
Chapter 761

At first Cedric thought both men wouldn't speak, it seemed that whoever was behind the attack were people they feared beyond Cedric.

So when they finally spoke again, Cedric was quite surprised.

"The Rajas." The first man said. "They want to come back."

"The Rajas will never make a comeback." Alexi hissed. "Their ideologies and old ways are rotten to the core, people know better now."

"And yet you still pull the strings behind the people's backs." The second man said with a laugh. "You are no better than them, but at least with the Rajas people are aware of the manipulation." He dared accuse Alexi.

Alexi raised an arm to punch the man, but he was quickly stopped by Cedric.

"Don't, they aren't worth it." Cedric said as he shook his head.

Alexi sighed, he wasn't happy, but he knew Cedric was right. Attacking the man would only make him look guilty.

"We don't manipulate people." Alexi finally said as he tried to keep a calm demeanor.