
Luna Lovegood

It was not very hard for him to create a golem and carve runes on it that would allow it to cast spells on it's opponents.

His Will & Intent Magic gave him greater freedom to do things with the Runes than the Ancient Runes would have ever allowed him.

Still, that didn't meant that his golems were capable to performing any great feats of magic because they weren't.

In fact, the only thing his golems were capable of was taking a aim at a target who was standing inside a circle and firing a simple hex or jinx at them time and time again.

These kinds of golems were hard to make and were not good enough to use in a real battle. At least not at the moment.

But that didn't change the fact that they made for excellent training partners.

Still, there was only so much that these golems were capable of and once he become even more powerful, they would not be able to pose any threat to him.

Which was why he was currently making changes in a few of them so that they would be able to fire a few more curses at a faster rate.

If the Runes worked as he intended them to work then he would have created better training partners for himself and the three girls.

But you could never be sure if the Runes will work or not until you actually put them to test.

So it was likely that would not succeed in the first try and would have to try a few more times in order to get the better Training partners.

"You should take some rest." Selena said from where she was coiled around his shoulders "You've been doing this continuously for the past few hours. You're too exhausted to even concentrate properly."

He let out a sigh and put the carving quill down on the table before yawning.

"You're right. But I don't want to sleep just yet." He said and turned to Selena "How about we go for a walk. You keep an eye on any professor that might be walking around and tell me when they come near so that I could use the Shroud to hide myself, okay."

"Sure." She said with a movement that looked like a shrug.

"Let's go then." He said and after washing his face in the washroom, he opened the door and was about to step outside before he stopped and sighed.

"They gave you gifts once again." Selena muttered as if he could not see the gift boxes on his own.

Despite it being nighttime and despite the fact that the corridors were mostly dark and empty, he was clearly able to see everything clearly with his enhanced eyes.

"Yes. I could at least appreciate their resolve and dedication if nothing else." He said and with a wave of his hand, the few gifts kept on the floor right outside his door flew in the air and were deposited in one corner of the room which was already filled with other such gifts.

"Do you think anyone baked a cupcake for you this time as well?" Selena asked curiously, trying to hide the interest in her voice and he smirked at her.

"I have no idea what kind of taste buds you snakes have or why you like those cupcakes so much but I'll check once we return." He said and closed his door before he started strolling around the corridors.

Strolling in the dark corridors in the cold night like these helped refresh his mind so he had made a habit of strolling around like this for the past few months.

This habit became permanent when he returned the Hogwarts for the 2nd year and nowadays, he went out like this almost everyday.

With just him and Selena just like in the old days.

And that's exactly what he was doing when he came across Luna Lovegood who was skipping around the corridors.

The scene was so surreal that he had to wipe his eyes to make sure that he was not hallucinating.

The whole situation became even strange when Luna stopped skipping and turned around to look at… him.

Now this would not have been strange if he was in the great hall or classroom because at those times, just about everyone stared at him.

And that was because he had stopped using his Shroud of Concealment during those times.

But he was using his Shroud right now.

And she was still able to look at him which meant that she was somehow negate the effect of the shroud somehow.


He put more power in the shroud to the point that even Dumbledore might not notice his presence in a room.

And it seemed to have done it's job because the smile in her face faded away and she turned to walk away.

Or so she thought until she turned around to look at him once again.

"You look very boring Harry Potter." She commented as if she was talking about some vegetable as she started walking toward him "But I know that you're not a boring person."

She walked up to him and by now, she was practically standing in front of him as she tilted her head curiously at him "How are you doing it?" she asked.

It seemed like despite making himself utterly boring and despite using his powers to divert her attention, he still failed.

After the surprise faded away, he let out a chuckle and removed the Shroud from around himself and watched with some fascination as her confused expression receded and she started smiling once again.

"You know, you're the first person who has ever managed to look past my Shroud." He said."

"Really?" she asked with surprise "Do I get a gift for that?"

He chuckled at her innocent question once again and started walking and gestured her to follow him.

"Yes, you do deserve a gift for that. Tell me Luna. What do you want for a gift?" he asked.

"I can't tell you." She said with a smile and he raised an eyebrow at her words.

"And why can't you tell me?" he asked.

"Because if I told you what I want then it the gift wouldn't bring me any surprise. And a gift without any surprise is no fun."

"True." He nodded "But what if I give you something that you don't like."

"Why wouldn't I like something?" she asked innocently.

"Because there are some things that you just don't like" he replied with a frown.

"Like what?" she asked curiously while skipping around like a little bunny.

"Like Capsicum. How you you feel if someone gifted you Capsicums?" he asked.

"I like Capsicum." She replied with a smile and he grimaced.

"Well, I don't like to eat them. And I would not like it if someone gave me Capsicum."

"I see." She nodded in understanding. "But I don't know what gift I should ask from you. And what if I ask for a gift that you can't afford. Won't that be embarrassing for you? Or if I ask for something that you couldn't find. Like A Crumpled Horned Snorkacks."

He shook his head at her words "You know what. I think you're right. I'll just give you a gift of my desire."

"But before that, tell me. What are you doing outside your room so late at night?" he asked as he stopped at stared at the girl.

But for some reason, she didn't found him intimidating at all as she continued smiling at him.

That thought made him a bit happy but it also served to irritate him because she was not taking him seriously.

"I am taking a stroll." She said innocently and felt a tick mark appear on his forehead.

"And why are you taking a stroll?" he asked.

"Because I like it." She replied with a huge excited grin and he wondered if she was seriously this naive or if she was playing around with him.

From his knowledge of the movie, he knew that she was most likely just a naive kind hearted girl but the deep rooted cynicism in his heart felt that she might be genius at acting and was just fucking around with him.

Still, the chance of that happening were rather low so he continued to talk with her while assuming that she was a naive kind hearted girl.