
New law of Beast Taming

At the height of her power, the Supreme Goddess Amane also known as the Beast princess sacrificed herself to save the life of children she had adopted throughout her life. That should have been the end of her story. Amane had achieved her ultimate goal of saving the lives of her loved ones and her sacrifice would give them all decent lives. But the Supreme Goddess felt her eyes opening in a new body and a new era. She had been reincarnated into the body of a Yoko Tsurugi, the mentally-challenged adopted daughter of the Tsuragi family (The family infamous for their beast-taming business) Reincarnated in a new body with no knowledge of why she had been brought back, Amane decided to embrace her new identity and live a carefree and easy-going life doing what she was known for before. She would do what the previous owner of her body was unable to do - Show everyone why you did not mess with her, the supreme tamer of beasts. The new era was different with no ‘alliance’ or distinction between races. The world was a calm place that seemed to have a place for everyone. Amane, now Yoko, should have a decent new life. But the past refuses to let Amane go and the circumstances behind her resurrection were becoming more and more complicated. It was more than clear that something seemed to be brewing in the background of this new era. And the balance of power was not as even as it first appeared to be. Who had called Amane back in her new body? And for what purpose was she brought back? These questions might be more important than they first appear to be. ___________________________ Tags: Yuri, Intelligent Mc - Shameless Mc - Scheming Mc(Later on) - Smut - No NTR - But Contains Netori - Legal Loli - Succubus - Elf - Angel - Vampire - Cat Girls - Dragon Girls - Fox Girls - Monster Girls - Slaves - Milf - Princess - Beautiful - YANDERE - Seinen - Mature - R18 - 18 - Sex Stories - Beastality - Hentai - NSFW - Pregnancy - Incest - Domination Play - Controlling Emotions - Corrupting Righteous Characters - Gore - Transmigration - Mana - Devil - Demon - Necromancer - Death - Dungeon - Evolution - Threesome ___________________________

daygon_yuuki · 奇幻
458 Chs

27: A new frenemy

"Yoko, we will be counting on you today as well. Make sure you compensate us for the days you missed."

Before leaving for the break, the unknown student who had been friendly with Amane since her arrival yelled.

She was the last one of the bunch to leave the mess hall and toward the nearby restaurant on the school campus.

Since it was an open-campus arrangement, the school acted like a semi-open university campus and allowed general public access to certain areas. As such, the school campus also housed various facilities like clothing shops and restaurants.

Amane's classmates had left for one such restaurant a while back after asking her to pay.

'Sheesh, just how gullible do you think I am? You're not even friends with me, you're just parasites who want to use me for my money.'

Had Amane's classmates shown real concern about 'Yoko's' wellbeing, she might have even considered letting this go. But as things stood, Amane had no interest in these kids.

"Umm, Yoko, are you alright? Are you going to leave for the restaurant as well?"

Ely Zhen, the only person who had expressed genuine concern about Yoko, stood in front of Amane, worried.

Her eyes darted from between the classroom door toward Amane and then back at the door.

"Of course not. I am dumb enough to fall for their tricks and I'm not twelve either to fall for their taunts. If our classmates want to dine out then they can pay with their own money."

Amane's words might be harsh enough to make the listener flinch but Lady Ely just looked concerned.

On the other hand, the other person left in the classroom looked fascinated at the change Amane had gone through. There was wonder on the beautiful girl's face but also caution.

"Wow, did our dear little princess finally grow up? How did such a miracle happen in a week? Will it finally rain money tomorrow?"

At first glance, it would almost seem like the other girl was joking around with Amane. But Amane could hear the taunting voice beneath the fake softness.

Amane was being made fun of by someone she didn't even know and it was hitting all the right buttons to make her angry.

'This ignorant fool. How dare she make fun of me. She doesn't know who she is making an enemy out of.'

Amane's anger was likely visible on her face because Ely instantly tried to smoothen the situation.

"Faridha, you should not say things like that about Lady Yoko since she is going through a hard time. Things are tough at the Tsurugi household right now so we need to show her our support. Also, didn't you say that you were worried about Lady Yoko as well when our classmates made her nervous in the morning?"

'Ah, so Faridha must be Lady Sah. it is nice to finally put a name to that face.'

Amane did remember the note Ely had sent to her in the morning, it made it very clear that Lady Sah was a potential ally.

'But now that I see it, Lady Sah seems more like an enemy than an ally. She looks like she hates me .'

In this case, hate would be too strong a word to use. It would be more accurate for Amane to say that the fierce female disliked her.

The silver eyes looking from behind those short red fringes stabbed right into Amane's soul.

Or they tried to at least. Amane was too stubborn to back down from a challenge this obvious and she stared back at Lady Sah with the same intensity she got.

"H-Hey, is something wrong? Why are you both looking at each other like that? Lady Faridha, you even have a fiance so you cannot like Lady Yoko like that."

The disgusted look Lady Faridha aimed toward Ely asked her just 'what the fuck did you say?'

Had Amane not been taken aback at Ely's sudden outburst, she might have broken into laughs right that second.

But that disbelief didn't last long before Amane's sense of humor found the situation hilarious and she could not help but laugh out loud.

"What the hell is wrong with you asshole? Me, like this pansy? Dream on. The only things I like are money and information. And I'm not going to jeopardize my marriage for a noob like her."

'Wow, what a situation. I don't even feel angry at being called a 'noob' of all things.'

Ely looked so flustered at being called out that her face was beyond red. Lady Faridha's clear outrageousness was amusing as well but Amane could tell that she had no interest in her romantically.

People like Lady Faridha were rare but Amane could spot her kind from a mile away. In a way she was like Amane, determined to do anything to achieve her goal.

'I want her as a partner. I think we'll make a great team if we cooperate. Too bad that our relationship won't work even if we want to have one.'

Amane was guilty to say that she did entertain the thought of seducing Lady Faridha. But it'll be more likely for Amane to get swindled instead by the younger.

So she was just not going to risk it.

'Still, a partnership would be ideal.'

"Awww, look at you going red Lady Faridha. If someone walked in here right now then they would surely think that you like me or something. Doesn't it look like that, Lady Ely?"

Amane turned her target toward the innocent one of their trio. She did not want to press Lady Faridha too far and it seemed like the younger had a soft spot for Lady Ely.

"No, Faridha cannot do that!..... Ah, I mean, Lady Faridha has a fiance already, and being loyal to one's partner is good? Besides, Lady Yoko and Lady Faridha will likely not make a good pair.'

Ely seemed to have gone red in the face after she finished speaking. Her mortified expression asked for the ground to open up and swallow her up.

Her words made not only Amane but also Lady Faridha hesitate. Ely seemed to have gone red in the face after she finished, her eyes flushed and her face downcast.

"What is wrong with you Ely? You are not usually like this. Are you sick or something?"

Lady Faridha's concern dripped out of her voice but Ely avoided her eyes. Something was tickling at the back of Amane's head but she was not able to conclude once.

But once she did, Amane had to work hard to stop her amused chuckle.

'So Lady Ely Zhen has a crush on me? Wow, I could use this information in the future if I need to.'

Ely was too red in the face to pay attention. Had Amane been an asshole, she might have tried to get Lady Ely to confess.

But it was of no use right now. Not only would it make the situation awkward, but it would also alienate the only two people in the class who were neutral toward Amane right now.

It was better to pretend she did not know about Elys's crush on her for now.

"By the way, you should be careful for the next few days and avoid gaining attention. Those troublemakers will not let your betrayal go lightly. I heard them talking a few days ago and they sounded pissed off about you baling on them. The stunt you pulled today will not go over very well with them."

Ely looked worried at Lady Faridha's words but Amane found herself not caring much about it.

After all, what could a bunch of over-confident kids do to her? Amane had more money and influence than them and she also had a better brain when it came to devious things.

"Well, I don't think I need to be worried about a bunch of kids coming after me. But if they do then it'll be the end for them. I will do everything in my power to ruin them for messing with me."

Amane was sure she saw Lady Faridha flinch at her tone and the power in her voice. While Ely remained quite at Amane's side with a frowning and disapproving gaze, Amane was sure Lady Faridha knew that Amane was not lying.

Lady Faridha was a sharp one and she made Amane want to pull her into Amane's working circle.

"Lady Yoko, you should not say such mean words. Maybe you should try taking your way out of this situation first before you resort to violence."

Amane had to give it to Lady Ely. The girl was not only innocent and pure but she was also ignorant of the real world.

No wonder she was so easy to take advantage of. If not for her grandfather's influence behind her, then Lady Ely would have been ruined by now.

"Ely, don't ask for the impossible. Not every problem can be solved with a 'sorry' and 'thank you. Sometimes, people need to get physical to solve conflicts."

Lady Faridha spoke like she had experience in this matter. And it would not surprise Amane even if the younger had some shaft deals of her own.

Making money was not an easy task. There were all kinds of underhand tactics involved in the process. And Lady Faridha just felt like someone who would not shy away from getting her hands dirty.

"I know. But still, people should aim for peace if they have a chance to achieve it."

'This poor never-ending enthusiasm. I wonder how long it will last?'

Amane had a lot of other thoughts to work through but the bell rang before Amane could sort her thoughts out.

When the teacher entered the classroom, it was occupied by only three people. The rest of their classmates never came back.

"Is everyone else absent? Well, whatever. Anyway, here is the syllabus for your next exams. Be sure to practice in your expert field for the specialized test."


"What the hell man? In the end, we had to pay the bill out of our own pockets. And we are even late for the next class? I cannot afford to miss any more days of class or I'll fail for real."

"Right, it's all your fault, Nadia. Weren't you the one who said to order what we wanted since Yoko was paying? In the end, she didn't even show up."

"She's right, Nadia. How could you betray our trust like that? That one single meal cost me my whole month's savings. Are you going to compensate us for that?"

The previously unknown girl, now dubbed Nadia sweated bullets as she was accused left and right.

'How dare that bitch Yoko betray me like this? Just because she got a little limelight doesn't mean she was betraying me like this. I mean, who else but I can even tolerate her gloomy self?'

Nadia sheathed inside her mind while she tried to calm the class down. This reaction was worst than she had anticipated.

"C-Calm down. I will talk to Yoko and get our money back from her after school. I am sure something big came up that stopped her from coming to the restaurant. After all, Yoko had never ditched us before."

The students were still pissed off but they calmed down after that assurance.

In the student's eyes, Nadia was Yoko's best friend and spokesperson. Yoko had never done anything against Nadia's wishes so this time should be no different.

"Alright. Since you are Yoko Tsurugi's best friend then we will leave her to you. Make sure you get out money back from her or we will tattle all your junky habits to the teachers."

"Calm down. I said I will get your money back and I will get it all back. And when I do, you will have to grovel in front of me and call me 'elder' alright?"

"It's a deal."

Nadia didn't doubt her capabilities when it came to Yoko. Unknown to most, Yoko was just a shy and easily swayed girl.

A few words here, a few tears there, and Yoko all but folded in one's hand. Nadia didn't even have to try hard.

'It's going to be so easy. I will make sure to guilt trip the hell out of Yoko this time and earn some extra cash as well.'