
~Chapter 5~

Kirael's PoV

I woke up in a room full of sunlight. I crawled down the floor and bask under it. Feeling the warmth that embraces my body. For a long time, this is the first time I experience such warmth. I wish my Mom was here too. Its been a week since the Alpha rescued us and she hasn't waken up yet. Doctor Leonor told me that they were running some tests when my Mother had a sudden cardiac arrest, then went into coma state. I also thanked the Alpha King for giving his blood. Without it, my Mom will surely die.

Mr. and Mrs. Russo are the one who's taking care of me now, since the King is also busy at the moment, interrogating the leaders of the Strong Winds pack

"Why are you basking in the sunlight?" Dale said.

"Don't you know that its too hot" his twin Dylan said.

"Just ignore them Kirael and...twins! What did I tell you about meedling on someone's business?!" Their mother Julia sneered at them.

"We're just curious Mom" Dale whined. Then the twins decided to lie down beside me.

Right now, I'm thankful that they became my friends. They somehow make my life, livelier. Especially now that my Mother is sick.

The twins were two years older than me. They kept me busy by playing and teaching me how to read and write. In the afternoon, they go with me to visit my Mom. While on mornings and evenings, they feed me like a pig. The twins said that I'm too little for a six years old kid and my mom will be sad if she saw me thin and small. So I just decided to obey what they said and eat lots of food.

"Kirael, Doctor Leonor has something to tell you and she needs you there right now." Mrs. Julia informed me while she cooks food for us.

"Why would she ask a Kid to go there in an instant. Doesn't she know that its too early in the morning and our Kirael haven't eaten any food." Mr. Carlo exclaimed and snuggle his cheeks on mine.

"Dad is right!" Dale and Dylan both said.

"Its probably important Mr. Russo." I reason out with them.

"That old hag is just bullying you." Dale yelled out.

"Watch your mouth!" Mrs. Russo confronted her son.

"Call me Papa." Mr. Russo said and tries to act cute.

"Then call me cool brother." Dylan add up.

"I'm the cool brother in this house Dylan." Dale taunted.

I can't believe this family. Their temper and mood swings are so difficult to deal with. The twins kept on fighting while their parents tries to stop them. A few minutes later, we heard a knock on the door. Mr. Russo walk to open the door and to our surprise, we saw Doctor Leonor.

"We're actually getting ready to head out the to the hospital." He bluff.

Doctor Leonor glance around the house. "Tsk! Don't fool me. I've known you since you're in diapers and you dare lie to this old woman." And pinch Mr. Russo's ear.

"Now that I'm here, I'll get straight to the point. Your mom woke up." She smiled at me.

I on the other hand, just stood there. Mix emotions came flooding in me. I don't know if I will cry or rejoice, now that my mom is awake. A tear slipped my eye. Doctor Leonor pull me to her embrace as she try to ease me.

"There...there...your mother will be sad if she saw you. Let's go! She's been waiting for you. Ever since she woke up at dawn, she did not want to close her eyes for a second." Doctor Leonor trying to console and assure me about my Mom.

"Don't tell me that you're going to your mom like that." Dylan boldly remark. "Since I'm your cool brother. I'll dress you up." Dragging me into his room.

Half an hour passed. I'm glad that we're done. I can finally meet my mother.


Cassius PoV

A hell of a week. I massage my temples to ease my migraine. Starting from the war, to meeting my mate and her child. I haven't sleep properly. My Beta said, I was worrying too much for the mother and child. How can I not? When we both know that they're still endanger, as long as that bastard is alive.

"Alpha" My Gamma linked me. He sounds happy for some reason. Probably Kirael showed off. He's a talented kid and I'm sure his mom would be proud to see him grow and progress in learning. Its been a week since he's been living with my Gamma. The Russo family always tell me through our pack link that Kirael is doing well.

I was lost in thought and forgot about my Gamma. "Alpha?" Carlo asked.

"Yeah I'm here. If its not important, don't bother."

"Kirael's mom is awake. We'll go to the hospital now. Better hurry. See you!" He said and cut off our link.

That sneeky bastard. I left all my work and instantly head to the hospital. Its a ten minutes drive from my office. I jog at the hospital's hallway to get into my mate's room in an instant. But the old hag block me.

"If I remember correctly. I never invited someone named Cassius". Leonor stroll around me.

"Leonor." I warned, calling her name.

She hit my nape and slap my back multiple times. "Is that how you treat your elder? You wench Alpha."

"Ow, stop it. I understand why you didn't want me here, but let me see her for a moment." Trying to rationalize with her.

"Okay but before you go there. You're probably aware that her wolf is either dead or blocking anyone off." She carefully explained.

"The bond is faint, meaning her wolf is still there. But one thing is for sure, her wolf won't let her know about our bond." Was my only reply. Acknowledging that what she said was true.

My mate's wolf is blocking anyone and does not want a mate. Its not a surprise to know that her wolf doesn't trust anyone.

I slowly went inside my mate's room and saw her and Kirael with the Russo Family surrounding them.

"You're here Sir!" Kirael hurriedly pull off to her mom's embrace. "Come here, I'll introduce you to my Mom." He held my hand, guiding me to a chair beside her Mom's bed.

"Hon, I think we should go now." Mrs. Russo implied.

"Okay, kids say bye to Kirael and his Mom"

"Bye!" They wave off. And hurriedly get outside, giving us some privacy.

I am stunned at my mate. Even if she's sick, how can she be this gorgeous? Her jet black hair is tied up in a messy bun. Her eyes lit up like a sun. Its so golden. Although she's wearing an oxygen mask. I can see that she has plump lips. She has a beautiful collar bone as well. Now that I think about it, she looks like someone I know from the Academy.

"Sir are you alright?" Kirael ask me.

"Yeah, I was just thinking of work." I lied at him. If I tell you that I was checking out on your Mom, you will probably get mad at me.

"Mom, he's the man that saved us. He's the Alpha King. I told you he's a good guy!" He said in a bubbly tone.

My mate removed her oxygen mask and say, "Thank you Alpha." Bowing her head. I stood up on my seat and stop her from bowing down on me.

"Please don't do that. You're sick and formality is not observe in the hospital." The truth is, there's no such rule. I just don't like my mate bowing down.

"Is that so?" Tilting her cute head.

"I think we haven't properly introduced ourselves to each other. My name is Cassius Darakin, I am the Alpha of Black Moon Pack and King of wolves."

"My name is Cleo Theron"

"Theron?" My eyes widen in shock.

"Its my Mother who is a Theron. My Father is Greyson Barlowe and my brother is Mikira Barlowe. You probably met my brother at the academy." She weakly smiled.

Not knowing what to say, I decided to sit down. I should've slept properly this past few days. My mind is shutting off. Is this what they call Information overload?