
Never one for trust

Ash has never fit in, her parents always pushed her to be the best, but she was never good enough, no matter how many combat styles she mastered, or how many gymnastics levels she passed, or what grades she got, or how powerful her quirk was, they rejected her. She could never be as perfect as the son her parents wanted, but could never have. Ash had always idolize heroes, they always saved people and stoped the bad guys, but as she grew older, they never saved her from the constant longing in her chest, and the more time that passed, the more she realized how corrupt the hero society really was. A hero was more likely to save a small group of people in a burning building while the world was watching, than a hundred people in trouble, underground that the world would never see. Izuku Midoria, a quirk-less child who only ever wanted to save people. Rejected by his parents, his best friend, and his hero. Questions his value as a person. He trains every day trying to find some worth in himself. That's how he meets Ash. And both of them choose to fight crime from the shadows, away from the lime light of the media. Join them as they go on a journey to not only save others, but themselves, discovering their own self worth, and worth to the world.

autumnherman9 · 漫画同人
3 Chs

Chapter 3: Night

   I had woken up about two hours ago and started looking through the ten storage boxes of notebooks filled with names, information, and any other things know about known villains, crime groups, or just common criminals in Japan.

Izuku had created the "Information Station", as he called it, not long after he joined. We both had spent endless nights and weekends working on it, trying our best to keep it up to date.

A few months ago I was able to get into the police database, and we transferred all the information they had to paper, then the boxes.

The only time we ever used the files from their database was when a villain was frequently active, and the police and heroes had no leads.

The police files on criminal groups, and gangs, were the files I was going through now. But three boxes, and two hours later...

And I had nothing on who the villains I had fought last night. Normally I wouldn't classify the thugs that I fought in allies with as villains. I wasn't like the heroes. They used the term villain to widely. Not every thug, or criminal that got on the wrong side of the law was a villain. I classified villains as a person, or people who constantly brake the law, and commit organized crime.

Heroes seem to classify villains as anyone who disagreed with, or was against them.

Izuku and I had been refereed to as villains by the heroes multiple times. In news reports, or public broadcasting when people start to question the heroes on weather, or not our work, or vigilante work in general helps society, and if the heroes really need to hunt us down. Most of the heroes responded the same way, "they use their quirks to harm others, and run around doing as they please without laws or restrictions, and as far as the hero society is concerned, they are more dangerous than average everyday villains because they believe what they are doing is just, and that killing a criminal, or harming them does not matter. Heroes have regulations, all these so called vigilantes have, is anarchy."

One long speech that means basically means, "we don't control them."

"What are you working on?"

I jumped, not realizing that Izuku had woken up.

"Just lookIng  for who those guys from last night could be." I replied after recovering from the minor heart attack. He sat down next to me looking through the files I had laying out in front of me. "It looks like your having no luck."

I laughed at his stab of humor, "looks and feels that way."

He smiled and looked at the boxes I had gone through. "If you haven't found anything yet, I doubt you'll find anything in the other boxes, and we have to go soon."

I looked at the front door, barely any light was coming through, I took out my phone and looked at the time. It was almost sunset. "I guess we better get ready. What should we wear?"

Izuku didn't answer for a few minutes, I just sat there waiting for his answer, "we're the guys in formal, or casual attire?"

I thought back to the fight, "they were in muscle shirts and shorts, and both had a lot of tats."

He smiled, and I grimaced knowing what was coming.

"It's time to get out the clubbing clothes."

I groaned, my older sister and brother, who happened to be twins, had loved clubbing, I still had a lot of their old clothes, including fake tattoo sleeves, and fake piercings. I went to the storages boxes where the driver seat use to be. I pulled out the bright pink box and opened the lid. I grabbed a red laced bra, and a long sleeve fishnet shirt, and a black and red tattoo sleeve that was covered in cards, poker chips, and a snooker table. Izuku came up next to me and grabbed a tribal tattered top and ripped jeans, along with a tattoo sleeve covered in skulls. He went to the back of the bus and faced the wall as he took off his workout clothes. I faced the front of the bus and stripped from my outfit. I put the tattoo sleeve over the arm that had the cut from earlier. The cut had sealed nicely and wasn't noticeable under the sleeve and the fishnet shirt. I forgot to grab a pair of pants from the box so went back to get a pair of black short shorts, with a chain and skull embroidery. After I put those on I grabbed a pair of knee-high buckle platform boots and the makeup bag.

I looked in the mirror and applied heavy cat eye eyeliner, with scarlet red eyeshadow. I painted my lips a raven black color, and put on a few earrings, and a laced choker. Lastly to top it off, I put on a leather vest.

"You decent." I turned around. Izuku was dressed and still facing the wall.

"Yea I'm dressed." He turned around and smiled, "you look nice."

In my opinion, I looked terrible, my sister was a lot of things, but subtle wasn't one of them. She always had to make sure everyone in the room was looking at her.

Izuku had combed his hair over to the side and slicked one side back giving him the appearance of an undercut. Overall he looked like he belonged in a club.

"We should get going."

I nodded, and grabbed my purse.

We walked out of the bus and into the junk yard. I grabbed Izuku's hand and covered myself and Izuku in a suit of shadows. I formed large wings on my back and took off into the clouds with Izuku in tow.

The sun was fading quickly, slowly disappearing in the horizon.

We made it to Tokyo quickly, flying is a much faster than a subway, but the issue wasn't getting there, it was landing. It was still early in the evening and the amount of heroes and pedestrians out on the streets was high, and Izuku and I weren't in our costumes. So instead I made a massive black cloud the covered over a mile. As soon we landed the cloud disappeared along with our suits of shadow. We walked out onto the street and tried to act as confused as the rest the civilians as we made our way to the clubs. Izuku turned left at the intersection and I went right. The truth was there was about fifty thousand clubs in Tokyo, but me and Izuku could only go to two, so we chose the two that were most known for criminal activities.

Izuku would go to a dive bar that was frequented by men and gangs, and I would go to a club that was a common place for deals between gangs and mafias, but most importantly they were served by beautiful women. As much as the idea disgusted me it killed two birds with one stone. I could listen in on what they were saying and also makes some extra cash.


In some meeting room at some agency in Tokyo (no ones POV)

Ten of the higher up heroes in the Tokyo area had gathered in a meeting room to discuss the vigilantes, and the black cloud that had gathered over Tokyo. Eraserhead was rubbing his forehead as Endeavor and Gang Orca were arguing.

"That had to be Anamega, it was exactly like the cloud she used to escape us last night."

Endeavor slammed his fist into the table leaving a small crack. Gang Orca sighed.

"There are hundreds of heroes, villains, and civilians have capabilities to create a smoke screen like that, and she never comes to the same city two nights in a row, and she's never out before nine thirty. Why would she brake every habit, and schedule she has, including heavy use of her quirk, and causing a scene and drawing attention."

Endeavor ground his teeth, and was about to give a piece of his mind, but Eraser beat him to it.

"Orca is right, and it's a strong possibility that she was leaving the city, she obtained some serious injuries. My opinion on this operation is still the same, it's a waste of resources and time, but because it was an executive decision I'm going along with this stupid thing. Hawks and any other hero and sidekick with an areal based quirks are in the sky looking for anyone that isn't supposed to be there."

Everyone sat stunned looking at Eraser. Endeavor was the first to speak up.

"What do you mean a waste of time! Those vigilantes are no better than villains! They illegally use their quirks to harm others, even if they're villains. But now they have the strength and capabilities of some high ranking heroes and their getting stronger!"

Some others in the room nodded, Kaminari Woods stood up.

"Eraser is right, Both vigilantes rarely use their quirks in battle, Hawks said it yesterday, even though the villains she was fighting had strong quirks, and she was seriously injured, she still was hesitant to use her quirk in the fight. Most villains that her, and the other vigilante catch only have minor injuries, broken bones at worse. We aren't even sure what the other vigilantes quirk is, all we know is that he has a wide range of combat abilities, and only one known interaction with Anamega." He sat down and Cementos stood up.

"What are you saying, they might not be related, or in league with each other?"

Eraser shook his head,

"Anamega has had interactions with other vigilantes, but he was the only one she actually interacted with, and based on our current knowledge of their schedule both of them broke normality for that meeting. They at least have to have some type of contact with each other, even if it's not major. But still — we expended nine of the top heroes to only learn a little more about her quirk and fighting capabilities, it would take eighteen or more heroes to try and catch both of them in the same night, and chances are they'll change their schedule. It took us over two months to even narrow their possible potential locations. And we blew our one chance to get one of them, we need a new plan."


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