
New life with a sci-fi system

Waking up 30 seconds before the plane your in crashes into the ground is nothing short of terrifying. Especially if you have no idea how you got on the plane in the first place or why you are in the pilot seat.

Guardian1 · 其他
118 Chs


After warning Dejah Thoris against seeking another man we separated to do our own things. She was taken to examine the eternium samples while I went to speak privately with Black Adam. I wasn't worried about Dejah Thoris as no one was stupid enough to try and piss off Black Adam in Kahndaq at least I hope so.

I was taken to a room filled with ancient weapons from around the world. I could tell that some of these were definitely on the level of national treasures. I immediately wanted to swipe them sell them for a fortune but I wasn't some common thief and let nothing show. I barely glanced these priceless artifacts before returning my attention back to Black Adam as he observed me.

"These battle trophies? An uncle of mine had similar pension for collecting trophies from various slain enemies"

Black Adam: No, this is a pattern of behavior that humanity has created over the years with disunity due to lack of proper leadership. In my time humanity had barely crawled out the mud before they began turning on each other seeking supremacy. Many great empires rose and fell some completely forgotten by time. I thought it completely impossible for humanity to join hands under a single ruler and find our true purpose even knowing of similar species doing exactly that. Which is why I isolated myself to this corner of the world protecting my people.

When the convergence occurred I hoped that maybe this would be the trigger to unify humanity. Unfortunately those in power sought to keep the status qou rather reach for something greater. Content to live in a perpetual state of now with no desire for the future. So afraid of what may threaten their authority they do everything in their power to prevent the collapse of their systems.

Imagine my surprise hearing about a man from another reality declared that there will be a leader to unify us. I immediately knew that I needed to meet him to see if it what he said was truly possible. To know who is the God Emperor of mankind to lead us to the promised golden age. So that humanity can take it's rightful place in the universe. Even if it isn't me know that Kahndaq is completely behind the next emperor of mankind.

"I appreciate your support and as a show of faith I will tell you my we are looking for exotic materials. The reason we are here is to push humanity into a new age and colonize new worlds. I don't know yet who is the next emperor of mankind but we can't afford to wait this technology will transform barren worlds lush and vibrant. When the Emperor does appear he will have the tools necessary to grow his empire"

Never would I have imagined that while Black Adam wanted to be the Emperor of mankind that he would willingly choose to serve. I understand why he chose to serve Superman in the injustice series was that he was possibly weaker and Superman became ruthless. This reality I was uncertain as he doesn't know who the Emperor of mankind might be, yet he was willing to bend the knee. We continued our talk about our future goals going forward.


Dejah Thoris POV:

I took a gamble claiming to be Julian's wife he could have denied my claim leaving me embarrassed. Admittedly it wasn't much of a risk as he barely tried to disguise his lust as he looked at me every time he visited the lab. He held himself back even though he desired my body he valued my mind far more and didn't want to risk compromising his ambition for it. Other men in his position with his authority over me would have acted on their desires.

I was taken to a different area still psychically tethered to Julian just in case. I instantly knew that this was special.I could feel the power radiate from within the ore. Julian assured me that there was no harmful radiation in the ore but magic. Magic is just forces that others don't fully understand and just label it magic. I was surprised that he subscribed to such primitive logic considering how intelligent he is but I suppose it is charming for a man to have a minor flaw.