
New life in Roanapur

Hiatus due to health issues. A man gets transmigrated into the world of black lagoon. Unfortunately for him he is born in Roanapur only a short time before it turns into a den of crime. Not my pic

Alcholicc · 漫画同人
18 Chs


[System of the wicked]

Enemy killed X1

Gauging enemy strength to the user

Reward: 50 points

[System of the wicked]

Name: Dexter Murdoch

Age: 7

Strength: 7

Agility: 7

Vitality: 12

Perception: 17

Will: 24

Intelligence: 25

Wicked score: 185

Tasks: None


Iron will(Level Max)

Transmigrator(Level Max)

Devils body(Level 2)(Upgrade cost 400)

Devils Charm(Level 1)(Upgrade cost 200)

Inhuman reflexes(Level 2)(Upgrade cost 200)

Cooking(level 1)(Upgrade cost 20)

Abilities: Stealth(level 1)(Upgrade cost 600)

Dexter picked up the man's Browning hi-power and sat down at the desk. He admired it for a bit while waiting for people to arrive. The pistol used 9mm compared to the .45 the m1911 used. It was a rather nice pistol, but If Dexter was going to use two pistols at once, he would want them to either be the same pistol or at least use the same ammunition.

He decided against keeping it since he was already growing accustomed to the feel of the m1911. It wasn't like he couldn't switch weapons in the future and wanted to use it for a while longer.

He heard people finally arriving at the scene, and James came in first, weapon drawn. Dexter knew that James should be in on it because how else would an idiot like that get all the way here without anyone knowing, and why would someone place him on guard tonight anyways?

The guy had clearly lucked out to survive through Vietnam. It wasn't too surprising, though, as you needed both luck and skill to be a good soldier. The man just placed all his points in luck; unfortunately for him, it got removed after the war ended.

"Hey, Dex, you alright? I didn't think the dumbass would actually do it." James asked, feigning concern but had a smirk on his face.

"Yeah, the guy was a predator, so I had to put him down. After I kicked him in the balls, he decided to come back for more. You should have seen his face when I shot him.," Dexter replied straight-faced and continued playing around with the pistols on the desk.

"Pfft, I can actually see that happening. I never liked the guy and was planning on getting rid of him soon anyways. Idiot always tried to do whatever he wanted and shot off more excuses than bullets in his life." James said while signaling for the men with him to take away his body.

He gave a quick smile at Dexter before turning to leave. Dexter didn't know what they were going to do with the body, but he really didn't give a shit.

"Hey, Jamie, can I talk to you for a second." Dexter stopped him from leaving as he wanted to ask something that had been worrying him since his initiation. James stopped and told the rest of the men to continue before closing the door leaving just the two of them.

"Sure, what's on your mind?" James questioned with a hint of annoyance before walking up to the front of the desk; Dexter knew he was most likely looking forward to going back to bed, but his question really couldn't wait.

"People saw my face, and they should be able to piece two and two together. I usually wouldn't care since I rarely left the orphanage, but something has been worrying me. I'm assuming you already know about it, but a Chinese man came into the orphanage and left a donation two days ago. Say, If he is involved with them and helped the investigation, what do you think would happen?" Dexter inquired.

"Hmm, can you describe this man for me?" James pondered before asking him.

"He was in his late 20s or early 30s, had short black hair, and was wearing a rather expensive-looking suit when he came in. His English was impressive, and he spoke about being an orphan before ending up in this shithole." Dexter explained.

"Fuck me, why am I stuck with a bunch of retards!? They only told me some random chink came and donated to the god damn orphanage! I would bet my left ball that he's involved with them! " James fumed while kicking the desk.

He paced around the room for a few minutes, clearly stressed out. Dexter didn't know what 'chink' exactly meant, but after seeing how he had reacted, he assumed the soldiers had just used it for any Asian person.

After James finally calmed himself down, he came up to Dexter again.

"Listen, Dex; I gave you my word that I would put the orphanage under my protection, and I plan to do it. However, I cant show them I'm such a weak leader that I'd send more men to protect the place, can I? It would also show I place too much importance on you and make the situation even worse. You would go from a child I used as 'bait' to get rid of someone to being important to me in their eyes."

After James finished his rant Dexter knew he was right; The orphanage wouldn't be safe no matter what he did. Even if he left Roanapur and lived in a secluded place, the orphanage would still be extorted or worse by other groups in the years to come. He decided after making enough money; he would help them out and at the very least get Ratana out of there.

"Okay, I understand, but what are you going to do with me? I won't be able to go out for a while because of this—There are not many Caucasian kids with green eyes and black hair in this city." Dexter questioned James while resting the side of his face on his palm. He had a few ideas on how to deal with the situation but wanted to hear what James said.

"I have a few guys who can train you for a while, don't get me wrong, we're not going to stop using you. If you're just a kid from an orphanage, they have no reason to target it; after all, orphanages in these parts are prisons that kids would love to escape. We'll talk more later." James concluded before leaving the room.

Takes me so long to write a single chapter. I read it over 5 times and only release it when it doesn't make me hate it afterwords lol.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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