
New life with a sci-fi system

Waking up 30 seconds before the plane your in crashes into the ground is nothing short of terrifying. Especially if you have no idea how you got on the plane in the first place or why you are in the pilot seat.

Guardian1 · 其他
118 Chs


I'm standing in the newly completed Force temple officially commissioned by the nation of Bailya. All that meant is that the powers that be intended to ingratiate themselves to the new wave of powered individuals. It's clear by the laws that are being passed that they intended for a mass migration of Force users if possible. For now it only filled with self important rich assholes, the Queen left handle high ranking Force users that were interested in immigration.

Jean has been huffy about our time in Bailya although she did enjoy our time shopping and doing touristy stuff. Jean had been very vocal or at least psychicly vocal about her disdain regarding how Queen Bee has taken personal interest in me. Queen Bee would always try to find reasons to be alone with me and creating activities to keep my girls away. Jean had become incredibly more possessive but has yet to make the leap in declaring her feelings. Although I would like to make the move this needs to be her decision to psychologically lock her within my harem.

This trip has become more profitable beyond the usual deals and having Bailya joining my personal alliance as the third country so far. Natasha is vaguely aware of this alliance and is unaware about the Savage lands as she tried multiple times to figure out where my source of Vibranium came from. She knows that it wasn't Wakanda as they had only recently reached out to try to be friendly.

Knockout has been enjoying the celebrity status of being arm candy and really doesn't seem to care much about my motivations. She is aware that I am not as good as I seem and has even begun actively encouraging me to act on those impulses. This is why I am now face to face with another gorgeous redhead with surprising amount of hair because Knockout thought it may lead to a fight.

Red head: I am glad to finally meet you face to face. My name is Medusa and I am here representing the Inhumans.

Did problems just come out of the woodwork in these types of places or was I just special. Knockout seemed to notice my slight apprehension as her smile grew more feral. Knockout didn't know what a inhuman was and I'm certain that she wouldn't care even if she did she was eager to fight. Knockout likely only brought her over because she was bored and wanted to stir up drama.

"I see had I known that Inhumans wanted to get in touch I would have scheduled a meeting but as you carefully approached me during a private event I doubt that you wanted it on the record"

Medusa: We aren't ready to expose ourselves to the rest of the world as we've done our best to remain isolated and away from the rest of the world. This is also why we decided to approach you as we are unsure how you found out about us even though you come from an alternate future universe.

"As private as we are right now I don't think that it is prudent to discuss this here. I suggest coming back with me to our suite at the palace under the guise of a potential concubine"


Captain Peggy Carter POV (somewhere off the grid)

This wasn't the Homecoming that I had expected. During the war I gave everything I had and then some. I fought against the enemies of the Allied powers but the minute disappeared my own country men turned on me. I was gased with some sort of knockout agent only to wake up in a Hydra base just bellow Oxford during some sort of internal struggle. With a lot of effort ripped myself out of the metal ice box that I was stuffed in then using the chaos and escaping not before burning down the lab that they had me in.

The minutes after I escaped I was certain that somehow we must have lost the war. Only recently after much struggle with today's modern technology that we hadn't lost but won, yet I had been certain that I was within a Hydra base. I have been laying low planning my next move but I don't know what to do everything I know is gone and the world has changed drastically.

The only thing that I had as an edge was my superhuman abilities. Which apparently wasn't that impressive anymore as many super powered individuals were popping more frequently. Speaking of super powers I apparently had developed something called Force sensitivity that was bestowed by a literal goddess. I was still learning to control my new found abilities when I had a Force vision. It was of me and man that definitely wasn't Steve having sex I needed answers and maybe the man in my vision could help. So with no better course of action I needed to find a way to meet Julian Black.