
New Life In Marvel

Hi guys, newbie starter here. It is my first started fanfic and also my first experience too. So, I'll hope you guys would understand me. In addition, I'm not very good in English it might be a bit confused for you guys to read and also I might be not good in grammar. So, I hope you guys don't mind it. [( The cover is not mine and I also got it from some random Pinterest pictures )] Synopsis Caleb J. Johnson, a towering 6'5" teenager with a deep love for Marvel comics, meets an unexpected twist in his life—or rather, afterlife. Just when he thought his biggest worry was the cliffhanger in the latest Spider-Man issue, a freak accident sends him straight to the pearly gates. There, he meets Rob, a god with a surprising sense of humor and a striking resemblance to Ryan Reynolds. "Welcome, Caleb! You’ve got three wishes. Make 'em good!" says Rob, casually juggling universes like they're stress balls. Caleb, never one to pass up a golden opportunity, wishes for the ultimate comic book power: the ability to copy any ability. His second wish? To be transported into the Marvel universe. His third? To look as cool as Deadpool without the horrific skin condition. Rob, amused and slightly impressed, grants his wishes with a snap. Now, armed with the power to mimic the abilities of Marvel’s greatest heroes (and villains), Caleb embarks on an epic journey through a world he once only dreamed of. But it's not all spandex and superpowers—he’s got to navigate high school, dodge SHIELD, and figure out how to use his powers without attracting too much attention. All while trying to avoid the inevitable: accidentally calling Thor "dude." In a universe where anything can happen, Caleb is about to learn that with great power comes... well, you know the rest. Get ready for a rollercoaster of epic battles, hilarious misunderstandings, and a teenager’s dream come true in "Caleb J. Johnson: Marvel's Newest Hero."

Jabri · 漫画同人
8 Chs

New Beginnings and Hidden Powers

Episode 4: New Beginnings and Hidden Powers

The sun cast a warm, golden glow over the city as Caleb J. Johnson, known to his friends as Cal, sat at an outdoor table at a bustling diner in Queens. The aroma of freshly cooked food mingled with the lively chatter of patrons enjoying their meals. Cal, with his tall and striking figure, stood out even among the crowd. His deep, handsome features, a blend of black and Southeast Asian heritage, turned heads as he relaxed and enjoyed his lunch.

Cal took a sip of his iced tea, his mind already racing with ideas for his next venture. As he savored his burger, his thoughts drifted to the success of his game app, Survival Craft, and how it had provided him with a substantial financial cushion. With his current business thriving, he began to consider new possibilities for expansion.

Cal: "You know, I've always thought about fast food. McDonald's has a huge market, and it's ripe for a fresh approach. If I could get in on that, it might be a game-changer."

He envisioned a modern twist on the classic fast-food experience, incorporating advanced technology and healthier options. The prospect of building a new empire excited him. After finishing his meal and making a few notes on his phone, he decided it was time to head back to school.

Back at Midtown High School, Cal returned to his classroom to find Peter Parker already seated and ready for the next lesson. The familiar environment of school felt comfortable and routine, but Cal's mind was abuzz with anticipation. With Peter's transformation just around the corner, Cal could hardly contain his excitement.

During their study session, Cal noticed that the usual crowd of students seemed particularly animated. The chatter around him was full of gossip and excitement. Cal glanced around and realized that a number of beautiful girls were paying him a lot of attention. Among them was Gwen Stacy, whose beauty was truly captivating. Gwen had striking blonde hair that cascaded in gentle waves, framing her face perfectly. Her blue eyes sparkled with intelligence and warmth, and her smile was both radiant and inviting. Her graceful demeanor and effortless charm made her one of the most admired girls in school.

Gwen: "Hi, Cal. Do you mind if I sit here?"

Cal: "Of course not, Gwen. Feel free."

Gwen took the seat next to Cal, her presence adding a touch of elegance to the classroom. As they talked, Cal couldn't help but notice the way her eyes lit up when she smiled. Her attention was flattering, and he decided to play along, adding a hint of flirtation to his conversation.

Cal: "You know, Gwen, I've heard you're quite the star in science class. I'm just trying to keep up with your brilliance."

Gwen blushed slightly, clearly enjoying the compliment.

Gwen: "Oh, stop it, Cal. You're making me blush."

Cal: "It's true, though. You've got that rare combination of brains and beauty. It's impressive."

Gwen's smile widened, and she seemed increasingly drawn to Cal. As their conversation continued, he subtly flirted with her, his deep, smooth voice adding an extra layer of charm.

Cal: 'If I were Peter, I'd have definitely picked Gwen. She's got that perfect blend of intelligence and beauty.'

Their conversation ended with Gwen giving Cal her number, her cheeks still tinged with pink.

Gwen: "Here's my number. Maybe we can study together sometime."

Cal: "Sounds great. I'd like that."

As Gwen walked away, Cal couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. He had managed to charm one of the most beautiful girls at school, all while keeping his focus on his primary mission. His interactions with Gwen had been playful yet respectful, and he was pleased with how things were unfolding.

Cal spent the rest of the day attending his classes, studying diligently, and maintaining his usual routine. He was keenly aware that the day of Peter Parker's transformation was approaching. Cal's anticipation was palpable; he was excited about the prospect of absorbing Peter's spider abilities. He had been preparing for this moment, knowing it would be a significant turning point.

Finally, the day arrived—the day of the science exhibition. Midtown High School had organized an event showcasing the latest in scientific research and technology. Students, parents, and faculty were all in attendance, eagerly exploring the exhibits.

Cal, ever the strategist, decided to part ways with Peter during the exhibition. He wanted to ensure that Peter could focus on the event without any distractions. He wandered through the various exhibits, taking mental notes of the impressive displays while keeping an eye on Peter from a distance.

As the hours passed, Cal noticed that Peter seemed increasingly fatigued. He watched with a growing sense of excitement as Peter's condition deteriorated. Cal knew that the spider bite had taken effect, and the transformation was underway.

Eventually, Peter excused himself and headed to the bathroom. Cal followed discreetly, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. He entered the bathroom and found Peter leaning against the sink, looking pale and disoriented.

Cal: "Hey, Pete. You okay?"

Peter looked up, his eyes glassy and distant.

Peter: "Cal... I don't feel so good."

Cal approached Peter with a sympathetic expression, though his mind was racing with anticipation.

Cal: "Just take it easy, Pete. You've probably been overwhelmed by everything today. Why don't you sit down for a moment?"

Peter nodded weakly and sank onto the bathroom floor. Cal crouched beside him, his face a mask of concern.

Cal: "You've been through a lot. Just rest for a bit. I'll help you get home."

Cal's inner excitement was palpable, but he maintained a facade of genuine concern. He helped Peter to his feet and guided him out of the bathroom.

Cal: "Let's get you home. You need to rest."

As they made their way out of the exhibition, Cal kept a close eye on Peter, carefully monitoring his condition. The transformation was clearly taking its toll, but Cal knew that soon, Peter would gain his incredible spider powers. This was the moment he had been waiting for.

They arrived at Peter's home, and Cal helped him inside. Peter's Aunt May and Uncle Ben were away, so Peter was alone. Cal settled him into bed, making sure he was comfortable.

Cal: "Just get some rest, Pete. I'll check in on you later."

Peter nodded, his eyes heavy with exhaustion.

Peter: "Thanks, Cal. I appreciate it."

Cal left Peter's room, closing the door quietly behind him. As he walked out of the house, he couldn't contain his excitement any longer. His plan was falling into place, and soon he would have access to Peter's remarkable abilities.

Cal: 'This is it. Peter's transformation is going to change everything. I'll be able to copy and absorb his powers, and then the real fun begins.'

With a renewed sense of purpose, Cal headed back to his own room. His mind was filled with anticipation for the changes to come. The Marvel Universe was vast and full of potential, and Cal was ready to seize every opportunity that came his way.

The days that followed were filled with a mix of excitement and preparation. Cal kept a close watch on Peter, who was gradually recovering from his transformation. He was eager to see how Peter's new abilities would manifest and how he could integrate them into his own skill set.

Cal continued to balance his various pursuits—his game development, his Krav Maga training, and his social interactions. His business ventures were thriving, and he was making steady progress toward his goals. The prospect of absorbing Peter's spider powers added an extra layer of excitement to his already busy life.

As he lay in bed one night, Cal reflected on his journey so far. He had achieved a great deal in a short period, and he was poised for even greater success. The upcoming days promised new challenges and opportunities, and Cal was ready to face them head-on.

Cal: "Here's to the next chapter. The Marvel Universe is full of surprises, and I'm ready for whatever comes next."

With that thought, Cal drifted off to sleep, his dreams filled with visions of the incredible powers he was about to acquire and the adventures that awaited him in the ever-expanding Marvel Universe.


The next morning, Cal woke up with a renewed sense of purpose. Today, he would start implementing his plan to copy Peter's abilities. He headed to school, where he found Peter looking more energetic than usual. The transformation had clearly begun to take effect.

Cal: "Morning, Pete. You're looking better."

Peter: "Yeah, I feel different. Stronger, somehow."

Cal: "That's great. Just take it easy, okay?"

Peter nodded, and they headed to their first class. Throughout the day, Cal kept a close eye on Peter, observing any changes in his behavior or abilities. He noticed that Peter seemed more confident and agile, moving with a newfound grace.

During lunch, Cal and Peter sat together, discussing their classes and plans for the weekend. Cal subtly guided the conversation towards Peter's new abilities, hoping to learn more about them.

Cal: "So, have you noticed anything... unusual about yourself lately?"

Peter looked thoughtful, his brow furrowing slightly.

Peter: "Actually, yeah. I've been feeling a lot stronger and faster. It's strange, but I can't explain it."

Cal: "Sounds like you're going through some changes. Just be careful, alright?"

Peter: "I will. Thanks, Cal."

As the school day came to an end, Cal felt a surge of excitement. He was getting closer to his goal. He walked home with Peter, continuing to observe his friend's behavior and noting any new developments.

That evening, Cal decided to visit Peter and check on his progress. He knocked on the door and was greeted by Aunt May, who welcomed him warmly.

Aunt May: "Hello, Cal. It's nice to see you. Peter's upstairs in his room."

Cal: "Thanks, Aunt May. I'll just head up."

Cal climbed the stairs and found Peter in his room, sitting at his desk and looking thoughtful.

Cal: "Hey, Pete. How are you feeling?"

Peter looked up, his eyes bright with curiosity.

Peter: "I feel... different. Stronger, faster. It's like I have these new abilities that I'm still figuring out."

Cal: "That's incredible, Pete. Have you tried testing them out?"

Peter nodded, a small smile playing at his lips.

Peter: "Yeah, I've been practicing. It's amazing what I can do now."

Cal's excitement grew as he listened to Peter's account of his new abilities. He knew that soon, he would be able to copy and absorb these powers for himself.

Cal: "Just be careful, Pete. These new abilities are a gift, but you need to learn how to control them."

Peter: "I will, Cal. Thanks for looking out for me."

As Cal left Peter's house that night, he couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. The transformation was nearly complete, and soon he would have access to Peter's incredible powers.


The next day at school, Cal noticed that Peter was becoming more confident and agile. He moved with a new grace and precision, and his classmates were beginning to take notice.

During gym class, Peter's abilities were on full display. He excelled in every activity, his newfound strength and agility making him a standout. Cal watched with a mix of admiration and excitement, knowing that soon, he would be able to absorb these abilities for himself.

After school, Cal and Peter headed to the local park, where they could practice their abilities in private. Cal encouraged Peter to push his limits, guiding him through various exercises and challenges.

Cal: "You're doing great, Pete. Just keep practicing, and you'll get even better."

Peter: "Thanks, Cal. I couldn't have done it without your support."

As they trained together, Cal continued to observe and learn, preparing himself for the moment when he could copy and absorb Peter's powers.


A few days later, Cal felt confident that he had learned enough to begin copying Peter's abilities. He decided to take a more active approach, spending more time with Peter and encouraging him to push his limits.

One afternoon, as they trained in the park, Cal felt a surge of energy as he successfully copied Peter's spider-like abilities. He felt stronger, faster, and more agile, and he knew that he was ready for the challenges ahead.

Cal: "This is it. I've done it."

With his new abilities, Cal felt unstoppable. He knew that he could achieve great things and make a difference in the Marvel Universe.


The following week, Cal's game app, Survival Craft, continued to gain popularity, bringing in a steady stream of income. He used the money to invest in his fast-food venture, setting the stage for a new business empire.

As he balanced his various pursuits, Cal felt a sense of fulfillment and excitement. He was ready to take on the challenges of the Marvel Universe, confident in his abilities and prepared for whatever came next.

With Peter's transformation complete and his own abilities enhanced, Cal looked forward to the future with anticipation. The Marvel Universe was full of surprises, and he was ready to face them head-on.

Cal: "Here's to the next chapter. The adventure is just beginning."

As he drifted off to sleep that night, Cal's dreams were filled with visions of the incredible powers he had acquired and the adventures that awaited him in the ever-expanding Marvel Universe.

Hope you enjoy the story ;)

Jabricreators' thoughts