
New Beelzebub in Hazbin Hotel

We witness Lily's encounter with a mysterious deity following after her death. Offered a second chance at life, Lily is tasked with spinning the enigmatic Helltaker wheel, which determines her fate and companions on her journey. As she makes her choices, Lily ultimately finds herself destined for reincarnation into the surreal world of the Hazbin Hotel.¨ . . Disclaimer: I don't own this show or any characters in it

Apandora · 其他
27 Chs

18. Return

Beelzebub and Lucifer sat together in the void, the darkness around them a stark contrast to the warmth of their conversation. The throne Beelzebub had created from her own essence was now a simple chair, and Lucifer sat opposite her, his perpetual smile casting a slightly eerie glow in the nothingness.

"How long has it been, truly?" Beelzebub asked, her voice soft. She had lost track of time in the void, the days and years blending into a seamless stretch of darkness.

"A few centuries," Lucifer replied, leaning back. "Time flows differently here."

Beelzebub nodded, absorbing the information. "And how is everyone? The other sins?"

Lucifer's smile faltered for a moment. "Corrupted, all of them. Even me, in a sense."

Beelzebub's eyes widened in surprise. "You? Corrupted?"

He chuckled, a light sound that echoed oddly in the void. "Yes, even me. It manifests differently, though. I'm more... fun now, I suppose you could say."

She raised an eyebrow. "Fun?"

"Yes," he continued, "I always have a smile on my face, and I've become quite the entertainer. It's a side effect of the corruption, I suppose. Keeps things interesting."

Beelzebub leaned forward, curious. "And Lilith?"

Lucifer's smile remained, but there was a sadness in his eyes. "She's corrupted too. We aren't in love anymore, just coexisting for Charlie's sake."

Beelzebub was genuinely shocked. "Not in love? I never thought I'd hear that about you two."

He sighed, the sound almost lost in the vast emptiness. "Things change, Beelzebub. We adapt."

There was a moment of silence, both siblings lost in their thoughts. Finally, Lucifer stood up and walked over to Beelzebub, stretching out his hand. "Well, how about we go back?"

Beelzebub looked at him, uncertain. "You mean…"

"Yes," Lucifer nodded. "I will allow you to leave. I'm a little reluctant about releasing you, but I hope I don't regret it."

With a wave of his hand, the void around them shimmered and brightened. Suddenly, Beelzebub found herself back in a room filled with strange artifacts and toys. It was much brighter than the void, almost overwhelming after centuries of darkness.

She felt a familiar presence nearby and made a mischievous smile. Transforming into a fly, she hopped onto Lucifer's shoulder just as he opened the door.

Outside, Charlie was waiting. "Dad, I know that Aunt— I mean Beelzebub did something bad in the past, but can you release her?"

Lucifer, his smile ever-present, responded, "I already did."

Charlie looked confused. "Dad, please, I don't know what she did but… wait, you did?"

"Yes, I did," Lucifer confirmed.

Charlie looked behind Lucifer, but saw no one. "And where is she?"

Lucifer pointed at his shoulder. "Right here."

Charlie glanced at the tiny fly on his shoulder, her skepticism evident. She was about to dismiss it as a normal fly when it started to glow red. In a moment, the fly transformed back into Beelzebub, who immediately enveloped Charlie in a warm hug.

"Little star is such a cutie pie," Beelzebub cooed.

Charlie, though initially startled, couldn't help but smile. She returned the hug, a sense of warmth and family enveloping them.

Lucifer watched the scene, his smile genuine and pleased. For a moment, everything felt right.

Charlie squirmed in Beelzebub's embrace, trying to get free but ultimately accepting her fate as her aunt squeezed her tight. "Aunt, I can't breathe!" Charlie managed to laugh, surrendering to the affectionate hug.

After a minute, Beelzebub finally let her go, looking at Lucifer with a mixture of curiosity and anticipation. "So, what now?"

Lucifer grinned, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "Hmm, don't you want to see how your home is doing? Of course, me and Charlie will go with you."

With a flick of his wrist, Lucifer conjured a portal, its edges adorned with circus-themed motifs. "Why does everything look like a circus?" Beelzebub asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Ah, don't sweat it," Charlie interjected. "Dad loves the circus."

They stepped through the portal and emerged before a towering, eccentric mansion. It looked as if chunks of various buildings had been mashed together, with a giant fly's head at the front gate.

"Wow," Charlie exclaimed, her eyes wide with wonder.

Beelzebub looked up at the mansion, a smirk playing on her lips. "It's bigger and weirder... heh, I like it." She put her fingers to her mouth and whistled sharply.

The front doors flew open with a crash, and before she knew it, Beelzebub was on the ground, being licked by three exuberant girls. "Lady, you're home! Finally, we knew you would come!" they cried.

The three girls were Cerberus, the trio of hyperenergetic hellhounds. Beelzebub laughed, swatting away dust from her clothes as she petted each of them in turn. "Good to see you, girls."

"Welcome back, Master," came a weary voice. Beelzebub looked up to see Pandemonica, with dark circles under her eyes but a relieved expression. "It seems like you took care of the place in my absence."

Pandemonica bowed. "Of course, my Lady. We were waiting for your return."

As Beelzebub surveyed her surroundings, she noticed Justice standing nearby, pointing an accusatory finger at her. "I demand a duel! Do you know I was stuck here all this time because of our contract?"

Beelzebub sighed, rubbing her temples. "Justice, really? The first thing you do when I return is challenge me?"

Justice smirked, her blindfolded eyes somehow conveying a challenge. "You bet! I've been waiting ages for this. Are you going to back down?"

Beelzebub glanced at Lucifer and Charlie, who were watching with a mix of amusement and curiosity. She took a deep breath, feeling the familiar thrill of a challenge rising within her. "Fine. But let's make this quick."

The courtyard of the mansion suddenly cleared, the other demons stepping back to give them space. Beelzebub rolled her shoulders, her eyes gleaming with anticipation. Justice cracked her knuckles, a fierce grin spreading across her face.

Lucifer leaned over to Charlie. "This should be interesting."

Justice moved into a fighting stance, ready to unleash her power. Beelzebub, however, remained still, her expression calm. In a split second, Beelzebub's fist shot forward with blinding speed, striking Justice square in the chest. The impact sent Justice flying backward, crashing into a wall and crumpling to the ground, unconscious.

A stunned silence followed. Beelzebub stood tall, her fist still raised, a satisfied smile on her face. "Yield, Justice," she said, though it was clear Justice was in no condition to respond.

Pandemonica and Cerberus rushed to Justice's side, checking on her while Beelzebub turned to Lucifer and Charlie. "Shall we go inside?"

As they moved towards the mansion, Charlie couldn't help but marvel at the change in her aunt. The darkness of the void seemed a distant memory now, replaced by a vibrant, chaotic life. Beelzebub was home, and things were about to get interesting.

Inside, the mansion was a blend of surreal and extravagant, with rooms that defied conventional architecture and décor that ranged from the opulent to the bizarre. Beelzebub led them to a grand sitting room, where they settled into plush chairs.

Lucifer leaned back, his ever-present smile in place. "So, Beelzebub, what are your plans now that you're back?"

Beelzebub shrugged, her eyes gleaming with possibilities. "Rebuild, reconnect, maybe throw a few parties. Hell's been a bit dull without me, don't you think?"

Charlie giggled, her earlier unease melting away. "I think it sounds like a lot of fun."

Lucifer watched the reunion with satisfaction. "Charlie," he began, his tone gentle but firm, "I have something to tell you."

Charlie looked up at him, curiosity in her eyes. "What is it, Dad?"

Lucifer's smile faded slightly. "You won't be attending the party. It's too dangerous, even for you."

Charlie's face fell, disappointment clear in her eyes. "But, Dad..."

"No buts, Charlie," Lucifer said, his tone leaving no room for argument. "It's for your own safety."

Beelzebub looked at Lucifer, then at Charlie. "He's right, little star. These parties can get a bit... wild. It's better if you stay safe."

Charlie sighed, reluctantly nodding. "Okay, I understand."

As they continued to talk, Beelzebub felt a sense of belonging she hadn't realized she'd missed. 

(End of a chapter)