
Chapter 748

Knowing that it was his friend that had been trying to take down the so-called video evidence from the internet made Cedric feel a whole lot better.

Guan Ming was someone Cedric had met when he was an assistant at Mor Co. in one of the numerous international conventions he had to attend.

The Guan Ming back then was quite different from the person he had become. Like Cedric his life had improved drastically, building his own company from the ground up and driving it to the top.

"It seems your friend realized that we wanted the video to stay online." Ian said with a chuckle as he closed his laptop and put it away.

"He probably figured that  out when you guys were trying to find him." Cedric said with a grin.

"Ming, it's a common Chinese name. I met someone named Ming before." Ian told Cedric.

"They probably aren't the same person. This one is quite odd." Cedric said with a laugh as he recalled how people didn't exactly get along with Guan Ming.