
Never one for trust

Ash has never fit in, her parents always pushed her to be the best, but she was never good enough, no matter how many combat styles she mastered, or how many gymnastics levels she passed, or what grades she got, or how powerful her quirk was, they rejected her. She could never be as perfect as the son her parents wanted, but could never have. Ash had always idolize heroes, they always saved people and stoped the bad guys, but as she grew older, they never saved her from the constant longing in her chest, and the more time that passed, the more she realized how corrupt the hero society really was. A hero was more likely to save a small group of people in a burning building while the world was watching, than a hundred people in trouble, underground that the world would never see. Izuku Midoria, a quirk-less child who only ever wanted to save people. Rejected by his parents, his best friend, and his hero. Questions his value as a person. He trains every day trying to find some worth in himself. That's how he meets Ash. And both of them choose to fight crime from the shadows, away from the lime light of the media. Join them as they go on a journey to not only save others, but themselves, discovering their own self worth, and worth to the world.

autumnherman9 · 漫画同人
3 Chs

Chapter 1: Different

I jumped from rooftop, to rooftop crouching down trying to avoid detection from the streets. Not that there where many people milling around the low rent district of Tokyo in a rain storm at ten in the evening. In my entire time patrolling I had only seen one hero, if you could even call him that. He was a sidekick, and his quirk only allowed him to create small flashes of light that could be any color, the only thing he could do was illuminate a dark ally.

I wasn't surprised when I heard a scream two blocks south of me, nor was I surprised that; even though I move quickly, it still took me a good amount of time to get to the location of the scream; no one had come to investigate the scream, or even call the police.

The scream belonged to a young woman, maybe in her young twenty's. By the state of her clothing she wasn't rich. She was being pined to the wall by two men who were smirking, and taunting her. This wasn't an uncommon sight, two men that had been a little mischievous as teens, looking for some "fun", as they usually called it. They normally had low level quirks, and could barely throw a decent punch.

I dropped into the ally, making plenty of noise. The two crooks turned around scowls on their faces. The larger of the two spoke first, he was clearly drunk, his words were slurred.

"Look, I can tell your no hero, your that Vigilante Anna-ogman, or something like that, you have no idea who your messing with, no hero-reject is going to win against us. So just turn a blind eye and go get some ramen or something."

The fact that he thought I was reject amused me. And it kind of made me mad that he butchered my name.

I smiled, but not in a nice way, a sinister smile that could melt solid rock. "If you think I'm just going to let you hurt that poor woman, your sorely mistaken."

His scowl deepened, a yellow ball of condensed energy appeared in his hand, and his partner's hand turned into gleaming blades dripping with poison. Their quirks were more than low level, and their fighting stance left no clear opening. Who are these guys? As the question formed in my mind, they ran forward, they were fast, and their attacks were ruthless. The guy with the energy quirk was much more dangerous. His first punch pasted by me harmlessly slamming into the wall behind me, it left a massive creator in the brick, and cracks formed up the building. If I take a direct hit from one of those punches it will shatter half the bones in my body. Distracted from the first attacker, I didn't see the second one come up behind me. His first strike barely missed my neck, but I didn't have time dodge the second one. The blade cut into my forearm, leaving a deep gash. I quickly cut off my blood circulation to that arm and pushed out the poison using my quirk:

Shadow: A black mist the user can control to make solid objects and move them. The objects can be 10 times harder than steal, or as soft as a pillow. It can also be used as strings, wings, or armor.

My left arm was now immobile, and even though I blocked the cut, I still lost a lot of blood getting rid of the poison.

These attackers are a lot more powerful than the normal thugs that I "run into", but I still don't want to go all out against them. The heroes are already on my back for just going after thugs, but I think they would be far more motivated to catch me if I severely injured them, criminals or no.

I didn't have time to make up my mind. A blast of fire knocked both of them out before I had a chance to do so myself. I looked in the direction of the blast, and sure enough Endevor and Hawks stood at the entrance of the ally way.

I took that as my invitation to get the heck out of there.

Large black wings formed on my back as I shot into the sky. Hawks was fast on by trail shooting his crimson red feathers at me trying to know me out of the sky. I dodge each one effortlessly wondering how the number two and three heroes found my location.

I figured that someone would call the pros after the first attack, but I wasn't expecting any of the top ten heroes to show up, must less the top two and three.

Focused on Hawk's relentless attacks, I didn't notice the small black clad figure standing on a rooftop a few buildings away from the ally. Not until I was plummeting from one hundred and fifty feet to the concrete road below. That's when I saw Eraserhead, the Eraser hero.

A little preoccupied with trying to not plummet to my death, I didn't see Hawks racing to catch me with a pair of antiquirk handcuffs.

The good news was I wasn't going to die, the bad news was, I now had no quirk and was restrained by the number three hero, with Eraserhead, and the number two hero below.

So I did the only logical thing I could do.

As soon as we landed, I lashed out with a violent variety of kicks, and ran as fast as I could away from the heroes, while using one of my small daggers to get out of the cuffs.

It only took a few seconds to get out of the cuffs, and as soon as I was free of their effects, I created a massive black cloud from my black mist. I used the cover to climb a nearby fire escape, and hide on the roof in an AC vent thing. As soon as I was safely hidden the black mist disappeared in an instant leaving three confused heroes.

As I relax a little, the soreness and blood lose consume me. My eyelids start to drop, and the darkness of the AC vent consumed me, as I fall into a deep sleep.


My eyes slowly open at the sound of a loud honk, everything hurts, my arm the most, I'm groggy and it takes me a couple seconds to recall where I am. Another loud honk jolts me back into reality.

The fight.

The heroes.

The AC vent.

I pull my cellphone out of my back pocket. Twenty-three unread messages from "Tom". I don't actually know anyone named Tom, but if I was caught, my phone would be the first thing they searched. It was disposable and untraceable just like "Tom's", but having his real name defeated the purpose of an untraceable phone.

I sent a quick message telling him I was ok before unhooking both of my utilities belts.

I opened the largest pocket on the one that fit like a normal belt. Inside was a skin tight long sleeve white shirt. A pink and white skirt, and white tights. I took off my hooded black tunic, and black undershirt to reveal a pink tank top, I took off the tank top and put the white shirt on, the put the pink tank top on over it. I removed my black ankle boots, before taking off my black leggings and replacing them with the white leggings. I put on the skirt, tucking in my shirt and tank top. Using my quirk, I created a black backpack placing my weapons and vigilante costume inside. Lastly I put on my black boots and put my long black hair into pigtails.

I looked stupid, but my entire persona had changed.

I cautiously opened the vent and stepped out. I made my way down the fire escape into the ally bellow. I stepped into the moderate morning foot traffic on the Main Street and began the two mile walk to the subway station.

I was tall, and even though I was fifteen, I looked old for my age, with the bold eyeliner and eyelashes. The childish outfit earned me a lot of strange looks even though the soft school girl look was common in Japan.

It took me about a thirty minutes to walk to the subway station. Luckily I had remembered one of my many subway passes, and was able to get on the train heading north pretty quickly.

The Musutafu, Shizuoka Prefecture that was about an hour from Tokyo by train. Normally I can fly, which cuts that time in half, but I can't fly without catching several hundred peoples attention.

By the time I got to my destination, it was almost noon. After the Subway ride, I walked another three miles to the Takoba Municipal Beach Park, that was covered in old appliances and other forms of forgotten litter, piled high in trash "mountains", as most people call them. I went straight to the tallest one. I squeezed in between an old metal cabinet and two stacked washers. There was a small gap in between the cabinets and the washers, and an old abandoned tour bus was underneath the massive pile of trash. The doors were stuck open, like every time I had been to the bus. As I walked up bus stairs, I saw a boy, about my age with green hair, ferociously punching, and kicking an old beat up boxing bag at the back of the bus. I saw his backpack and vigilante costume on one of the few bus seats at the front of the bus that had not been removed.

It wasn't surprising that he had stayed the night here after his patrol. His father had left when he was young, and his mom couldn't care less about him, so on the weekends he stayed at our hideout and trained.

His cot on the left side of the bus was neat and looked un-slept in, meaning he didn't go to sleep after his patrol.

I set my backpack on one of the unoccupied seats and let it turn to black mist again. My costume and weapon spread out over the seat in disarray. I didn't bother organizing them.

The boy stopped assaulting the punching bag and turned to to look at me. His facial expression was somewhere between relived and furious. Before I had a chance to explain my nightly tabokal he came forward holding one finger up, and shouted, pointing at me like and accusation, "do you know how worried I was! You didn't report anything to me last night, or reply to my text messages—oh, except for a quick, 'I'm fine', at TEN O'CLOCK THIS MORNING! I thought you might have been killed, or captured, or bleeding out in an ally, or halfway to Timbuktu!",

I gave him a second to make sure he was done, "Timbuktu?" I questioned laughing a little.

His face turned bright red, "that's not the point!"

He tried to hid it, but I saw a small smile on the corner of his mouth.

I held up my hands in surrender. "Okay Izuku let me explain."

I then went into a recap of all the things that had happened, from the two overly powerful thugs, to the heroes.

When I stopped he was silent for a few minutes, probably going through everything I said.

He looked up at me, "the number two and three heroes were both there?" I nodded, "Both appeared a few minutes after my fight started, which means someone definitely reported it. I just—, I don't know why Endeavor, Hawks, and Eraserhead would be in the low rent district of Tokyo."

Izuku went straight into deep thought again, muttering as he did so, "If three of the most skilled heroes appeared in one of the areas she could be based on our normal schedule it's safe to assume that they have a pretty accurate idea of what our schedule is, but they had a one and three chance of choosing the right location, so it's safe to assume there was also another team of heroes at the other two locations, and of course no hero team went after me tonight, so that could be because none of my fights were reported, or they see her as the bigger threat because of her quirk, and they didn't have enough man power to spare eighteen heroes when they knew for sure we would only be at one location, or if they were wrong, deployed eighteen heroes to locations were their targets wouldn't be..."

"IZUKU!" I shouted for the second time. He looked up at me,

"I was muttering again, wasn't I?"

I laughed, "yeah, but you made some good points— oh, don't give me that look, you did."

His face was tomato red.

He looked at me, "we should go together to Tokyo tonight, the heroes wouldn't except it, and we can learn more about the villains."

He made a good point. We never go to the same location two nights in a row, and we also never patrol together.

"Alright, but not unless you get some sleep."

He nodded agreeing before stripping down to his boxers and getting under the blanket on his cot.

I treated and stitched up my arm, then wrapped  it with an ace bandage, and getting under my covers on and identical cot on the opposite side of the bus, not even bothering to remove my clothes.

It didn't take long before I drifted off to sleep thinking about what tonight would bring...