
Chapter 629

[Warning: Sexual Content || The events in the chapter will not be relevant to the plot or the development of the story.]

Cedric opened the huge window in his and Adrianna's room as he got up in the morning. He smiled as the rays of sunlight peeked into the room. He needed today to be a sunny day so that his father and the other dads would go out for golf.

When they had left the Chan mansion last night the rain had begun to pour, Cedric was sure that after that everyone ended up going home.

Cedric frowned as he remembered Eric's suggestion before they had left. It wasn't something he wanted to happen, but Eric was right, it was still his family and he needed to feel he had done something for them in some way. 

He wanted to make sure that Eric's return would be a worst case scenario plan. Once the world knew that Eric was from that family he could never go back to just being him. People will always think that everything he got was because he was a Chan.