
New Life : I Can Simulate Reincarnation.

Gu Shang, a 17 year old guy with photographic memory was aspiring to become a lawyer, unfortunately life had a different plan for him. He died in a place accident, but he transmigrated into a world of cultivation. Equiped with a new hope for a good life he went to a join a nearby sect, but his potential was too bad. While going back to the town he was kidnapped and brought to an all-female unorthodox sect to be made into a cultivation cauldron, but because of his potential, instead of being made into a cauldron he got the job to sweep the sect. *Important*: I'm making this novel due to my love for them | This is my first novel and I have no prior writing experience | I'm not a native english speaker, but my english can be considered good | All critism and opinions will be appreciated | I'll be trying to make at least one chapter every two days |

Chilling_Immortal · 奇幻
20 Chs

Chapter 1 "Introduction"

Gu Shang, to everyone around him was a passionate young man aspiring to be a lawyer, but none of them knew that he only did it for the money, he was born with photographic memory and his learning ability was excellent and he yearned for easy life.

Because of the low difficulty of learning, he spent most of his time on the internet watching anime and reading novels. He had no real friends outside of the online ones because he completely fucked up, he acted like he was above everyone else and after realizing his mistakes it was too late, when he went to college there was a couple of other people from his high school who immeadiately told everyone how much of a prick he was. Currently he was going on vacation with his family.

What he didn't expect was an emergency landing of a plane he was on, the landing resulted in failure and half of the plane was destroyed. Gu Shang was on that half of the plane, but fortunately for him, he transmigrated into a world full of oppurtunities and magic, a world of cultivation.

Gu Shang was both surprised and happy, he liked reading cultivation novels in his free time and remembered a lot of them.

He was put into a body of a 10 year old boy of the same name, he was an orphan, Gu Shang was full of hope that he could become strong and live a good life so he immediately asked around and found out that a nearby sect was selecting disciples, so he ran without thinking, but once he got there he lost all that hope, he had a potential that wasn't worth taking in. But his bad day wasn't over just yet because he got kidnapped while going back to the town.

He was kidnaped and brought to an all-female sect called Blood Lotus Sect, the sect was an unorthodox one that used horrible methods to cultivate. He was taken in after being kidnapped to be nurtured into a human cauldron, but since his aptitude was bad it would be a waste of resources to make him into a one, so he was given the position of a cleaner.

Gu Shang was disappointed and stunned by the circumstances he was thrown into, what kind of unorthodox sect would just give a job to someone they just kidnapped and were going to rise like a cattle, but he knew that he should cherish this oppurtunity of this second life. If he couldn't become a strong immortal then he could at least live a happy life.


"Hey Gu Shang, there was an explosion in the Pill Pavilon, clean up there."

"Understood senior sister Ju."

Gu Shang was in this world for over a month and got pretty used to his work, he was also able to enjoy the sight of beautiful women.

He knew that his body was too underdeveloped to do anything for now so he just enjoyed the sight and nothing else. For the work he did he was paid 5 low-grade spiritual stones a month, this pay could be considered pretty good since all he did was clean, but most of the time he was cleaning up corpses, organs and dry mummies so it was kind of understandable.

After a year of work he was able to exchange the spirit stones for a cultivation technique.

As years went by Gu Shang's life could be considered quite good, he familiarized himself with most of the disciples and some didn't see him as a servant but like a friend, of course majority still considered him lower than dirt. But he didn't care about that as he managed to find himself a close friend, her name was Qu Bingxue and she was extremely beautiful among the disciples, she had hair that looked like white jade, crimson eyes, luscious pink lips, busty breasts and an ass so perfect that no sculptor could ever get it right when making a statue of her.

Gu Shang also get on good terms with some of the Elders.

He was currently 17 and his looks were a bit above average, but not that outstanding either. Gu Shang found this life pretty fun as there was no worries and he could drink with friends and even do dual cultivation with Qu Bingxue from time to time and all he had to do was clean some things and that's it.

It all changed when a mysterious old man came to the sect, which was surprising as the sect was a hidden one that was mostly cut off from the outside world. It turned out that the man was a former victim of the sect who got away, he cultivated for hundreds of years with intent of destroying the sect. He came to get his revenge as he knew that he didn't have much more years to live anyway.

The sect leader of the Blood Lotus Sect had to fight the man, their fight was mostly at a draw, but as time passed, the sect leader started losing.

Seeing this the elders joined in the fight, the man was being pushed back time and time again, he was already at the brink of death so he decided to self-destruct.

The explosion caused 3 elders to die and the rest were seriously injured, the explosion also caused a lot of disciples to die and be injured, Gu Shang didn't die, but he badly injured.

His life was saved after Qu Bingxue found him in a pile of corpses, she took him to the medical hall and paid so that he could be saved.

After a few days Gu Shang woke up from his coma, Qu Bingxue was waiting near his bed for him to wake up and was extremely happy upon seeing him wake up.

"Shang you finally woke up!" Said Bingxue before jumping at him.


"Stop whining, if it wasn't for me you would've already died."


Said Gu Shang while struggling to breathe, his realm was far inferior to Qu Bingxue so her just hugging him was able to squeze out the air out of him.

"Oki! But as payment for healing you I expect you to warm my bed for a week."

Said Qu Bingxue in a seductive manner while sitting on Gu Shang's crotch.


"Hm? What's with the stuttering? There's no way you got that scared."

At this moment Gu Shang was spacing out, looking at the air behind Bingxue, there was floating cyan screen floating in the air.

"I think I am hallucinating."

"If that's the case then open wide and say aah."


Gu Shang opened his mouth and Bingxue put a pill in his mouth, the pill was a cheap one with barebones effects, but for him it was still pretty useful as his injuries were already mostly healed.

After Qu Bingxue left, Gu Shang decided to sleep and prepare mentally for the crazy nights that awaited him.

Two days later Gu Shang was fully recovered, he didn't see the cyan screen anymore so he thought that he might've really been hallucinating.

In the evening Gu Shang came to Qu Bingxue's house and after about five minutes, obscene sounds could be heard from inside.

After the steamy session ended Gu Shang went back to his house, he was extremely satisfied as he could feel his bottleneck loosening after the dual cultivation session before and he decided to spend the next few days cultivating to breakthrough, he was also satisfied as Qu Bingxue was really good in bed.

The next day, as Gu Shang was about to start cultivating, he noticed something shining in front of him, the floating cyan screen was back. He couldn't believe it for a second so he brushed his eyes with his fingers a few times and found out that the screen didn't disappear.

He walked toward the screen and saw that it had some words written on it.

[Do you want to start the fusion]


Seeing this Gu Shang couldn't feel anything other than excitement.

'Is this the legendary system mentioned in the novels?!'

He immediately clicked [Yes] and he suddenly collapsed onto his bed.