes, symbolizing their connection to the club's roots. They consider themselves the true inheritors of the Green and Gold Army's legacy and the spirit of the Red Devils. They proudly call themselves the Red Rebels. Driven by their deep love, they choose to rebel. Levi Ackerman is the leader of the Red Rebels, but what his followers don’t know is that he is a time traveler from 2024. Armed with his knowledge of future events, he aims to lead this group of fervent fans from the bottom of the English League all the way to the Premier League. Together, they strive to create a new legend in football history, one that belongs to the fans and the Red Rebels. Their mission is to prove the truth of a statement once admired by Ferguson, uttered by the legendary Scottish coach Jock Stein: Without fans, football is nothing! this is mtl novel translation. you can novel mtl name " Red Rebels"

Ilesh_Saru_2157 · 竞技
68 Chs

coming to usa

New Manchester United's five warm-up matches were scheduled between July 8th and July 29th. Because the first game of the Northwest Division B in the new season wouldn't start until August 15th, there were two blank periods in the middle.

As the team's head coach, Steve Bruce had to address the team's issues during these two weeks of preparation. The team's atmosphere became more tense, with Bruce instilling his strict discipline and fighting spirit into New Manchester United.

For example, he demanded participation in counterattacks from almost every player during training, even from forwards like Rodriguez Giggs, and especially from Jonathan Maiten, who frequently retreated.

In midfield, Bruce preferred the duo of Karl Markinson and Stephen Smith. Markinson was purely defensive, while Smith, despite his ability to join the offense, excelled in defense and possessed remarkable stamina. Smith could cover almost every corner of the field, but his passing skills were lacking, reminiscent of China's Li Tie.

This midfield configuration contributed to New Manchester United's solid defense, conceding only one goal in the five warm-up games—a remarkable feat for an amateur league.

However, Bruce faced challenges in constructing New Manchester United's defensive line. Due to his age and physical limitations, Bruce often relied on young Garrett Turner to cover for him. Together with Markinson's occasional retreats, this created a layered defense in midfield.

On the flanks, Kevin Evan on the right was defensively sound but lacked offensive prowess. Meanwhile, the speed of left-back Evra was impressive, but he struggled defensively, leaving New Manchester United vulnerable to counterattacks, as seen in the warm-up match against Leif RMI.

Offensively, New Manchester United scored 11 goals in the five warm-up matches, with seven of them coming from set pieces. Bruce, the central defender, emerged as the team's top scorer with four goals, highlighting the team's lack of offensive variety.

Despite their good performances in the warm-up matches, Bruce still faced challenges in addressing New Manchester United's offensive and defensive issues.

As the team owner, Levi also shared Bruce's concerns. However, according to the original plan, Levi boarded a plane to New York on July 30th.

Although Mark David wanted to accompany Levi, he had to complete the necessary procedures for studying in the United States half a month in advance.

Levi preferred to travel light and didn't like bringing many belongings. He believed he could purchase anything he needed in the United States.

Settling into his seat, Levi noticed that there was no one nearby and picked up an entertainment magazine left on the adjacent seat, intending to pass the time.

Flipping through the magazine, Levi's attention was drawn to a headline about a British actress named Eva Snow. According to the article, Eva Snow had recently gone through a breakup due to her conservative views on sex.

Rolling his eyes at the sensationalized headline, Levi muttered to himself, "Reporters are always unreliable."

This reminded Levi of Scarlett Elland, the British journalist known for her critical coverage of New Manchester United.

The plane arrived at JFK International Airport in New York at midnight!

When Levi appeared, Mark David, who was already waiting there, shouted and called him out of the crowd.

"Mark!" Levi hugged him with a smile.

"Levi, do you recognize it? This is my elder brother!" David introduced to Levi immediately.

"John, it's been a long time!" Levi smiled and hugged with John David. They played together when they were young, but John was older and had a good grade. Then he went to study in the United States and never again. gone back.

"Levi, for several years, you have grown so big. I heard Mark said that you have done a great thing in Manchester!" John is still the same, and he has no life with Levi at all.

The three reunited old friends went out of the airport while chatting, got in John's car, first had supper in a restaurant next to the airport, filled up their stomachs, and then went home.

"Levi, sit casually, Mark, help Levi move things upstairs!" As soon as he got home, John directed his brother to do things.

This is a villa, not luxurious, but quite spacious. There are several rooms upstairs, but only John should live alone, but now there are more Mark and Levi.

"John, I think we'll start talking about business now!" Levi went to the sofa in front of the TV and sat down.

"Don't take a break?" John went to the kitchen and poured coffee.

Levi shook his head. "No, I just slept on the plane just now, and now I am in good spirits. I should even have the jet lag reversed!"

John came over with a laugh, took out the three cups of coffee on the plate, and placed them on the three corners of the table.

"Actually, your investment plan, Mark, has already told me. I have helped you pay attention. From a professional perspective, your vision is very good. Apple is indeed a company worth investing in."

"What about the Google I mentioned?" Levi asked with concern.

Compared to Apple's thirty-fold earnings, Levi valued Google's huge profits.

"For the time being, there is no such registered company in the United States, but it is also a coincidence that I graduated from Stanford University. I will go by the names Sergey Brin and Larry Page you provided. Understand, I find that they are not only my alumni, but they are really looking for investment. "

"Seriously, Levi, I really doubt how you knew this news. You know, the way and scope of their investment search is limited to Stanford University." John David said with a look of wonder.

Levi smiled unpredictably, "I only learned about it through the introduction of friends, but I'm very interested in their research. In this way, you can help me to ask them to come out and talk, and say that I am very interested in investing 5 million U.S. dollars to help them set up a company to develop a web search engine. "

"5 million?" John was taken aback, it was not a small sum.

Levi smiled. After the World Cup, he won the prize. Now he has 30 million pounds on hand, and 5 million dollars is only part of it. If this money can be used to exchange Google's original stock, That's definitely good value.

"You know, my parents left me a considerable legacy and insurance money. In addition, I sold the store at home!" Levi explained with a smile.

John froze, and finally had to shake his head with emotion, "You are such a crazy maniac!"

Levi laughed after listening, this is not the first time someone has evaluated him like this.

"Well, I'll help you with this." John finally agreed to Levi.

"Add another $ 20 million in Apple stock to me, and Steve Jobs is also a lunatic. I think he's crazy and will definitely bring great changes to Apple!"

John also has no opinion on this. On the contrary, after his brother mentioned this to him, he specifically learned about Apple's performance and found that Levi's vision was really professional, even sharper than a professional like him. So he had to admire Levi, and naturally he would not oppose it!

"Anything else?" John asked.

As Levi delved into various investment opportunities, he came across an intriguing prospect in 1998: Netflix. Recognizing the potential of this emerging company in the evolving realm of home entertainment, Levi decided to allocate a portion of his funds to invest in the innovative startup.

Netflix, still in its infancy, primarily focused on DVD rental by mail during this time. However, Levi saw beyond the immediate landscape, envisioning the future possibilities of digital streaming and the convenience it could offer to consumers.

Despite the skepticism surrounding online entertainment platforms in the late '90s, Levi remained steadfast in his conviction. He believed that Netflix's disruptive business model and dedication to customer satisfaction would ultimately lead to its success.

With Netflix now part of his investment portfolio alongside other ventures, Levi eagerly awaited the outcome of his decision. He was hopeful that his forward-thinking approach would yield profitable returns in the ever-evolving entertainment industry.

So he invest around 500,000 dollars in netflix for 30% of share