
Chapter 727

As Cedric got into his car he slumped back on his seat and closed his eyes to calm himself.

"What happened there?" Ian said as he had noticed the visible expression of irritation on Cedric's face as he walked out of the room.

Most people would have thought Cedric was calm and rational, but Ian had worked with Cedric long enough to know when something was bothering him. 

"Well for one we were right." Cedric said with a sigh. "I really didn't want to be right this time, but the mayor is corrupt. He offered that he could change the mind of the property owners if we paid him."

"Cedric, we both knew there was an extremely high chance of this being true." Ian said as he placed a hand on his friend's shoulder. "What do you want to do now?" He asked.

"We've only seen one half of the puzzle." Cedric said, shaking his head. "I think there is more to this matter than a simple bribe."