

Chronos rolled his eyes before materializing a crystal marble in his hand. It was the oracle. He then enlarged it to be the size of his hand, effectively turning it into a crystal ball.

"I have something to show you"

"you say you have something to show me, but I have a question for you"

She said as she decreased the size of her body to the size of a normal human. Fortunately, her breasts were still quite large. She cared not of her nakedness, and neither did Chronos.

"ask away"

"Did you rewind time?"

"of course…. I didn't"

"Don't lie to me, brother. I just want to know the why. The humans would have slaughtered each other because of the chaos that little scamp Eris let in to the world"

"I could not let that happen, so I had to do something"

He said, putting up his hands in a defensive way as he explained his actions.

"Okay then, why did you let the miasma remain? What are you up to?"

Rewinding time but only for the humans and leaving the miasma created was something Chronos could do, [selective time reversal] it was called, but Gaia failed to understand the why, if he wanted to save the humans it would have been better to rewind time to before the miasma was created.

"don't be so concerned sister, this just for my entertainment, and don't worry, it won't put your world at risk at all."

He explained with no concerned on his voice, and Gaia couldn't help but squint her eyes in suspicious, she could tell he seemed to be excited, she guessed that he didn't rewind time to save the humans but for something else.

"If you say so, I'll leave it be, but what did you want to show me?"

"look at this"

The crystal ball in his hands glowed and flashed bright golden color with a mixture of crimson red. The sight caused Gaia to open her mouth in surprise, but there was also a glint of interest in her eyes


Hercules found himself getting flung through the air and crashed throughout several buildings. As he slowly lost momentum, he flipped himself upright and quickly planted his feet and slid across the ground to stop himself. His feet dug into the dirt as he slid across it, creating a trail of two parallel lines. Finally stopping, he crouched to his knees and held his chest. Luckily, his armor withstood the attack, and his bones were still intact. Perks of being the son of a god. A normal human would be dead.

The ground began to shake as a 10 foot tall beast ran towards his direction, the beast had the head of a bull with two sharp horns that pointed directly at him, it body was that furred but shaped like a human and it legs were that of bull.


He Shouted to anyone who may still be present, he probably has destroyed the houses of several people, he was unaware that this village was abandoned, however he can't think about that right the Minotaur was already before him.

The beast charged at him at full speed, he braced himself and when it arrived he ducked down below it's head dodging it's horns and tackled it, he grabbed it by the torso and threw it on the ground, slamming it with enough force to create a large crater. The monster roared in pain before using its legs, kicking Hercules into the gut and launching him back and causing him to roll on the ground.

The minotaur got up and this time stood on all fours and prepared to charge, Hercules quickly sprung and charged at it and at the same time the minotaur sprung forth in a burst of speed, the two collided causing a shockwave that caused all the rubble to be blown away, Hercules who bad grabbed its horns used his knees to kick it in the stomach before punching it in the face a sending it flying back.

"where did you even come from"

He had just finished hunting in the forest and was looking for a nice village to stay in when he was suddenly attacked by the minotaur, by all accounts there should be no minotaur anywhere near humans settlements how did this one get so close.

"Doesn't matter, you interrupting my journey, so I'll put you down"

Ever since a year ago when witnesses the spectacle of a battle between gods, his father and Hephaestus, he was suddenly inspired to grow stronger and stronger, he wanted to be able to fight at such a level as well, showcase that Humans can stand beside gods as well as such he went on a journey to improve himself he was already the local hero of his village and had defeated many monsters before but that wasn't enough, so he set out the gain more strength.

"Thinking about it now, as Minotaur, you shouldn't be able to compete with me in strength, what's going on?"

He asked but the beast would not give him an answer or rather it could not instead it once again prepared to charge at him, it head Lowered its head so that it's horns would point directly at its prey. Hercules took a stance with his arms out. He was ready.

"Come at me beast"

Indeed, it came charging it him at full speed. Each step was like a Boulder as it shook the Ground with each stomp, Hercules waited fearlessly as the monster barrelled at him. As this was happening a man with short curly hair and a short beard watched with keen interest. He was quite far from the battle field, he had never seen a human contend against a monster before.

The two clashed once again, creating another shockwave, Hercules had once again grabbed it by its horns and was using his strength to over power it, however the beast pulled back slightly causing Hercules to lean in, it then lowered its head and shot it back up again launching Hercules who still held its horns high in the air.

The minotaur got up and positioned itself and waited for its prey to fall into it horns. Seeing this, Hercules also decided to position himself accordingly. As he began to descend, he stretched out him arm with a fist. Already formed. The idea was to hit the monster before it horns could get him. His descent speed increased as he fell faster and faster. The minotaur roared impatiently and jumped towards him, there was a few meters before the two could collide, and in that space a person suddenly appeared.

"Damn it.. huh?"

Seeing the two projectiles he grabbed both of them, grabbing Hercules by the Arm and the minotaur by its horn before spinning around and throwing both of them to the ground, their crash landing caused a the ground to shake.

"Where the hell did she send me?"

He asked as he surveyed his surroundings, dealing with Primordials was definitely going to be a headache. He didn't even know that someone could just teleport him away without his consent. As he was busy looking around, seeing rubble. Hercules and the minotaur clashed once again, gaining his attention.


Suddenly the man with short white curly hair and a beard Shouted, he seemed to have seen Hephaestus who was floating in the sky and beckoned him to Assist, however Hephaestus saw no need to do anything, the village was abandoned so it didn't Matter if it was destroyed and besides human matters don't concern him anyways, after a few seconds he decided to leave and return to Olympus.


Hercules finally managed to defeat the minotaur, and now he stood over it, panting just a bit. A minotaur shouldn't have been that powerful, but it was fine he was satisfied with the fight.

"no wait the civilians.."

He turned to check at the destroyed state of the village and realized that he may have been too reckless. However, a voice behind him spoke.

"there is no need to worry this village was abandoned a long time ago"

Having turned around, he saw figure creep out from the rubble and responded to his question. He could not properly sew it face, so he asked.

"who are you? And does that mean no one got hurt during my fight with this thing?"

Hercules asked. The man seemed to be quite the shady type, or perhaps it was the dark robes he was wearing and the way he appeared out of nowhere that made him assume as such.

"Yes, and did you see the god Hephaestus just now?"

His voice was also very eerie sounding, like someone trying to tell a scary fable of sort. He also looked a bit pale than your average person and was lean, with no sign of muscle or its possible they're hidden by the robe.

"Yes , I had no idea what to do when he suddenly appeared out of nowhere he was a quick thinker as expected of a god"

"Hm yes but don't you realize he did nothing to help you in your fight"

"Yeah so?"

"it means he doesn't care about humans"

"I thought you said this village was abandoned"

"Yes but he didn't know that, shouldn't gods help us humans in time of need, the fact that he didn't help you means he doesn't care"

"No it doesn't"

Hercules gave his rebuttal, what the man was saying made no sense to him, sure gods are supposed to assist in time of great need but his fight with the minotaur was hardly anything that required a God's help.

"Think about it, Hercules. Olympia has been destroyed simply because gods had a petty dispute. Does that sound like the action on a personal who cares?"

"okay who are you? What you're saying sounds a bit blasphemous, you know"

Hercules took a step back and pointed at the man, the words he was saying were things that would cause people to be hanged so it's best to step back and not be associated with that type of stuff.

"Oh forgive me, my name is Diomedes, a traveler of sorts"


Aphrodite leaned her head in her hand as he listened to the two titan go on about how the other stole something from the other, initially There would only be the Two people involved in the case where thy both say their piece, Themis would then offer her own thoughts and was likely to be more plausible before Zeus gave his own judgment, this usually left many dissatisfied as it meant the ruling depended on Zeus's opinion, it was unfair but it was simple unfortunately Hephaestus didn't like unfairness so he changed that and made it fair and a lot more complicated.

"And that your Majesty is why she stole my necklace, she did it because she was jealous, I thought she was my friend but she isn't, send her to Tartarus for Theft"

Aurras finished, and half the people inside co concurred with notes by their nodding heads, while a few objected to it, calling her a liar.

"This is ridiculous, I'm the one who gave you that Necklace, you just don't want to give it back and to make it worse you won't return my earrings the one you borrowed last week"

"I returned those, I remember you said 3 days ago that you husband was coming to Olympus and you forgot were to placed them which was the day after I had returned them, so don't blame me for you own carelessness"


Themis slammed the wooden hammer on her hand bringing silence into the room, she feared thar her attempt at being fair —as the king instructed her to be— have failed, she found herself missing the simple trials she had with Zeus, she quickly shook head, law is about bringing justice as such unfair methods like that shouldn't even cross her mind.

"you majesty your judgment?"

"this case I'd dismissed, I can't believe I say here listening to nonsense like this"

Aphrodite said before standing up and descending down the stairs of her elevated seat and walking towards the exit. Once she was out, the crowd began to speak once.

"who does that bitch think she is?"

"a whore like her daring to act like a queen"

"She just happened to be married to Hephaestus, a slut shouldn't act so high and mighty "


Themis slammed her hammer once more shutting every one out, but Unfortunately Aphrodite head everything from behind the door, she was far enough not to and those who spoke, were a bit too loud.

"disrespect towards the queen is a punishable offense."

Themis tried to manage the situation but their faces were clear, their opinion on Aphrodite wouldn't change, silencing them would do nothing.

"this case has been dismissed, you are free to leave"

"once a whore always a whore is all I'm saying"

One other member of the crowd sounded and got an immediate glare from Themis that shut him up immediate. With that Themis quickly exited room and caught up with Aphrodite.

"My queen I apologize they…"

"what are you talking about Themis? Anyway do want to accompany me to a game of tennis?"

"of course, my


Themis decided to not say anything as it seemed the queen heard nothing however she herself also felt that if it wasn't for her past such things wouldn't be said about her, if Hephaestus had married Athena instead there wouldn't be such a problem


A/N, as you can probably see. In this arc, I'll be trying to focus a bit on both the gods and humans. What do you guys think??