
Official Attorney of the Company

Steve sighed once Jin Karther. Persuading the man to give up him shop and join theirs instead had been a tough battle but the man had finally decided to join them and had just signed a 5 year employment contract.

Harry had placed a lot of trust in him by allowing him the freedom to run the company as his wished and he did not wanted to let him down.

He still remembered the bitter feeling when those board decided to remove him as the CEO of apple and he did not wanted to feel like that ever again.

He looked at the various papers kept on his desk and decided to finish them quickly so that he could start working on the other projects given to him by Harry when there was a knock on his door.

"Come in." He said and his secretory opened and entered the room along with Ted Tonks, two of his body guards and two Aurors.

He looked at the Aurors and sighed inwardly.

Harry had told them that they would come back once again and the boy was right once again.

Either the boy a genius in reading people or the ministry of Magical Britain was too predictable.

He remembered the aurors as the men who were standing behind John Dawlish when that stupid man had threathened them in the middle of Diagon Alley.

The fact that they had the gall come here once again after that debacle meant that they were either really stupid or they had found some incriminating evidence against their company.

He had a very good idea what that evidence was because Harry had told him about it already.

"What does our guests want this time?" he asked while looking at Ted Tonks.

"We're here to arrest you Mr Steve Jobs. Please don't resist and come quietly with us to the ministry in order to answer for your crimes." One of the auror said and stepped forward but was blocked by one of the guards.

"Move aside halfbreed." The auror snarled with hatred and disgust at the werewolves which made Steve frown.

Harry had told him about how the purebloods discriminating against the other races but to hear that from someone and to see something like that happening right in front of his eyes were two very different thing.

The guard however was not bothered by the treatment at all as he had always been treated like that by the wizards and had long since grown use to such treatment and continued blocking the auror's path with his larger body.

"Now look here you halfbreed. Move aside if you…"

"May I ask why you want to arrest the CEO of our company?" Ted suddenly asked and the auror stopped trying to push his way through and turned to face Ted.

"And who are you again?" the auror asked.

"I'm Ted Tonks. The official attorney of this company." Ted replied "Now could you please explain why you want to arrest Mr Steve?"

"None of your business Mud blood. Stay out of this unless you want to join him in Azkaban as well." The auror replied before turning to face him and he let out a tired sigh before asking.

"So take it that you're applying the law of the 'Do as I say or I'll blow your brains', I assume." He said and took some perverse enjoyment from how quickly the color drained from the aurors face.

No doubt he still must be remembering the scene of Auror John Dawlish being disgraced by the minister and losing his job in front of the whole country.

The auror took a deep breath and said "Mr Steve, you're under arrest for holding magical books in your Library that are deemed illegal by the Ministry of Magic. Now please surrender yourself peacefully or you'll also suffer the charges of 'Resisting Arrest'." The man said somberly and he saw Ted smile from behind the auror.

This was going just like Harry had predicted and now they just needed to go along with the plan.

"And which Ministry of Magic would that be auror?" Ted asked mockingly and the auror rounded on him once again.

Steve found it a bit funny how the auror had to turn around whenever he had to talk with them but didn't let the amusement show on his face.

"What kind of stupid question is that you mudblood. I am talking about the Ministry of Magic of course." The auror snarled "But then again. What else could anyone expect from low lives like you."

Steve frowned at the insults but Ted maintained a nonchalant attitude throughout the cursing as if he had long since gotten used to such discrimination.

That thought itself disturbed him more than anything as he wondered how fucked up this magical society was.

"If that's the case then I must inform you that you're working outside your jurisdiction Auror." And before the auror could reply, Ted took out a piece of paper from his pocket and shoved it at the auror's face before passing another piece of paper to the second auror who was quietly observing the whole debacle with a shrewd expression.

"As you can see, this Mall has been created in the island Lilta Dimun which is the private property of Mr Harry Potter. The island belong to the Self governing Archipelago named Faroe Islands which does not fall under British soil."

"So as this whole area is outside Magical Britain, the laws of the Ministry does not apply here so as a result, we have not broken any law."

"In fact, it is you two who are trespassing in foreign soil and it is within our right to capture the two of you and throw you in a dungeon."

"But Mr Potter is a generous person and does not want any needless conflict so we'll allow you two to walk away on your two legs this time. But be warned, we'll not be so generous the next time." Ted said took the papers from the aurors' hands who were still in a bit of daze from the lashing they had just received.

Steve himself was a bit shocked as he had usually only known Ted as a gentle person and it was the first time he was seeing the Attorney side of the man.

Then he looked back at the two auror who had so boisterous up until now and smiled at his gaping expression.

Steve knew that the reason Harry had created the mall in this island and not in Britain was because of a loophole in the law.

Generally when you want to Floo travel from one magical community to another, you would need the permission of the community in which you want to go in order to legally use the Floo.

Just like how you would need the VISA of Japan if you want to go from America to that country,

But Faroe Islands did not have a magical community so anyone could Floo travel from Britain to any of it's island without needing anyone's permission.

So if he opened a Mall in one of these islands and sold his products from here then he could practically sell anything without breaking any of the British Laws since this land does not fall under the British government anyway.

Except that the buyer would not be able to take those books back to Britain.

Which was why the readers were not allow to borrow books from their library either.

He had to admit that this was a rather smart move on Harry part and something that they could use to their benefit.

"That's… that's bullshit." The auror finally managed to say after a long silence and he frowned. It seemed like the inbred moron was not able to take all of this information and his mind short circuited somehow.

"You think you can just spout bullshit like that and evade justice." The auror said with a snarl before turning toward him "Are you coming with e or not?"

And then the auror took a step toward him only to stop instantly as four wands were instantly pointed toward him.

"You think you can attack an auror and get away with it?" the auror asked though Steve could easily hear the fear in his voice thought he was more stunned by the speed with which his secretory pulled out her wand and pointed it at the auror. He had no idea that she was so good at it.

"Yes." Ted said and while pointing his wand at the auror "You are trespassing in private property and trying to arrest a man for a crime who now know that he didn't commit. I think we can easily justify this case as self defense in the court."

The auror was about to say something when his collegue, the auror who had stayed quiet until now suddenly spoke "Enough."

"We're leaving Albert." The man said and turned to leave.

"But…" the auror whose name they now knew was Albert hesitated before his colleague turned around and glared at him with such fury that Albert almost pissed his pants.

After that both the aurors were escorted out of the Mall by his Secretory and the guards.

Steve let out a breath and slumped down on the chair as soon as the door closed behind them.

"That was tense." He spoke to Ted who sat down on the chair opposite to him.

"Yes. It was. But now we won't face any problems for a while." Ted said with a nod before he started pointed the wand at his own head and started pulling out the memory of the recent event before putting it in his MP Pro.

By now Steve had seen such a thing happen so many times that he was not even surprised by such a use of magic.

"You're sending it to Harry?" he asked and Ted gave him a small nod.

"Harry and Madam Amelia Bones." Ted replied "It would not do if those aurors think that they can just waltz in this building, threaten us and then leave without facing any repercussions."

"You think she'll take action against that auror?" he asked and Ted nodded once again.

"The auror department gained a bad reputation after the last debacle with that ex-auror Joh Dawlish. She knows that if this memory was sent to the people once again then the auror department would face even more problems so I'm sure that she will do something about this."

"I see." Steve said and took out a bottle filled with lemonade from inside his table which had been kept under stasis till this point.

"You want some?" he asked and Ted smiled and nodded back at him.

Both of them did not drink any kind of alcohol so they would have to make do with some Lemonade for the time being.

After all, it was a tiring day for him and he deserved some reward.

Author's Note:- Sorry for the late update. I'm suffering from Cold, Mild Fever and Headache these past three days and had to sleep through most of the day in a warm blanket in order to get better quickly.

It seems like my sister's cold and fever had transferred over to me which is not as bad as it sounds because she's taking very good care of me. At least far better than how I took care of her when she was the one who was suffering.

Hope I was not such a shitty useless brother as I am and had taken better care of her.

Regardless, it's rather unbecoming of me to tell these things to you. You know, being a semi- professional writer and all.

Still, I hope you liked the chapter.

And if you love my work and have a bit of change to spare, then please consider supporting me at- pat.reon.com/ankit1

Have a nice day :)